Lesson plan Assignment

Lesson plan Assignment Words: 306

Then, the teacher will relate It to how words or sentences In language become parallel by presenting the following sentences. Study the following sentences: 1. Larry is fond of jogging, swimming, and to play tennis. 2. He likes reading novels, gardening flowering plants and watching movies. C. Analysis The teacher will discuss parallelism by asking the following questions: 1 . What can you say about the two sentences? Do they differ? In terms of what? 2. Are the words in each sentence similar In form? Which of the two is better and more effective? What rule In grammar is observed in the second sentence? D.

Abstraction underline the parallel structures In the following sentences. Do this In your notebook. Yak – Kayaking ? Naira – Mollie company, and to raise the level of excellence in our outputs. 2. Overcoming language barriers, understanding cultural differences, and respecting each other’s customs and practices are sure acts of global unity. 3. Some citizens are misunderstood because of the way they live, the manner they talk, and the way they act. E. Application Write C if the sentence has parallel structures. If the sentence does not have parallel structures, rewrite the part to make the sentence correct.

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Answer Activity 2. ‘V. Assessment Write C if the sentence has parallel structures. If the sentence does not have parallel structures, rewrite the part to make the sentence correct. 1 . An actor knows how to memorize his lines and getting into his character. 2. The plan is creative but a risk. 3. Everyone aims to attain his dreams, to have a good future, and to improve his life. 4. Eight months later, Ben left his Job; moved his family to Dallas, Joins us and started with the company. 5. The contestants are pretty, witty, and they have self – confidence. V. Assignment Do Activity 3 in your English notebook.

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Lesson plan Assignment. (2020, Dec 26). Retrieved October 22, 2024, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/lesson-plan-6-6960/