Human Resource Management Ethics Assignment

Human Resource Management Ethics Assignment Words: 2769

The elective groups selected in Ill-Semester shall continue in IV-Semester as well) 2. Open Choice (Audit Courses) for MBA & MBA-BI Programmers Open choice courses are meant for adding further value to the students]s academic profile. Audit courses under this category are the courses which a student may opt under open choice category. It shall be open to the students of the Faculty and also to the students from across the Faculty, University wide. No examination shall be conducted for Audit courses however these courses shall be mentioned in the grade sheet only when the student attends tallest 80% classes in the course.

Accordingly, these shall not be counted in the calculation of SARA and GAP. In addition to the open choice / Audit Courses indicated above, the following issues/ areas have been identified by the Faculty wherein a teaching of 12-14 hours spanning over 3-6 days by an eminent person either from academic or corporate world shall be held. These courses shall be treated equivalent to one credit and shall have the status of open choice (Audit courses).

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These courses shall not be run on regular basis, but shall be run as per convenience of the Faculty and availability of the resource persons. The schedule of these courses shall be usually announced well in advance. C CLC CLC D CLC CLC D 3. Total Quality Management Enterprise Resource Planning Customer Relationship Management Micro and Small Enterprises Entrepreneurship Development Micro Finance Export Procedure and Documentations NAG Management/ Social Enterprise Development Health Care Management Or any other area which the Faculty deems fit in interest of the students.

Examination System in MBA & MBA-BI Programmers: Each theory/ practical/ seminar/ field work/project/ dissertation course shall be of 100 marks. For evaluation, the overall structure of the distribution of arks in a course shall be such that 30 marks are allotted to various assessments during the semester, while 70 marks shall be allotted for the end semester examinations. A). (I) (ii) Sectionals (30 Marks): The assessment (sectionals) in theory courses shall comprise of class test/test(s) and semester reports/assignments and regularity in each of the courses offered by them.

Such class tests, semester reports and/or assignments in each paper shall carry 30 marks, of which 20 marks shall be for class tests and quizzes and 10 marks for semester report(s) and/or assignment(s) and regularity. The marks of 2 best class tests/quizzes be considered out of 3 class tests/quizzes) The semester report(s) and/or assignment(s) shall be submitted by the students to the teachers concerned, by a date fixed by the Head of the Department of Management Studies.

After valuation of the semester report(s) and/or assignment(s), the teacher concerned shall submit the result to the Head Of the Department Of Management Studies who shall forward the same to the Controller of Examinations. The marks obtained in semester report(s) and/or assignment(s) shall be displayed on the Notice-Board. Where candidate fails to take examination in any one or more papers or having taken the examination, has but failed to secure the minimum pass marks in any one or more papers or in the aggregate, his marks in the class tests, semester reports and/or assignments shall be carried forward to the subsequent examination.

End Semester Examination and evaluation (70 marks): The question papers shall be set and the answer-scripts shall be evaluated by the teachers of the concerned courses. If there are more than one teacher teaching the course, the question paper shall ordinarily be set and evaluated by a teacher of the group, appointed by the Board of Examiners. The End Semester examination answer-scripts shall be shown to the students after evaluation by the concerned teachers within 7 days of the last examination for the semester.

Thereafter, within a week, all the answer books along with the statement of marks shall be sent to the Office of the Controller of Examinations for declaration of the results. In case of any objection by a student in the evaluation, the same shall be looked after by a panel of two senior faculty members, to be nominated by the Dean, whose decision shall be final. Once evaluated answer books are submitted to the Controller of Examination there hall be no reevaluation/re-totaling thereafter. Audit courses shall not be evaluated and also not accounted for GAP/GAP calculation.

However, the prescribed minimum attendance in these courses shall be necessary. Practical Training Report, Dissertation and Viva-voce for MBA & MBA-BI Programmers: (iv) (v) (iv) (v) 4. (I) Every MBA & MBA-18 students is required to undertake practical training for a period of eight weeks in a reputed organization connected with industry, trade or commerce, approved by the Head of the Department of Management Studies. This Training Report is a part of the MBA & MBA-BI Ill Semester examination and is equivalent to 8 credits carrying 200 marks (1 00 marks for presentation and 100 marks for written report).

It is required to be submitted to the Controller of Examination in duplicate on or before a specified date fixed for the purpose by the Head of the Department / Dean of the Faculty of Management Studies. The Practical Training Report submitted by the candidates for the MBA & MBA-BI degree is examined by an internal and an external examiner independently out of DID marks and the average of marks secured is credited to the marks obtained by the candidate. If the preference in percentage of marks between the two examiner is 30% or more, the Training Report shall be sent to a third examiner. The marks given by the third examiner shall be final.

