Life story Assignment

Life story Assignment Words: 3119

This weeks lecture, interviews, readings and assignments focus on examples of action research in educational settings. These examples will help you begin to identify your topic for your action research project and provide you with a clear purpose describing why this action research project is important in your professional development. Here are the Learning and Performance Outcomes for Week Two: Learning Outcomes 1) Identify possible action research topics from the intern plan developed in DELL 5311 and skills needed to successfully lead the research project. ) Be familiar with areas frequently identified by school leaders needing further research (e. G. , school ND curriculum development, school culture/campus improvement, school performance in reducing achievement gaps, etc. ). Performance Outcomes: 1) Describe some examples of action research from reviewing interviews with current school leaders. 2) Review your internship plan and meet with the site supervisor to brainstorm potential needed and/or desired research topics. ) Using Leading with passion and knowledge: The principal as action researcher, identify at least nine areas that are common targets or themes of school-based action research. Rubric Use the following Rubric to guide your work on the Week 2 Assignment. Tasks I Accomplished evidence suggests that this work is a “Habit of Mind. ” The educator is ready to mentor others in this area. I Proficient evidence suggests that performance on this work matches that of a strong educator. I Needs Improvement evidence does not yet make the case for the educator being proficient at this task.

I Action Research – Lessons from Scholar Practitioners I Student selects two of the interviewed scholars and clearly answers questions thoroughly, and for each selected scholar, the student identifies at least one topic for action research; suggestions for conducting action research; and writes a meaningful reflection on lessons learned from the interviews. (3 Points) I Student selects two of the interviewed scholars and attempts to answer questions, but does not thoroughly address all three areas addressed in the activity. 2 Points) I Student only comments on one Interviewer canola Ana does not tenuously respond to all areas reassess in the activity. (1 Point) I Common action research topics in educational settings I Student clearly identifies eight or nine of the text topics and provides an example of action research for each of those 8 or 9 areas, along with explaining the benefit(s) of conducting action research in each of the identified topics. Student basically receives a full point for each topic identified and providing thorough responses to each topic. 8 – 9 Points) I Student identifies six or seven of the text topics and provides an example of action research for each of those 6 or 7 areas, along with explaining the benefit(s) of conducting action research in each of the identified topics. Student basically receives a full point for each topic identified and providing responses to ACH topic. (6 – 7 Points) I Student identifies five or fewer of the text topics and provides an example of action research for each of those 8 or 9 areas, along with explaining the benefit(s) of conducting action research in each of the identified topics.

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Student basically receives a full point for each topic identified and providing thorough responses to each topic. (l – 5 Points) I Selecting an Action Research Topic I Student follows directions and provides thorough responses to the following: * Identify at least three topics for possible action research * Describe the inference with the site supervisor(s) regarding topics of interest for action research * Describe the topic or problem agreed upon for the action research project. 3 Points) I Student responds to only two of the following activities: * Identify at least three topics for possible action research * Describe the conference with the site supervisor(s) regarding topics of interest for action research

Timothy Chargers, Director of Research, Planning and Development in Beaumont KIDS * Dry. Kirk Lewis, Superintendent, Pasadena KIDS After watching and listening to these three scholar practitioners, select two of them and answer the following based on the comments from the two interviews you analyzed: 1 . Identify the scholars you selected For each scholar, answer the following: TTY at least one area or topic Tort Acton research leaches Day can canola. 3. Describe at least one suggestion or purpose described by each scholar for conducting action research.

The professors strongly suggest that you examine this website, also referenced in the Resource Section of the Course. Workspace Complete your work on Part 1 of this assignment below. The box will expand as you type. After watching and listening to the videos on Action Research Lesson from Scholar Practitioners, I decided to analyze the interview comments presented by:Dry. Chargers: Effective or Ineffective Teachers: use of survey questionnaires to compile data.

Research to find out “What are teachers doing that show ethical responsibility toward students and student achievement? ” Mr… Bribers: TASK Team Meetings: teachers share what works for their students. Chargers commented on the Dell Foundation project that teaches teachers in IBIS how to be data-driven. The goal is to use data to impact instruction tomorrow compared to the “old days” when everyone had to wait for data to come in before it could be utilized. Use services or software manipulate and make predictions to change something to day to impact how teachers teach tomorrow.

Bribers commented that teachers at Rancho Isabella Elementary use data to help them identify students’ area of weaknesses and strengths. He also stated, rather emphatically, that his teachers had better know what students in their classes were doing on TASK. He also said that numbers do not tell the whole story about a student’s success or failure; they focus on qualitative side of why a student may not be successful. He commented further saying that we should look at the environment of the student before it gets too late.

Harris, Edmondson, and Combs (2010) confers that, “Qualitative techniques allows one to gather data that will fill in the gaps left by numerical data. Qualitative inquiry facilitates the understanding of people, places, and things (p. 37). What I learned from watching and listening to these scholars is that teachers need to understand that they must produce results and improve student performance. Therefore, data-driven research is very important. Since student success is the ultimate goal, developing pepper understanding is critical puzzle piece for solving school improvement.

