Guideline Assignment

Guideline Assignment Words: 1560

If you miss a lecture it is your responsibility to catch up on the information (perhaps from another student). The lecture notes placed on stream are only the “bullet point” notes that I use as a basis for the lectures. They should not be used as the sole study material for the exam and assignments. In the lectures, examples will be given and the notes and selected readings will be discussed. In the lecture we will also do a number of case studies and exercises to expand your thinking on management problems. Failure to come to class and to participate in these exercises may put you at a great disadvantage at exam time.

Lecture Topics: The lecture topic outline (on the stream site) is only a guide. I reserve the right to vary the topics for lectures during the course of the semester. Every effort will be made to advice students in advance of changes. Emails: I am quite ready to answer your queries. E mail, a. cardow@massey. AC. NZ. Please use this email address rather than send me messages through stream. There is no required text book: Aims & Objectives Provide knowledge and understanding of management and organization theory Evaluate a diversity of management approaches.

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Learning Outcomes: Critically analyses selected concepts that have led to contemporary management reactive Explain and evaluate the relevance of selected historical management theories Critically assess selected management trends Assessment of Student Performance Assessment Assignment 1: Essay Worth 25% Assignment 2 Essay Final Exam: 3 Hours Due Date All assignments must be submitted on stream by 23. Rush on 21 March, 2013. Any assignment submitted after 23. Rush, 21 March 2013 will be subject to late submission penalties. 23. Rush, 16 May 2012. Any assignment submitted after 23. Errs, 16 May 2012 will be subject to late submission penalties 14 June, 2013 am. The exam will be in the form off impressive examination of the entire course. Submission of the assignments Essays must be submitted on stream by the deadline. No printed copies will be entertained. All assignments must have the following: (a) an Honesty Declaration at the front of the assignment followed by (b) a cover page that contains the following information: the title of your assignment, your name, your student ID, your contact detail (email will suffice), the name of the lecturer and the word count.

Please note that any submissions without the Honesty Declaration will not be marked and you may then be subject to late submission penalties. Your Honesty Declaration and cover page must be in the same file as your assignment. A copy of the Honesty Declaration can be found on the 152. 200 Contemporary Management website and all that you have to do is to cut-and-paste this document to the front of your assignment. Assignments must be typed. Feel free to use graphs, tables, diagrams and photos. Make sure also that you spell and grammar check your assignments before handing them in.

If you do not then this is the easiest way to lose marks. I am also only really interested in your opinions so do make an effort to include them n your assignments but you do need to Justify them with facts, figures and examples and back them up with appropriate references. Back up your assignments. I will not be responsible for lost work. Plagiarism In all assessments, plagiarism will not be tolerated. All your assignments will be sent for plagiarism checking. Any student’s work that is plagiarisms will receive a mark of zero in the first instance.

Any subsequent plagiarism will be referred to the Head of Department and further disciplinary action against the offending student may be taken. Please read the plagiarism policy at the end of this course outline. Make sure that you understand it. If you do not understand or are unsure about what plagiarism is ask for clarification. Ignorance is not an excuse when a student is caught plagiarism. See www. Massey. AC. NZ/wimp/plagiarism. HTML for more details. The University, College of Business and the School of Management have all taken a firm stance on plagiarism and any form of cheating.

In brief: If you do not reference your quotations, you will be penalized. If you use too many quotations from other people’s work, you will be penalized. Quotations should make up no more than 5% of your essay. If you copy someone else’s work and do not acknowledge it, you will be penalized. If you copy diagrams and tables from other sources, you must also reference them. If you do not reference them, you will be penalized. If your assignment includes sections that you have used in other assignments at Massey (or any other university), you will be penalized.

Appendix A: Competencies for Effective Study and Style Guide Reading and Writing as core Competencies during University Study: There are two core competencies in your university study: reading and writing. Plan to read for longer periods of time and write longer parts of papers every day. Do not try to rush your reading or writing, but take your time. Quality orientation for both requires that you give sufficient time and find the right rhythm for the texts to be understood and the ideas to germinate.

While you are reading, you need to think about how the text helps to answer the question you are tackling, what argument it is making, whether you agree with it, and what other people have said. Look for connections! Ask questions, formulate problems, see what is not been said and look for the wider context. The same critical approach is valid for your writing, which implies thinking about the reader and how o develop an appropriate rhetoric, while keeping all formal requirements, as outlined in the style guide. Competencies and Habits for Effective Study You can prepare yourself to succeed in your studies.

Try to develop and appreciate the following habits: Take responsibility for yourself Recognize that in order to succeed you need to make decisions about your priorities, your time, and your resources Centre yourself around your values and principles Do not let friends and acquaintances dictate what you consider important Put first things first Follow up on the priorities you have set for yourself, and don’t let others, or other interests, distract you from your goals Morning, afternoon, or evening? Find spaces where you can be the most focused and productive.

Prioritize these for your most difficult study challenges Consider yourself in a win-win situation When you contribute your best to a class, you, your fellow students, and even your teacher will benefit. Your grade can then be one additional check on your performance First understand others, then attempt to be understood When you have an issue with an instructor (a questionable grade, an assignment deadline, etc. ) put yourself in the instructor’s place. Now ask yourself how you can best make your argument given his/her situation.

Look for better solutions to problems For example, if you don’t understand the course material, don’t Just re-read it. Try something else! Consult with the professor, a tutor, an academic advisor, a classmate, a study group, or your school’s study skills centre. Look to continually challenge yourself and avoid procrastination Style Guide for Writing Assignments Please attend closely to your writing style. You will be graded on both form and content. Therefore follow the following stylistic guidelines when formatting your assignments. Layout and Formatting Use double line spacing, a CM left margin and a CM right margin.

Number all pages at the bottom in the centre. Each assignment should have a Cover Page with your name, paper number and chosen assignment option. This is the page after the Honesty Declaration. In the header ensure your name and ID number is on each page, beginning the page after the title pages. Remember to type your family name in CAPITALS. Page one of your assignment should be the Honesty Declaration. Assignments submitted without a signed Honesty Declaration attached may not be marked. A copy of the Honesty Declaration can be downloaded from stream or copy the one attached with this Paper Guide.

Ensure that paragraphs are separated before and after each paragraph. Use single quotation marks for direct quotes and italics for emphasized words. Use headings sparingly and avoid using them in shorter essays. When discussing an author’s work write in the present tense. For example you should write, Jones (2007) claims that rather than, Jones (2007) claimed that … ‘ Never use bullets or numbered points in essay assignments and instead of merely listing, discuss arguments Researching and Referencing Your research should include only articles from scholarly sources!

Websites and popular or Journalistic articles are not peer reviewed and do not qualify as credible academic sources. If you are unsure about what qualifies as a scholarly source please speak to your course coordinator or a librarian. The referencing style used in all business courses is PAPA 6th edition. There is no room for personal interpretations of this style and it must be followed exactly! There is assistance for formatting your references available on the Massey University specific guidance. In text citations require Just the author’s family name and no initial for the personal name is shown.

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Guideline Assignment. (2022, Mar 31). Retrieved March 4, 2025, from