Global Influence Assignment

Global Influence Assignment Words: 3072

The strategies that the world is going through to promote the importance of green, as well as the key issues and potential solutions on Global warming which discussed at Doth Climate Summit. There is a importance cooperate call ‘Green peace’ is introduced in this assignment, which I believe this cooperate had played an importance to keep our world green for the past 20 years and will better in the further. In the second part of the assignment, the discussion of China’s pollution’s is reviewed. I have research that China’s main pollution problem is due to rapid growth in economic and being the roll factory.

In the last part of the assignment, I have written about the Green initiative development in China, the government measures and government promotion to reduce carbon emission. And lastly is my own point of view on the topic of China’s green development and the importance of GREEN to play the role in globalization. Discussion & introduction of Global Warming (international point of view) In this section, I will discuss about the major measurements and controls, which is there to minimize the emission of carbon. They are: The Doth meeting and the Kyoto protocol The Doth meeting:

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Doth meeting is the world globalize organization, they gather meetings and work out decisions. The decisions are contribute to the reductions of carbon emission. They act as a control to the emission of carbon towards every country. Some examples of the measures and controls that Doth had made is that land use change and forestry of the Kyoto protocol under the clean development mechanism and a lot more. The control of land use will contribute to the deduction of carbon emission. In Doth, one of the decisions is that during trade, prices are involved for the trade of products which emits carbon dioxide.

The advantage is manufacturer have to be more aware of their products and reduce product carbon emission. The disadvantage is this control may reduce the quantity of trade. The Kyoto Protocol The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which commits its Parties by setting internationally binding emission reduction targets. The Kyoto protocol was adopted in Kyoto Pan) on 1997; the detailed rules are implemented at COP 7 in Marshes in 2001.

In Doth, on 8 December 2012, the Kyoto Protocol was adopted by the Doth Amendment. Greenhouse effect Life on earth depends on energy from the sun. About 30 percent of the sunlight that beams toward Earth is deflected by the outer atmosphere and scattered back into space. The rest reaches the planet’s surface and is reflected upward again as a type of slow-moving energy called infrared radiation. The heat caused by infrared radiation is absorbed by “greenhouse gases” such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, ozone and methane, which slows its escape from the atmosphere.

The greenhouse gas holding the world like a kind of warm-air blanket that, surrounds the planet. Greenhouse effect contributor: Human activities are the number 1 contributor to the raise of greenhouse effect. * Burning of natural gas, coal and oil and automobile engines raises the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. * Farming practices and land use changes increase the levels of methane and nitrous oxide. * Factories produce long-lasting industrial gases that do not occur naturally, for example china burning of coals to produce electricity. Deforestation also contributes to global warming, lesser process of photosynthesis, and hence optimal balance of gases in the atmosphere, causes the ease in global temperature. * Population growth is another factor in global warming, more people use fossil fuels for heat, automobile and as well as manifesting the level of greenhouse gases continues to increase, more farming occurs to feed millions of new people, thus, more greenhouse gases enter the atmosphere. The greenhouse gas raises the global temperature, we call it GREENHOUSE EFFECT.

The effects are * Rising temperatures would raise sea levels as well, reducing supplies of fresh water as flooding occurs along coastlines worldwide and salt water reaches inland. * Many of the world’s endangered pieces would become extinct as rising temperatures changed their habitat. * Millions of people also would be affected, especially poor people who live in precarious locations or depend on the land for a subsistence living. * Certain vector-borne diseases carried by animals or insects, such as malaria, would become more widespread as warmer conditions expanded their range.

Carbon Dioxide Emissions are the Biggest Problem: Currently, carbon dioxide accounts for more than 60 percent of the enhanced greenhouse effect caused by the increase of greenhouse gases, and the level of arbor dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing by more than 10 percent every 20 years. If emissions of carbon dioxide continue to grow at current rates, then the level of the gas in the atmosphere will likely double, or possibly even triple, from pre- industrial levels during the 21st century Hence, due to consequences, we have to reduce global warming.

To lessen those long-term effects, many nations, communities and individuals are taking action now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow global warming by reducing dependence on fossil fuels, increasing the use of renewable energy, expanding rests, and making lifestyle choices that help to sustain the environment. Everywhere in the world is trying to control global warming, this cooperate are going around the world for proposal of green in order to sustain the world. The organization has been working hard for 40 years of inspiring actions.

The green Peace Acts to change attitudes and behavior, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace by: * Cataloging an energy revolution to address the number one threat facing our planet: climate change. * Defending our corners by challenging wasteful and destructive fishing, and creating a global network of marine reserves. Protecting the world’s ancient forests and the animals, plants and people that depend on them. * Working for disarmament and peace by tackling the causes of conflict and calling for the elimination of all nuclear weapons. Creating a toxic free future with safer alternatives to hazardous chemicals in today’s products and manufacturing. * Campaigning for sustainable agriculture by rejecting genetically engineered organisms, protecting biodiversity and encouraging socially responsible farming. Greenback is present in 40 countries across Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa and the Pacific. To maintain its independence, Greenback does not accept donations from governments or corporations but relies on contributions from individual supporters and foundation grants.