It allows the educational leader and teachers to make meaning of the situation, to unreason winy Instead AT Just want. Week Two Assignment, Part 2 – Common Action Research Topics in School Settings Read chapter two, The Passions That Drive Your Journey, from the Dana text, up. 29 – 68, and focus on the following nine areas that the author describes as major wondering of many school leaders: 1 . Staff development 2. Curriculum development 3. Individual teacher(s) 4. Individual student(s) 5. School culture/community 6. Leadership . Management 8.

School performance 9. Social Justice or equity issues For each of the identified areas, do the following: * Provide at least one example of action research in each of the nine areas Describe why this might be an important area for action research in schools Complete your work on Part 2 of this assignment below. The box will expand as you type. According to our Dana (2009) text “Leading with Passion and Knowledge: The Principal sanction Researcher”, there are nine common action research passions, or topic areas, international settings.

The following examples of action research, and heir associated potentialities, are based upon information contained in this text, and include:l . Staff Development : An example of action research in this area is performing research to determine how peer coaching or peer mentoring might be utilized to help new and veteran teachers continue to learn and grow in their current job, and how the school’s Principal can implement and assist with this process. According to Roland Birth (1981): Nothing within a school has more impact upon students in terms of skills development, self-confidence, or classroom behavior than he personal and professional growth of their teachers…. When teachers stop growing, so do their students” (Dana, 2009, p. 32). The importance of ongoing professional development will keep teachers up-to-date on new research on how children learn, emerging technology tools for the classroom, and new curriculum resources. 2.

Curriculum Development: Action research in this area is exemplified by the topic question “In what ways has engagement in a cross-school curriculum project affected our school community? ” According to Dana (2009), A quality curriculum is essential in achieving educational excellence (p. 5). Success in the classroom is linked to curriculum development dealing with what to teach and how to teach. Barr and Barrett (2007), states that, “Schools and districts must also coordinate the curriculum in order to ensure continuity between classrooms” (p. 146).

Curriculum development is the process of setting up and establishing specific guidelines of instruction for the curriculum. It is the organized preparation of whatever is going to be taught in schools at a given time in a given year. “The task of developing, aligning, managing, and monitoring a curriculum that is consistent to tankards, assessments, Ana Instruction (ten taught curriculum) Is a only challenging, long term process that never ends” (Barr &Barrett, 2007, p. 1 56). 3. Individual Teacher(s): Good examples of action research pertaining to individual teachers are “What types of support help new teachers succeed?

And “How can I best help an out-of-field teacher succeed? According to the National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future (2003), “after Just three years, it is estimated that almost a third of new entrants to teaching have left the field, and after five years almost half are gone” (p. 19). Matthew and Crow (2003) cites that, “mentoring as an ‘awakening to a new way of seeing things can be a powerful learning resource for improving their teaching” (p. 94). Action research in this area is of importance in schools because mentoring can empower new teachers and can help eliminate teacher burnout among veteran teachers. . Individual Student(s) – “What are some alternative behavior management plans we could implement in our schools, and what ways are they effective for decreasing student tardiness, increasing student attendance in class, and subsequently, increasing the chances of our students succeeding as learners at our school? “Conducting research in this area will allow the educational leader and staff members to monitor the progress and performance of their organization via data analyses. To illustrate this process, student discipline records and referrals can be used to develop performance indicators.

An administrative and his team can use this information has a comparison point or benchmark for the future. 5. School Culture/Community – “In what ways can our school develop a collaborative culture to meet the needs of all learners attending Memorial High School? The educational leader is responsible for understanding the culture. The most effective and successful schools are identified by outstanding social climates. Martin, Dancing, Wright, Plenary, Brown (2012) cites that, “Climate and culture are extremely important aspects for measuring the “quality of life” in the school” (p. 98).

A welcoming school environment that includes clearly defined learning targets, goals, support, appropriate student data and assessments with everybody on the bus working collaboratively will translate into an instructional plan for school improvement. 6. Leadership – An example of action research in this area would be “What do I learn from comparing and contrasting my own perception’s, my teacher’s perceptions, my leadership team’s perceptions, and my supervisor’s perceptions about my own instructional leadership as a principal? “A benefit of reflection is professional development for the educational leader.

Harris, Edmondson and Combs remind us, “Reflection allows one to see what is unknown so that one can begin to understand, which ultimately informs change” (p. 49). Once the inquiry process begins, the educational leader can work collaboratively with colleagues in their alluding to collect and analyze data to gain insights into their question, take action based on what they learn in the process, and share their learning with others so the entire education community can benefit. The importance of reflection will help the Principal to continue to learn and grow professionally has the leader on his or her campus.

