Linking and Illegal Trespassing Assignment

Linking and Illegal Trespassing Assignment Words: 355

Bidder’s Edge was different than EBay normal customers for a few reasons. Bidder’s Edge searched for bids on EBay to compare with bids from other bidding sites to find the best bids for customers. Bidders Edge could have potentially slowed the access to EBay’s actual customers on EBay’s site directly (The Recorder, 2000). I feel EBay gained concern because this process could have lost them potential or current customers. For example, if EBay was being compared to other bidding websites with low bids, then it would be obvious that EBay would not be chosen by bidders.

Bidders Edge for me seems a lot like Amazon. Amazon compares several stores prices to find their customers the lowest price. The difference with Amazon is that they only search stores that have granted them the permission to do so. Also unlike a bidding website, all prices are as IS. Traditional trespass to personal property is entering a premise without permission, misusing or damaging the owner’s property and also preventing the owner of said property from using the property as the owner intended (Bick, 2000).

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The difference between traditional trespassing and to personal property iffers from the California definition of trespassing to computer services is vastly. Where with the traditional trespass to personal property is easy to prove, the California definition of trespassing to computer services is not. California definition of trespassing to computer services states that the owner of web site has to prove that the use by trespasser has caused injury to web site or owner. Being that a majority of the internet is public access, it can be hard to not allow access to certain individuals and companies while considering themselves a ublic website.

Also an internet site is much easier to access than a physical property and harder to prove. Reference The Recorder (May 26, 2000) Trampling through the websites- When is “Linking an illegal Trespass? Lead Story Dateline Retrieved from AIU Legal and Ethical Environment of Business course assignment list Unit Two article. Bick, J. (August 21, 2000) e-Trespass. New York Law Journal: New York Law Publishing Company.

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