Customer relationship management, Assignment

Customer relationship management, Assignment Words: 1022

It enables the business organization to maintain, analyze and act upon the information which the business identifies as relevant to improve its relationships with the customer, and thus enhance Its chances of success. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) helps companies improve the profitability of their interactions with customers while at the same time making the interactions appear friendly Data Mining with the help of which Customer Life Cycle can be managed well in Acquiring new customers, increasing value of the customers, retaining good customers.

The basic steps of Data Mining for effective CRM are: 1. Define Business Problem 2. Build Marketing Database 3. Explore Data 4. Prepare data for modeling 5. Build Model 6. Deploy model and results The company can then use the information to learn about the behavior of its customers and improve the way it does a business. It can look at recurring complaints from multiple customers to solve a problem which would otherwise go unchecked with a normal formats and management system of the company.

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The main objective of my project is to find effective solution for the Customer Relationship Management and accordingly increase the credibility and profitability of the company. This study is more related to consumer behavior and perception about the facilities and convenience provided by the company, Customer Satisfaction is emphasized in this management. O Helping an enterprise to enable its marketing apartments to identify and target their best customers, manage marketing campaigns with clear goals and objectives, and generate quality leads for the sales team. Assisting the organization to improve telesales, account, and sales management by optimizing information shared by multiple employees, and streamlining existing processes (for example, taking orders using mobile devices) o Allowing the formation of individualized relationships with customers, with the aim of improving customer satisfaction and maximizing profits; identifying the most profitable customers and providing them the highest level of service.

Customer Needs, Satisfaction Level, their response and emotions. The objective of this study to analyze existing customer satisfaction as those customers are the key sources to new customers with respect to the performance, sales efforts and sales Maidenhair Securities, it”s clear that it has very strong Customer Relationship Management System and perfect people to handle it properly for the benefit of customers and company as well. Actual and personal meeting with existing customers and employees has brought me to the reality of the effectiveness of the system and their success.

For analyzing the same factor I staked my whole duration f the project and simultaneously for internal study and market watch and other group assignments. Questionnaire is based on the existing services and the satisfaction level of the existing customers which includes questions like Name, Age, Gender, Income, Investment Frequency, feedback about services which they are provided like conformation, calls, suggestions, solutions on stuck money like dead investment and all. On an average all the customers are happy with the company and look forward to the growth of it.

C. Scope of the study: Scope the this study is it will assist Relegate to get its own Customer Relationship Management system mirror well and it will get all the important things before eyes to apply all the possible ways to provide a superb service to the customers and accordingly make them loyal and retain them long lasting and also to get new customers to be served. Scopes can be stated in few points as follows. O Maintain current / existing customers. O Achieve new potential customers. O Retain all the customers. Profitability Increment o Reputation and credibility Increment, etc. The heart of CRM is not being customer centric but rather to use customer profitability as a driver for decision making and action. Before exploring this assertion, it is useful to review the process of resource allocation as it is practiced in most organizations. The budget process largely consists of an extrapolation of the past. Resource constraints pit function against function with back room deals that are based on internal politics versus the marketplace.

The company offers a large and diverse advisory, portfolio management services, personal finance services, Investment banking and institutional broking services. The services are broadly clubbed across three key business verticals- Retail, Wealth management and the Institutional picture. Relegate Enterprises Limited is the holding company for all its businesses, structured and being operated through various subsidiaries. Relegate”s retail network spreads across the length and breadth of the country with its presence through more than 1,217 locations across more than 392 cities and towns.

Having spread itself fairly well across the country and with the promise of not resting on its laurels, it has also aggressively started eyeing global geographies Relegate Enterprises Limited (REEL) is one of the leading integrated financial services groups of India. REEL”s businesses are broadly clubbed across three key verticals, the Retail Institutional and Wealth spectrums, catering to a diverse and wide base of clients. The vision is to build Relegate as a globally trusted brand in the financial services domain and present it as the lineament Gateway of India”.

All employees of the group guided by an experienced and professional management team are committed to providing financial care, backed by the core values of diligence and transparency. REEL offers a multitude of investment options and a diverse bouquet of financial services with its pan India reach in more than 1800 occasions across more than 490 cities and towns. REEL operates globally following its acquisition of London”s oldest brokerage and investment firm, Hisses, Harrison and Co. Pl.

With a view to expand, diversify and introduce offerings benchmark against global best practices, Relegate operates its Life Insurance business in partnership with the global major- AEGEAN. For its wealth management business Relegate has partnered with Australia based financial services major- Manchuria. Relegate has also partnered with Vista Entertainment to launch India”s first SIB proved Film Fund offering a unique alternative asset class of investments. Relegate Securities Limited (RSI), a 100% subsidiary of Relegate Enterprises Limited is a leading equity and securities firm in India.

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Customer relationship management, Assignment. (2019, Nov 15). Retrieved March 7, 2025, from