Harry Potter Assignment

Harry Potter Assignment Words: 1305

For my assignment for week 2 of Eng 225 1 have chosen Harry Potter Deathly Hollows (part 2) This movie is full of action and attention grabbing scenes. It makes a person sit on the edge of their seat until the end of the story of which it has a great ending. The actors a perfect for their rolls and do them well. 3 One of the most popular series of movies of all times are the Harry Potter Movies. Set in the time period of early England the books were written by author J. K.

Rolling. They are about a boy who finds out on his eleventh birthday that he is really a izard. On that day he is befriended by a giant named Hager who takes him to Hogwash’s, a school for young wizards Where he becomes friends with two other young wizards, Ron and Hormone. While at school he finds out that he is destined to kill an evil wizard called Voltmeter. Throughout the next 7 films he has several episodes with Voltmeter. There are a series of 8 films all together telling the Harry Potter story. The first two films were directed by Chris Carter.

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Cinematography in the first movie was done by John Sale and In the second movie by Roger Pratt. The art director for both movies was was Andrew Auckland-Snow. https:// YMMV. Lamb. Com/title/10th 527/faultless? Ref_=TTT_CLC_SMS#cast Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. Towpath. Amid. Com/title/tt0295297/felicities? Ref_-TTT_CLC_SMS#cast Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) These two movies were light hearted and on the comedic side. The lighting was light hearted and bright. The costumes were basic black with the students and personnel of the school wearing the same thing throughout all the movies.

In the Third movie the children’s costumes changed to regular clothing. The first movie was used to introduce the main characters that would be in the rest of the movies. There is Harry, that is played by Daniel Radcliff, Ron who is played by Rupert Grin and Hormone played by Emma Watson, Joined by them is Maggie Harris playing Professor McConnell, Robbie Coagulant, who plays Hager, and Alan Rickrack, who plays Professor Snaps Elements of Design 4 The roll of Professor Albums Tumbledown, the head master of Hogwash’s Is played by two actors. Richard Harris played this role for the first two movies and Michael number number five. Y a Several Snaps In the first two movies the lighting and the sound effects were great. The special effects made you feel that you were there tit Harry riding along side of him on his broom and playing Quieted. Movie number three was directed by Alfonse Curran. Cinematography was done by Michael Serine and the art director was Andrew Auckland-Snow. (https://www. Amid. Com/title/ Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Cabana. ) In ” The Prisoner of Cabana”, the overall set up went a little darker. The plot told of a prisoner named Series Black, ( played by Gary Olden) was held in a wizard’s prison called Cabana.

The story plot was that the prisoner was responsible for the death of Harry mother and father and he was serving a life sentence. At the beginning of the movie he escaped prison and the rest of the movie was about him proving his innocence to his god son, Harry. The lighting used on this character was very good. It depicted him as an evil, murdering wizard. In this movie we are also introduced to a werewolf played by David Tallies. The lighting and the art for the werewolf showed him has an evil creature bent on destroying everything in its path. Movie four, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, was directed by Mike Newel.

Cinematography was done by Roger Pratt and the Art Director was Andrew Auckland=Snow. 5 (https://www. Mad. Com/title/tt0330373/felicities? Ref_=TTT_CLC_SMS#cast Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. ) In this movie the story is about an event held at Hogwash’s that hasn’t been held in a long time. Three hazarding schools compete for the Trip Wizard Cup. A champion was to be chosen from each school. Harry was too young to be chosen so he did not enter. The evil wizard Voltmeter had other plans. He got a henchman to enter Harry name in the pot and it was chosen so Harry had to compete. In this movie the lighting is dark and sinister.

The first event was the competitors was to steal an egg from a dragon. The second event competitors are under water. They had to come up with a way to breathe underwater so that they could rescue their friends from the mermaids. The third event was the competitors had to make it through a maze to get the cup. Here is where Voltmeter made his move. Voltmeter had been only a small replica of himself till now. Here he tricked Harry and was able to use Harry blood to make himself whole again. The special effects in this movie was amazing. The lighting was Just right and the art work for breathing underwater was perfect.

Movie five was directed by David Yates. Cinematography was by Slalom’s Dizzied and the art director was Andrew Auckland- Snow. ( https://www. Amid. Com/title/tt0373889nref_=fin_al_TTT_1 Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix) In movie five, with Voltmeter on the loose, the professors and soldiers of the hazarding world banned together to fight him. He was not through with Harry yet. There was one more thing that he needed to help him come to full strength. The prophecy telling of who would be the one to defeat him. 6 This movie has several scenes held underground where the special effects are Harry and the rest of the young people.

Movie six was directed by David Yates, interrogatory was done by Bruno Telephone and the art director was Andrew Auckland-Snow. (https://www. Amid. Com/title/tt0417741 /felicities? Ref_=TTT_CLC_SMS#cast (Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince) In movie number six the story is about Tumbledown hunting for Hercules that Voltmeter has hidden parts of his soul in. Until these are found Voltmeter cannot be defeated. The scene where Tumbledown and Harry are standing on a rock in the ocean is magnificent. It reaches out to you and makes you think that you can feel the spray of the ocean on your face.

The colors match the story line perfectly. Movie number seven and eight are directed by David Yates, cinematography by Edwards Sera and the art director was Andrew Auckland-Snow. (https://www. Amid. Com/title/TTL 201607/felicities? Ref_=TTT_CLC_SMS#cast Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows part 1 and 2. ) In these two movies Harry, Ron and Hormone continue their hunt for the remaining Hercules. Despite the efforts put forth by Voltmeter to stop them they find all of them and are able to defeat Voltmeter in the end. I think that the cinematography and the art work are the best of all in these two movies.

The scene where Professor Monoclonal brings the stone tastes to life and the other professors put the magical ceiling over the castle to protect it, These are the best in part 1. In part two the final battle between Harry and Voltmeter is the best. You find yourself sitting on the edge of your seat and rooting for Harry to win. Elements of Design Conclusion 7 All in all, the directing, cinematography and the art work are great in all 8 of these movies. I find myself watching them over and over again.

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