Every student shall be required to make a presentation of his/her practical training report, including that of Project work undertaken by him/her during summer ‘practical training, before an audience consisting of all students and teachers Of the Faculty. This presentation will be evaluated, out of 1 00 marks, by a board consisting of teachers of the Faculty nominated for this purpose by the Board of Examiners/Dean of Faculty/Head of the Department. Every MBA & MBA-BI student shall also be required to prepare a Dissertation preferably in his/her area of specialization under the supervision of a teacher of the Faculty.

The topic of the Dissertation and the name of the supervisor earmarked shall be approved by a Dissertation Committee” formed for this purpose by the Head/Dean of the Faculty. This Dissertation shall be equivalent to 6 credits and constitute a part of the MBA & MBA-BI IV Semester Examination and shall carry 100 marks. Each student may be asked to present Research Methodology of the Dissertation before the members of the Faculty for consideration and finalization. The Dissertation shall be specific date fixed for the purpose by the Head/Dean of the Management Studies.

The Dissertation shall be examined by two external examiners, who shall evaluate it independently out of 100 marks each. The average of these marks shall be credited to the marks obtained by the student. If the difference in percentage of marks between the two examiners is 30% or more, the Dissertation shall be sent to a third examiner. The marks given by the third examiner shall be final. The Vive-voce examination of the MBA & MBA-18 students shall be conducted at the end of the last semester having 2 credits and shall carry 1 00 marks.

This comprehensive Viva Voce examination shall cover the entire programmer. It shall be conducted by a board consisting of the Head of the Department, two senior most teachers of the Faculty and one external member Of the rank Of a professor. Script and Duration Of Examinations for MBA & MBA-BI Programmers: (I) Except when otherwise directed by the Ordinances or by the examiner in the examination paper, every candidate shall answer question in Hindi or English language in the examination in all the subjects.

Each individual paper shall be of three hours duration and practical, if any, shall also be of three hoursњ duration. (v) (vi) (vii) Viii) 5. (ii) 6. Evaluation Pattern for MBA & MBA-BI Programmers: (A) Point Scale for Grading Award of Grades Based on Absolute Marks Marks Range (Out of 100) 90-100 80 – 89 70 – 79 60- 69 50- 59 40 -49 Passed With Grace 00 – 39 Non- appearance in examination (Incomplete) Audit Course Explanation: Latter grades S, A, B, C, D, E and P in a course mean that the candidate has passed that course.

Grade FIX Grade point 10 9876540 The F grade denotes poor performance, I. E. , failing in the course. A student has to appear at subsequent examination(s), if provided under the ordinances in all courses in which he/she obtains grade, until a passing read is obtained. The I Grade: The “l” Grade is awarded, when a student does not appear in the examination of course/courses. This shall be treated as “F” Grade. The Z Grade: The “X” Grade is awarded, when a student successfully attends the audit course with minimum attendance requirement of 80%.

Grace Rule: Tabulators shall award grace marks as per the following guidelines: (1 ) A student who fails in not more than 3 theory courses by total marks of not more than h the number of total theory courses of the semester (any) fraction is rounded off to the next higher number), shall be awarded read “P” (in place of grade “F”) of Grade Point 4 in the concerned courses. Grace mark shall not be awarded for making up shortfall in minimum GAP/ GAP or improving the grade. Measurement of the students performance in the programmer: GAP : Semester Grade Point Average.

GAP : Cumulative Grade Point Average. Calculation Of Semester Grade Point Average (GAP) and Cumulative Grade point Average (GAP)I n CT. Pi GAP – where, CIA = Number of credits assigned for the lath course of a semester for which GAP is to be calculated. Pi = Grade point earned in the tit course. 1, – n, represent the number of courses in which a student is registered in he concerned semester. M Co. PC C-j GAP = where, Co Number of credits assigned for the jet course, up to the semester for which GAP is to be calculated.

PC = Grade point earned in jet course. J = 1, m; represent the number of courses in which a student was registered up to the semester for which GAP is to be calculated. Notes: Audit Courses shall not be evaluated and also not accounted for GAP/GAP calculation. However, the prescribed minimum attendance in these courses shall be necessary. 8. PROMOTION AND SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS OF MBA & MBA-BI: There shall be no supplementary examination for & II Semesters.