As a result, the principal be a role model for teachers and students. But equally important is that he or she will be able to slow down and take control. 7. Management – “What are teachers’ levels of satisfaction with the current block schedule in place at a school? Two years ago our campus tried block scheduling and was Doolittle Tort most teachers to plan adjectively to Keep ten students engaged Tort the entire class time. According to the Alliance of Education at Brown University, “There are pros and cons to block scheduling” (p. 8). To successfully introduce block scheduling, all stake holders should examine the strengths and weaknesses of the program already in place. Before a block scheduling model is introduced, it is important to identify the unique nature of a school community and any trends that stand out in the school’s history’ (p. 16). As a result, this might be an important area of action research to see how teachers are thinking about block scheduling and the best ways to utilize the 100 minute block class time period with the students (Dana, 2009, p. 57). 8.

School Performance – Researching how implementation of the continuous improvidently might help to increase overall student achievement in a school is one example faction research in the area of School Performance. Action research used in this area would be of importance in schools because of the enormous pressures placed on educational leaders and teachers to raise the scores of undated test such as TASK and STARR. 9. Social Justice or Equity Issues – “What can we do to help close the achievement gap and improve our practice toward African American students? F an administrators focus is to effect social change in regard to issues of social Justice, the importance of inquiry and action research can be use to close the gaps in opportunity and academic achievement between groups of students (Dana, 2009, p. 63). References:Barr, R. D. , & Barrett, W. H. (2007). The Kids Left Behind: Catching Up the Underachieving Children of Poverty. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press. Dana, Nancy F. (2009). Leading with Passion and Knowledge: The Principal as Contradictoriness. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corning. Harris, S. Edmondson, S. , & Combs, J. (2010). Examining What We Do to Improve Schools: 8 Steps from Analysis to Action. Largemouth, NY: Eye on Education. Martin, G. E. , Dancing, A. B. , Wright, W. F. , Plenary, R. A. , & Brown, F. (2012). School Leader Internship (3rd De. ). Largemouth, NY: Eye On Educationist’s, L. J. , & Crow, G. M. (2003). Being and becoming a principal: Role conceptions for contemporary rainfalls and assistant principals. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future. (2003).

No dream denied: A pledge to America’s children. New York: Author. The Education Alliance at Brown University. (1998). (1998). “Themes In Education” (2nd series). Providence, RI; Laboratory at Brown University. Retrieved from http://www. Alliance. Brown. Du/pubs/ ICC/block/block. PDF I Week Two Assignment, Part 3 – Selecting Action Research Topics Review your intern plan and identify at least three topics that might appeal to you and your site previous(s) as possible action research projects. Indicate if you have reviewed these topics with your site supervisor(s).

Students may have reviewed the potential action research projects in the initial conference reviewing the intern plan with the site supervisor(s) in DELL 5311. If you have not discussed your top three topics with your site supervisor(s), schedule an interview and discuss the possibilities of doing your action research project on a mutually agreed upon topic. If you cannot meet face to face with your site supervisor at this time, select 3 topics or questions you are engendering for your action research project and email or communicate those to your sleet supervisor Ana ask Tort some Teacake.

Remember In week 4 AT tons course, we ask that you meet with your site supervisor(s) and try to reach consensus on an action research topic(s) or question(s). So instead of having two interviews, you can do the Week Two brainstorming via email or other communication that is effective for you and your site supervisor and then complete the decision-making process on the action research project in Week Four. If you have selected a topic of interest not in our intern plan, be sure to add it to your revised intern plan, and visit with your site supervisor(s) to make sure this is a topic that can be researched and supported.

In completing this assignment, do the following: * Describe the topic or problem agreed upon for the action research project Complete your work on Part 3 of this assignment below. The box will expand as you type. My first initial action research topic is Classroom Management with emphasis on Response to Intervention (Art): The Behavioral Aspect. On my campus last year we implemented this program, but no one had a clear consensus how this program irked due to the fact that the teachers found it time consuming, complicated, and they did not have enough training.

About two three years ago, I came upon this topic and a cool website with strategies to help with classroom behavior (see below). My site supervisor is a newly hired Principal who is quite busy trying to get the feel and flow of the campus environment. As a result, my conference visit with him came with a lot distraction from other colleagues and staff members entering into his office. It’s apparent that he has an open door policy (smiling). However, he did suggest three action research topics for me to consider as my topic of research. The three topics we discuss were: 1.

An analysis of students referred to Alternative Education Programs in the school District of Port Arthur, Texas from 1993 to 2013. 2. Truancy Issues. Conflict Resolution: Solicitousness I discussed my Internship Plan with him, he stated that I should visit other campuses and school districts to compare and contrast the flow of information pertaining to virtual learning. We did not exactly narrow down or agree on one particular topic for my action research project. But I do live he will be beneficial at directing and supporting me toward making my action project a success.

At our next meeting, I think that I will speak with him about this topic, “Does the tardy program at Memorial High School have significant effect in the reduction of student tardiness. I will share this website with him to see if I’m going in the right path (see below).

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