Electronic Commerce Software Assignment

Electronic Commerce Software Assignment Words: 446

CHAPTER 9: ELECTRONIC COMMERCE SOFTWARE Week 4 Assignment 1-) What is the difference between a static catalog and a dynamic catalog? STATIC CATALOG – Used generally by small commerce sites. – A simple list written in html. – to change the company must edit the html as such. – if the content is requested the user sees the information as portrayed and can not be changed DYNAMIC CATALOG – Software included in larger electronic commerce software packages – stores information about items in a database – contains content a user can interact with. Can include animations, video, audio 2-) What is the purpose of supply chain management software? The purpose of SCM software is to help companies coordinating the planning and operations with their partners in the industry supply chain, from supplier, to manufacturer, to distributor, to consumer. It helps with tasks such as warehouse and transportation management. It is part of the logistics of a business. It includes components that manage the demand planning by analyzing the customer buying patterns through series of proprietary algorithms customized for specific markets and develop also updated forecasts.

The supply planning is the logistic side, replenishment of inventories, distribution logistics etc. 3-) What are the benefits of using a mall-style commerce service provider? .They provide with the internet connection, web site creation tools, and barely advertising clutter. The monthly fee is low as it is the set up fee usually a one time fee. They also provide with design tools, storefront templates, an easy to use interface, and they also provide the site maintenance. Sometimes the website hosting can be for free in exchange for displaying advertising on the site.

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They also provide data-mining capabilities that search through site data collected in log files. 4-) What is the difference between shared hosting and dedicated hosting? The first and most notorious difference is in their very definition: shared hosting being where several sites share the same server, and dedicated gives you the sole proprietorship of the server. SHARED HOSTING – The use of resources is limited – Limited use of bandwidth – Less securing of the information stored – More affordable its setting up and less savvy monitoring less server crashes due to overloads – Sharing of the same IP and slow server response time – You can not install applications and scripts you want DEDICATED HOSTING -Unlimited use of resources – Unlimited use of the server – Information is more secure through your own firewall provided. -Cost is higher to implement and needs more technical supervision. – Fast server response since you have the whole server for your site. – Better performance -Faster loading time of pages

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