Exit Interview Paper Assignment

Exit Interview Paper Assignment Words: 1194

Running Head: Exit interview Paper Exit Paper, 1 Tuskegee University July 28, 2009 Michael Ligon SOWK 364 Exit Interview Paper Ms. Macarthur Exit Paper, 2 Summary Description of Activities Over the course of this summer semester I have been exposed to many new learning experiences and opportunities. I am most thankful for the supervisor that I had at my agency, and the group of students that I have worked with this summer. This summary will be a rap out/ outline of some of the things that I have participated in this summer.

I attended my agency four days out of the week, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and on Fridays. On Wednesdays I participated in group projects where I could be anywhere from the Tuskegee University’s farm, Farmer’s market, food market, Auburn University’s Farm, or local YMCA. For my junior practicum I was placed at Salem Nursing and Rehab Center of Tuskegee. I was under the strict supervision of Mrs. Eunice Torbert. I was prompted from the first day on out how to be a better student and for future references, a great social worker.

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I went over the policies for long term care facilities on the fist day that I spent at my agency, but before I was able to interact with any of the residents, I had to follow policy, which was to pass drug test, TB skin test, and a background test. My supervisor gave me the opportunity to learn the ways of a good social worker, and the importance of being a professional at all times. I did not shadow my supervisor, as nurses do in their field, I actually did work and tasks that were assigned to me.

These tasks were very strenuous, some more than others, but I was able to get through them successfully. I was giving the opportunity to work with the residents hand and hand. Working with the residents was the perfect opportunity for me to gain experience in the long term facility. Exit Paper, 3 I was assigned, and completed tasks such as audit dealing with residents, quarterly assessments, running the entire social service department along, participating in activities with residents, and social history reports of residents.

While at this agency I was given the opportunity and learning experience of being able to attend a job fair at the VA, a court proceeding, morning meeting at the facility, nurses meetings, and behavioral meetings. The experience and knowledge that I have attained from my supervisor as well as the agency and its staff members is overwhelming, all which I will be applying in everyday life, as well as to the field of social work. On Wednesdays I participated in several different duties and activities, along with my peers. The first was spent working with the children from the Safe Haven Program.

We spent time with the children of this program for the beginning weeks of the summer semester. We sold tomato plants at the Farmer’s Market along with the children from this program, which had grown these plants on the Tuskegee University farm. While working with the children from the local YMCA, we had the children participate in arts and crafts projects, as well as games and other activities. I had the opportunity to spend one Wednesday at the Auburn University’s farm, which was the agency of three of my peers. While visiting their agency we had the chance to harvest vegetables and volunteer at the food market.

This semester was very exciting, tiresome, full of knowledge, and one big learning experience. This learning experience will prepare me for the following semester, which will be Exit Paper, 4 my senior year. I feel that I will be better prepared for certain assignments, and I will not what is expected of me, and what to expect from the senior internship. One example of personal evaluation of practice, designed and carried out in the practicum setting (the client unit may be individual, family, group, organization, or community); On this particular day at my agency, I was the only representative of the social services department.

A mage page was made over the intercom, directed at the department of social services. When I originally heard the page I thought to myself that someone in the office would answer, but then I remember that I was the only person available. I was informed that a resident had not been following protocol in reference to the facility’s smoking policy. What I did was locate the resident in the dining hall, and approach another resident who in there as well. This was done in order to keep the resident from knowing my initial purpose for being in there.

I talked to the resident for about three to five minutes before approaching the resident about his issues. I had formed a rapport with this resident not long after he entered the facility. I spoke with this resident about things that had nothing to do with his issue. After speaking with this resident for about 30-40 minutes, he eventually came out and told me on his on about what had happened and why it happened. I used my skills as a people person to get the resident to open up to me, telling why he acted as he acted without even mentioning what I was there to do.

Exit Paper, 5 A detailed narrative illustrating that you have developed knowledge of yourself Over the span of this semester, whether I was at my agency or working with my peers during the group project, I became more knowledgeable about myself as a person, team player, and as a future social worker. Some of things that I went through this semester help me to realize that my level of perseverance was very high. There was not any point of this semester where I felt like I wanted to give up and call it quits.

I had done this all of the prior work from previous semesters would have been done entirely in vein. This semester help me boost my confidence level higher than it originally was in reference to me being a great people person, being able to relate people at any level. My performance level as a team player were also brought to light when I found myself not being as involved as others during the group project. I now know that I will need to prioritized better during the fall, because my prioritizing was horrible this semester, I had too many things going on at one time.

A thorough analysis of your mastery of the objectives for social work, based on the 7 tasks contained in your learning agreement. Based on the seven tasks contained in the learning agreement I feel that I have mastered them, because I did very well at my agency, it was just the seminar work where I kept getting confused. I attained knowledge from the agency where I was placed, but the majority of my knowledge drew from my supervisor. Knowledge that she had given, I was able to apply it before I had even let the facility.

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