It exists to expose environmental criminal and they challenge government and cooperation when they fail to live up their mandate to safeguard our environment and our further. CHINA Pollutions (The world factory) China has been the largest recipient of foreign direct investment (FAD) since 1990. The FAD has played a significant role in promoting china’s rapid economic growth. However, FAD also have some negative impacts on china’s economy, this is the environmental consequences.

This contributed to the serious environmental damage that has accompanied china’s rapid economic growth China’s economy is at a significant crossroads as it enters 2011, with wages rising rapidly and the labor force, particularly of migrant laborers, starting to shrink. China’s role as “sweat shop to the world” is coming to an end. Hence it’s time to heal the environment which had been heavily polluted for the past arrears. I will discuss the policy and initiatives at the later part of the assignment.

As china is very big, I will indicate the pollution or elution factor in some part of china in order to elaborate the pollution situation in china. The air pollutions in Shanghai Climate change, air pollution and improving public health are some of the most serious challenges facing humankind at the beginning off the 21 century. The air qualities, especially in the case of developing countries like china are likely to be improved. Shanghai, like many large cities in developing countries, has been experiencing a rapid transition.

Fast economic growth and urban expansion have led to considerable changes in people’s living environment, this turn to major influence n population health development. Comparing to other cities in china, the air quality in Shanghai is still better. However, according to World Health Organization (WHO) ,there is a still a long way to catch up to reach the standard air quality. The situation is worsening in cool seasons where the level of nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide are more difficult to get rid.

The Health and Mortality Transition in Shanghai Project has shown over 300,000 death certificates issued between 1956 and 2001 is caused by air pollution. The air pollution in Shanghai has a notable impact on TTS population health; this is particularly the case for sulfur dioxide. Yet Shanghai government has made some progression in controlling air pollution, evidence shows that the Concentration of IMO reached its peak in 2003 and started to decline thereafter. The level of nitrogen dioxide also displayed a trend of slow decrease.

Further improving its air quality will not only make shanghai a clean city, it will also contribute greatly to improvements in the health of its population. China’s main emission of pollutant There are three main source of pollutant in china. They are pollution emissions from energy production, pollution emissions from consumption in china and Greenhouse 1 . Pollutant emissions from energy production in china. Gas emissions. The impact of energy production on the environment is manifested in the dust pollution and gas emissions from coal-mining and processing, and atmospheric pollution from the spontaneous combustion of coal gangue.

The other major atmospheric pollutants in the energy-production process are sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and soot from thermal power plants. Because of the rapid increase in coal consumption in recent years, china’s thermal power industry uses mostly unwashed steam coal, making the power industry the main source of air pollution. 2. Pollutant emissions from energy consumption in china. The high growth of energy consumption in the industrial sector is the main source of emissions of sulfur dioxide, mainly from metal smelting and processing and chemical industry.

The main coal consuming provinces are Sandhog, Huber, Shania and many other provinces in the southwest, which are the leading provinces for sulfur dioxide emissions. Emissions of nitrogen oxides and energy activities are closely related. The main source for emission of these gases are power generation oilier, fuel source, as well as production of nitric acid, nitrogen fertilizer and nitrogen oxides emission and combustion processes, such as the technological emissions. 3. Greenhouse gas emissions.

The rapid increase of energy use in china has caused larger quantities of carbon dioxide emissions. China is now the world’s second largest emitter of greenhouse gas after the United States. If there is no change in the trend of increasing energy use, china’s emissions of carbon dioxide will overtake the United States in the near future, and china will become the largest emitter in the world. China’s massive exploitation of fossil fuels has resulted in a rapid increase in emissions of methane, the second most important greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide.

Natural processes and human activities can generate methane emission. Human sources of methane include rice cultivation, cattle and sheep breeding, coal mining, oil extraction, transportation. With the rapid increase in china’s coal and natural gas production in recent years, methane emissions caused by energy activity has been increased rapidly. China is the world’s largest coal-mining country, the large volume of coal-mine gas emissions s not only a waste of a valuable clean-energy resource, and it has caused a rapid rise in ethane gas emissions in china.

Green initiative in China for environmental development Policy measures for Green development The Chinese Government attaches great importance to environmental protection and strengthening environmental protection has become a basic national policy. In order for china to achieve progression in green development, I will take notes on the policy the progress to GREEN. 1. Giving priority to conservation – by combining energy development, and conservation. Adjusting the industrial structure and encourage placement of energy saving technology.