However, there shall be supplementary examination for Ill and IV Semesters after declaration of the results of IV Semester. Students failing in courses of Ill and IV semesters may appear in supplementary examination(s) or subsequent main examination(s). (A) I – Semester Course & Examination: The candidates who have taken admission in the I-Semester of a 2;year (Viscometer) MBA& MBA- B programmers in the session can be put in the following two categories on the basis of their attendance in the Semester: I. I) Those who have put in the required minimum percentage of attendance for appearing in the I-Semester Examination and filled up the examination form in time for appearing at the l- Semester Examination. Those who did not put in the required minimum percentage of attendance for appearing at the I-Semester Examination or did not fill up examination form in time for appearing at the I-semester Examination. Candidates under Category I(I) are eligible for appearing at the examination of Semester, while candidates under Category.

I(ii) are not allowed to appear at the examination of the Semester. However, students who have not put in the minimum percentage of attendance or did not fill up the Examination form in mime in Semester shall be allowed to take re-admission in the I-Semester. II. After appearing at the Examination of I-semester the candidates can be put in the following categories in the context of declaration of the results of the l- Semester Examination: (I) (ii) (iii) (iv) Passed, I. E. Those who have passed in examinations of all courses of Semester. The Promoted, I. E. , those who have not passed in examinations of all the courses of the Semester. Minimum passing grade – Grade O DEED for each course. However, candidates with grade PC] in a course shall also be considered as passed in that course. Promotion to Second Semester: All students who have put in the minimum percentage of attendance in Semester and filled up the examination form in time shall be promoted to the II-Semester.

II-semester Course & Examination: As in the I-semester, in all subsequent Semesters, all the candidates who have put in the minimum percentage of attendance for appearing at the Examination and have filled in the examination form in time for appearing at the End Semester Examination shall be allowed to appear at the respective examinations. However, students who have not put in the minimum percentage of attendance or did not fill up he Examination form in time in Semester shall be allowed to take re- admission in that Semester.

Declaration of results after II-semester (based on the results of I and semester Examinations): After declaration of results of the & II-Semesters, a candidate can be put in the following categories: (I) Passed: A candidate who has passed in examinations of all the courses of the I & II-Semesters. Promoted: A student, who has not passed in all the courses of either or II Semester or both, shall be promoted to the Ill-semester if he/she has obtained at least 4. 0 GAP.

All such students shall have the option to clear the rouses, in which they had failed, in the subsequent available examination(s) of the concerned semester as ex-students. Failed: A candidate who has obtained less than 4. 0 GAP in the examinations Of I and II-semesters taken together shall be treated as failed. Note: There shall be no supplementary examination for the courses of I and semesters. (D) Promotion to the Ill-semester: (I) (ii) A candidate who comes under the category ‘Passed or Promoted’ is eligible to be promoted to the III- Semester, if otherwise eligible.

Failed candidates shall not be promoted to the Ill-semester. However, they shall be promoted to the third semester when they become eligible to come under the category of either Passed or Promoted as explained above after passing the failed courses in the subsequent available examination(s) as students. Promotion to the IV-Semester: All students who have put in the minimum percentage of attendance in Ill-semester and filled in the examination form in time shall be promoted to the IV-Semester.

Declaration of Results after IV-Semester (Based on the results of the l, II, Ill and IV-Semester Examination): After declaration of results of Ill and IV- Semesters, a candidate can be put in the following two categories: (I) (ii) Passed: A candidate who has passed in all the courses of l, II, Ill and IV Semesters and obtained at least GAP of 5. 0. Failed: All those students who have not “Passed” shall be categorized as “Failed”. Such failed students may clear their failed courses in subsequent examinations as ex-students.

Notwithstanding any provision in the ordinances to the contrary, the following category of examine is also eligible for ranking: The student who, having been duly admitted to a regular examination of the programmer, was unable to take that examination in full or in part due to some disruption of examination, and took the next following examination of that programmer ND passed the course(s). The marks obtained by him/her at the examination shall be considered as the basis for the university Ranking, Scholarships and other distinctions.

In order to get the benefit of this provision, the student should claim that he/she is eligible for this benefit and get a decision in writing after proving his/her eligibility therefore. Maximum duration for passing the MBA & MBA-BI Programmers: The maximum duration in which a student enrolled in the MBA or MBA-BI course for completion of the course shall be eight years. 9. Admit Card (for End Semester Examinations) A candidate may not be admitted into examination room unless he/she produces his/her admit card to the officer conducting the examination or satisfies such officer that it shall be subsequently produced.

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