Finding the right data Assignment

Finding the right data Assignment Words: 2006

When looking for data, It is important that school administration and teachers know what to look for. They can define their search by formulating essential questions with which to answer using the data. The essential questions will lead to goals that the school strives towards by researching the data. Data may include online databases, site based databases, spreadsheets, test scores and various other collection sources. The data can be collected on various online and printed forms used for documentation. A Second Look at the Data School Improvement Plan (SIP) Questions

What are the policies and practices in place that ensure the proficiency of each subgroup In the core academic subjects? Action Step Timeline Of Events Potential Costs What Resources are used? Who will do this? Measures for consistent Monitoring Staff Involved The Classroom Instruction – “The teacher will use diagnostic strategies: PLATO, Read 180, Accelerated Reader, Accelerated Vocabulary, and Literacy Skills Tests, Holt Adapted Readers, and AIMS web assessments. These tools will help ensure proficient reading levels and passing scores for the HSRP exams. (Washoe County School District, 2014)The teachers are responsible for high quality, fractionated instruction by using professional development tools such as “Classroom Instruction That Works” (Maroon, 2001 “Write Like This” (Gallagher, 2011) as well as Formative and Summarize Assessments to measure academic ability. November 201 3 and ongoing $ 3,000. 00 Funding to purchase licenses for AR tests and for AR books forth-1 30th grade. Funding to purchase Read 180 workbooks. Len- service classes offered by Regional Professional Development Program.

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Entire school staff Examine Lexis growth for each student In Read 180. Use REAP for Instructional strategies. Entire staff, Regional Professional Development Program (REAP) Collegial Collaboration – PL groups meet weekly to develop common curriculum planning aligned to the Common Core with assessments that provide a rigorous, relevant curriculum. Provide professional development time for teachers and staff to collaborate In discussions regarding student success and remediation. November 201 3 and ongoing $ 3,000. 0 Professional Development during PL and allowances for Alternative Education certification. Teachers, Counselors, Administrators Department Chairs are responsible for all departments creating common assessments by subject and grade. Administrators and teachers compare the results through Infinite Campus grading program. Administrators, teachers, Department Chairs, and Alternative Education teachers. Question: How has the school Incorporated actively of remedial Instruction or tutoring before school, after school. Ring the summer, and/or during any extension Of Events Potential Staff Involved Intervention Strategies – “Academic Intervention uses the referral process in infinite campus and continues the Response to Intervention (ART’) for Tier I and Tier II. Counselors will analyze pre-sophomore schedules to initiate remedial classes for HSRP core courses. Credit recovery using PLATO classes for recovery and remediation. ” (Washoe County School District, 2014) August 2014-June 201 5 $ 5,000. 00 Expand and develop ART’ awareness and knowledge to address the needs of students more quickly.

Counselors, Administrators, Teachers, Transcripts, credit data, ART’ referrals by teachers and counselors, ART’ and TAT team follow-up. Counselors, administration and ART’ and TAT teams. Teachers, Freshman Seminar- “Seminar periods are used to assist new students to review for the High School Proficiency Exams and/or to assist students who are behind in assignments and/or in need of specific tutoring. Specific tutoring will be available during Seminar to assist any/all students, the Seminar Committee will develop study skill strategies and HSRP practice lessons. (Washoe County School District, 2014) . $ 500. 00 Development of Enrichment Lessons, HSRP Lessons, and Study Skill Strategies. Teachers, administrators and counselors Proficiency review in reading and writing. Enrichment Committee provides lessons in reading, writing, math and science. Survey teachers about the success of the students who participate in Enrichment classes. Entire school staff Monitor Credits – “Monitor grades weekly. Report grades each quarter. Credits are warded and monitored each semester which determine who is on target for graduation.

If needed, remediation will be implemented. Contact with parents is a priority and will be continued throughout the semester. ” (Washoe County School District, 2014) $ 0. 00 Counselor and/or Administrator Review of report cards and transcripts. Counselors, administrators Report cards, transcripts Administrators, counselors, registrar Senior Reviews – Each Senior will meet with their counselor during the Fall semester for a “Senior Review. ” This will highlight all credits earned, each students’ diploma options, and their plan for graduation and beyond.

Recommendations are made that help all students achieve their goals for classes, college, summer school, credit recovery and auxiliary classes and/or special programs. Parent communication and collaboration is continued and includes preparations and necessary steps towards college or careers. ” (Washoe County School District, 2014) August 2014-June 2015 $ 0. 00 Transcripts, 4-year High School Plan, HSRP data, diploma (standards, advanced, honors) options. Administration, Counselors Career Center, Registrar, Four-year-plan,transcripts Administrators, Counselors, Registrar, Career Center Technician

College Readiness – The counselors and Career Center Technician prepare the College and Career Night activities. Included in these activities are the honors and Advanced Placement teachers. “College orientation information is presented and career information is readily available. Truckee Meadows Community College (TOMCAT) works closely with Reed High School providing applications, Acceptable Testing, and workshops. ” (Washoe County School District, 2014) Fall 2014$ 0. 00 College and Career sources, TOMCAT Career Center Technician, Counselors, Administrators. College and Career Options TOMCAT representatives, Career Center Technician,

Developing Goals for Achievement Goal The teacher will use diagnostic strategies to help ensure the proficiency of student reading levels and the passing of High School Proficiency Exams (HSRP) in Reading and Writing. Data will be gathered from educational databases that include: PLATO credit recovery classes, Read 180 classes, Accelerated Reader programs, Accelerated Vocabulary programs, Literacy Skills Tests, Holt Adapted Readers tests, and AIMS web assessments. These tools will help ensure proficient reading levels and passing scores for the HSRP exams.