Priority is given to the implementation of energy saving products. 2. Domestic supply – by which china will rely mainly on domestic energy supplies to meet its growing demand for energy by improving the security and capacity of domestic supply. 3. Science and technology – china will strengthen the capacity for independent innovation, by improving the absorption of imported technology and re-innovation capabilities, achieving breakthroughs in the development of new energy. Creating new methods of energy development and enhancing its development potential. Environmental protection – to achieve a goal of building a resource saving and environmentally friendly society. Promotes coordination between energy and environmental development and provide protection in the course of development and striving for sustainable development. 5. Mutually beneficial cooperation – strengthen china’s energy cooperation with the International Energy Agency and the international community. Working together to improve the mechanisms for global cooperation to achieve international energy security and stability.

Government Promotion to achieve goals in green development China is a hyper developing country with a large population, however, relatively shortage of resources. China must take the road of resource conservation and promote energy conservation. The Chinese government regarded energy conservation as the main component of macro-regulation and control, to change the development McCollum and optimize the industrial structure. China’s energy conservation measures include the following. 1 . Promote structural readjustment.

The main reason for china’s low energy efficiency has been that the mode of economic growth is extensive and high-energy industries take too large a party. China will accelerate the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure, actively developing hi-tech and service industries, strictly limiting eliminating backward production capacity. It will speed up construction of an energy efficient industrial system. 2. Strengthen industrial energy conservation. Industry is the key area of china’s energy consumption.

China has decided to take the road towards high scientific and technological content, good economic returns, and low resource consumption, less environmental pollution, less human resources, faster placement of high-tech industries and the use of new and advance applicable technologies to transform traditional industries and to improve the overall level of industrial development. Government will focus on production of iron and steel, non- ferrous metals, coal, electricity, oil, chemicals and construction materials. . Implementation of energy-saving projects. China is implementing 10 key energy saving project. The government will push for transformation of existing energy conservation measures in construction and promote the extensive use of new building materials. It will speed up the phasing out of old automobiles and ships while actively developing public transport, restricting high fuel use vehicles and developing energy saving and environmental friendly vehicles. 4. Strengthening of energy management.

The Chinese government has established a system of compulsory purchases of energy-saving products and actively promotes the priorities procurement of energy-conservation products. Government will lead the society towards the use of energy-saving products. China will deepen the reform of energy prices, create a situation favorable to the energy price formation mechanism, implement fixed-asset investment project and restrict the source of energy- consumption growth. The government will establish new mechanisms for energy saving enterprises and promotion on energy management. . Creating an energy- saving society. Improving people’s awareness of resource conservation. The government uses newspaper, radio to promote knowledge of energy conservation. It holds an energy conservation publicity week and achieving long-term energy-saving mechanism throughout society. Conclusion The Chinese government has announced a package of energy-efficiency policies, enable energy policies and environmental emission-control policies. We can conclude that the Chinese government is working hard to reach its environmental targets.

However, the increase in energy demand meaner China will hard to work harder to maintain its energy supply and energy imports, this increase in demand also increases the emissions of pollutants. China is also paying great attention to climate change issues currently. In order to control the emission of greenhouse gases, domestic action have to be work on energy efficiency and renewable energy. I ad concluded some of the strategies which should be consider for the Green development and energy-industry development for the future for china. They are the following options. Technological process is the key to reducing energy demand and ensuring a clean future society, much more emphasis should be placed on New- generation technologies, and there shall be a revolution of using coal as major energy source in China. * There should be more attention given to export taxes which imposed on energy-intensive produces. Energy, resource and similar taxes have significant effects on energy saving. Learn from other developing countries which with high levels of energy imports, china should establish an energy security system.

The level of security system must catch up the global standard. * In the long term. There must be effective control of pollution emission, there is no effective control, china’s pollution will increase quickly in short terms, and population in China will be the greatest victims. * Clean-coal technology should be emphasized from coal combustion. China is the largest user of coal in the world. Using washed coal for coal combustion instead. Clean coal technology is crucial. Government should tie with other countries to develop a new generation of coal combustion technology.

Promote alternative source of power generation, hydro power and wind plant shall be more emphasized instead of using coal as main source of generation. China economic growth had made china to be the second strongest country in the world now, which I believe china is strong enough to export the country dirty industries and import new, clean and high technologies. China must ensure it does not become excessively reliant on raw materials, the extraction of which causes damage to the environment. Extraction costs should be included in production costs.

Planning for energy and resource intensive products should include measures to avoid environmental and economic damages. Citizens in China have to know importance of green development; they can start their action by stop littering, take public transport more often and using hybrid automobiles. Individual cooperate must also play an important roles in green development, coordinate closely with the government, mass media, radio, newspaper have to send the important massage and educate citizens the importance of green. Government has to build community awareness of environmental protection and achieve positive progress.

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