Hyperparenting Assignment

Hyperparenting Assignment Words: 574

The problem of hyper-parenting is mainly due to the competitive education environment in Singapore and fear which creates over protectiveness. Hyper- parenting used to describe a style where in the intolerably competitive new e-world parent’s strive to micromanage and interfere in every detail of their kid’s lives to craft the perfect childhood for them, worrying that their child will underperformed. I am inclined to think that the problem of hyper-parenting is largely evident in my society- A line of argument is that the competitive education environment in Singapore.

Singapore and the structure of our education is root of the problem. Our education system is such that the quest for knowledge feeds the competition for certificate of proficiency and grades, which students partake in so that they can eventually emerge as future leaders. Question is who are these children who are likely to secure positions of pre-eminence in society in future? Many parent’s will broadly agree that they are among the cream of the crop. As such, many chose to believe that helping their children in getting a head start ahead of their peers is crucial. This is often seen n the Primary One Registration Exercise annually.

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Due to the registration system where priority is given to a child whose parent’s volunteered in the school and has given at least 40 hours of service, some hyper-parent’s chose to engage in community service in these notorious schools to ensure a placement in these schools which they place confidence in providing their children a higher quality education for them to excel academically. Another prominent example is that parent’s immensely filled their kid’s schedules with tuitions so that they are equipped with knowledge which caused hem to constantly rush from activity to activity, unknowingly causing these children to feel pressurized.

In the United States, however, part of hyper-parenting is engaged due to daily assignments having a weighted on their children’s final grades. A survey done by Patricia Somers, PhD, University of Texas at Austin, found that 40 to 60 percent of parent’s engage in hyper-parenting, such as aiding with academic assignments and as many as 10 percent actually write their children’s papers for them which was not commonly seen in Singapore.

Undeniably, naysayer may claimed that education system may not deteriorate the problem of hyper-parenting as education in today’s society like in Singapore has progressed to create avenues to develop student’s diverse talents such as in the area of the Arts and Sports. This allows parent’s to realize that there is a need to allow children to understand themselves better, think creatively and let each child go as far as his abilities and interests take him rather than constraining them and deciding their future. These allow understanding that hyper-parenting may not help their children rise but eventually crippling them.

Yet, having said that, aren’t although may acknowledge that creativity has its importance and value and children can develop into various paths, many parent’s strongly still believed that it is not something you can definitely make a life out of due to the fluidity and spontaneity of the aesthetic industry. Such fear from parent’s unknowingly creates over protectiveness which restricts children. Hence, to address such an issue, I personally feel that there is a need to educate parent’s to not help their children craft tenet Utter Ana stereotypically pressurize tenet center tongue seminars Ana concussions.

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