E-book Assignment

E-book Assignment Words: 881

When I was young my parents were really good about getting me started with reading different books and for a long time I loved reading, as long as it was books got to choose and enjoyed reading myself. Once got further along in school and they started mandating what books we had to read I got to the point where I didn’t find reading enjoyable any longer. Didn’t eke most of the books my teachers were picking for us to read so I felt like I had to force myself to read them and it caused me to even Stop reading books outside of school because it just wasn’t fun for me anymore. Until got to the ninth grade, I had a wonderful teacher who made reading enjoyable again for me. Instead of just mandating what we had to read she would give us a few different options to pick from, and they were actually books that I found really interesting too. I still remember three of the first choices she gave us to pick from. They were Monster by Walter Dean Myers, Shattering

Glass by Gail Giles and Speak by Laurie Halls Anderson. Although we only had to pick one to read and then write a report on, I had the hardest time deciding which one I wanted to pick because they all seemed really interesting to me. Ended up deciding on Speak by Laurie Halls Anderson to do my report on, but I also ended up reading the other two books just because I wanted to as well. I believe because of that teacher she really helped me find my joy in reading again. Not long after that assignment though my mom moved us from Ohio to Florida, which definitely took a huge toll on me.

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I had lived my entire life in Ohio, and had several very close friends, and I was forced to leave in the middle of my ninth grade year and start all over in a completely different state. I remember my mom and stepped drove down with the U-Haul and flew down a few days later. I was sitting in the airport waiting to board the airplane and decided to buy a book so I wouldn’t be bored on the flight. I decided to buy You Belong to Me by Karen Rose. I ended up reading the entire book by the time had made it to Florida.

Since then have read every single one of her books, and am errantly reading her newest book right now. Also believe that books have helped me get through moving from Ohio to Florida and was my escape when was trying to adjust. They were my friends before had the change to make new friends. I am still very thankful that my teacher got me back in to reading before I moved. I’m not sure how well would have handled things when first moved down to Florida if I hadn’t found my love of books and reading again. Mainly I love reading fiction books, usually murder mysteries or romance and some supernatural fantasies.

When I find a book I really enjoy ND I get started I will lose track of time and sometimes end up finishing the book in one sitting. Even though I know this is horrible, if I don’t like a way a book is going sometimes I will skip to the end of a book to make sure it will end the way like. If it doesn’t I will just stop reading and move on to a different book. My fiance always thinks ifs funny because we’ll be sitting on the couch watching a show together and as soon as a commercial comes on I’ll pick up my Kindle and start reading my book, usually he has to pause the show because I’ll still be reading once it comes back on.

He always says I have the Kindle glued to my side. I even have it sitting next time right now so I can continue reading my book once I finish writing this narrative. Even at work people know that when I’m on my break that if I have my Kindle in my hand they won’t even bother talking to me because I’m usually so engrossed in my book that don’t usually even know what’s going on around me. I love reading books it’s one of my favorite past times, and I will always be thankful to my parents and my ninth grade teacher who helped my find my love for reading. Before I moved.

I’m not sure how well I would have handled things when I first moved down to Florida if hadn’t found my love of books and reading book in one sitting. Even though I know this is horrible, if I don’t like a way a book is going sometimes will skip to the end of a book to make sure it will end the way I like. If it doesn’t will just stop reading and move on to a show because I’ll still be reading once it comes back on. He always says have the Kindle glued to my side.

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E-book Assignment. (2022, Mar 25). Retrieved March 12, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/e-book-11129/