Goal # 2 These strategies include gathering of data from: the Infinite Campus database feral process for the Response to Intervention (ART’) for Tier I and Tier II students. Freshman schedules are analyzed in order to initiate remedial classes for core courses in preparation for the HSRP and credit recovery using PLATO classes for recovery and remediation. Freshman Seminar classes are used to “assist new students to review for the High School Proficiency Exams and/or to assist students who are behind in assignments and/or in need of specific tutoring. (Washoe County School District, 2014) The Freshman Seminar Committee will develop study skill and strategies for HSRP practice lessons. Goal # 3 Grades are monitored to insure students are on track for success and graduation. Teachers will post grades to Infinite Campus on a weekly bases. Students will monitor their own grades weekly. The grades are printed to report forms each quarter. A final formal grade is issued at the end of each semester. Credits are awarded and monitored at the end of each semester. This information will determine who is on target for graduation.

Remediation will be implemented as needed. Parent contact is a priority when students are not successful in school, it will be initiated by the teacher and will be continued throughout the semester. Collecting Data Based on the goals above, data will be collected in a variety of methods. For the first goal, teachers will keep track of grades for credit recovery on the Infinite Campus website. Teachers will use the traditional grading scale of A-F to signify a student’s performance. Students will earn grades and points for each module passed in the credit recovery course.

Students must earn at least a D (60%) for passing credit. Literacy skills will be tracked with reports from Accelerated Reader Programs. These programs will track students with below-proficient reading levels as well as students in Read 180 classes. These skills tests “Provide information on student performance for Literacy Skills Quizzes including status and summary reports. ” (Renaissance Learning, 2013). Holt Adapted readers are used for Special Education students placed in the regular education classroom. These adaptations “are within the reading range of English-language learners, Special Education students, and reluctant readers. ” (Amazon, 2014). The AIMS Web Assessment is a curriculum-based assessment tool that monitors progress in Math, Reading and Language Arts. This tool is used to track students who are in Jeopardy of failing classes or who have Individual Education Plans. The second goal includes the Infinite Campus referral database. This database helps teachers keep track of disciplinary actions and send those reports to administration.

The student relations office can then access those records and use them to enforce disciplinary action and to alert administrators (in the Response to Intervention Teams) of ongoing problems. Also, the Freshman Seminar class enables freshman to gain additional support their first year in high school. This class will keep track of grades by using a monthly grade monitoring sheet that must be signed y the teacher, student and parent. In this way every member of the student’s The thirst goal includes the issuance of grades every nine weeks.

All teachers are responsible for updating grades in Infinite Campus every week. Students are responsible for viewing their grades weekly. Failure notices are sent home via Infinite Campus every nine weeks. At the end of 18 weeks a Progress Report is printed for every student and sent home. At the end of the Semester every student will receive a Report Card with a grade and credits earned for that semester. The traditional grading scale of A-F is used. A passing grade is a D or higher. Only passing grades will receive credit for the semester.

Designing an Instrument Goal #1 Data Source Analysis PLATO Recovery Grades in Infinite Campus. Data Collection: Online form (Infinite Campus, Inc. , 2014) Passing = grade must be greater than 60% Literacy Skills Test Tracking of literacy skills for students with below proficient reading levels. Scores reported from Renaissance Place; Accelerated Reader Enterprise-Reports, Literacy Skills. (Renaissance Learning, 2014) Literacy skills are tracked for students below proficient level and all students in Read 180 classes. Test scores reported at Renaissance Place website: HTTPS:// hosted. Unlearn. Com/2409498/Public/RPM/Login/Login. Asps? Scrod=t Holt Adapted Readers Adapted Reader book (Amazon, 2014) Will be used for lower level readers in the regular English classes. Can be used simultaneously with English Language Arts textbooks. AIMS Web Assessment Assessment that is curriculum-based used for universal screening and progress monitoring. An increase or decrease in ability will be monitored and recorded for Math, Reading and Language Arts. (NCSC Pearson, Inc. , 2014) Data Collection: AIMS Online database (NCSC Pearson, Inc. 014) All data will be accessed online by school counselors and school psychologist for placement in remedial classes and update of Individualized Education Plans and tracking for graduation. HTTPS://mammies. Pearson. Com/. Response to Intervention, Tier I and Tier II students. Infinite Campus referral database tracks student referrals for misbehaving in the refer students in need of disciplinary measures to Student Relations through the database system. Tracked through Infinite Campus online database. HTTPS:// campus. Washcloths. Net/campus/Washoe. Jsp? Status=systemically Source Analysis

Freshman Seminar Class All freshman will take a seminar class each semester. This support class assists them in reviewing material for the High School Proficiency Exam and provides support and tutoring where students may need assistance with certain assignments and grade-monitoring on a monthly basis. On-going parental contact and grade- checks mandatory for success. Data Collection: Freshman Seminar Monthly grades. Teachers will support freshman success by monitoring grades and tutoring or sending students to other teachers for additional help and support. All lessons provided by the Freshman Seminar Committee.

Weekly grades posted to Infinite Campus. Progress Reports and Semester Grades Grades are input and calculated weekly in the Infinite Campus online database. Grades are printed our each quarter. Failure notices are sent every 9 weeks. A Progress Report is issued at the end of 18 weeks and a final grade at the end of the Semester. Grades above a “D” are issued credit. Consistent monitoring is necessary to avoid failures. Parent contact must be initiated at the first sign of failure. Data collection: Class Name Student Grade Teachers will post grades once per week. Students will check their grades at least once per week.

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Finding the right data Assignment. (2021, Apr 09). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from