Bush Boake Allen Assignment

Bush Boake Allen Assignment Words: 4320

J B Aitkin, Widnes 1. 2pp. typed notes on company processes 2. Site plan 1916 3. Site plan 1939 4. Extract from Widnes weekly news of death of J. B. Aitkin 1934 5. Sketch of works muriate (ammonium chloride) plant 1916 6. Information on titles to land Albright and Wilson, Oldbury 1. Report on visit to works by museum staff 1986 2. Letter regarding 1. 3. Reprint Chem. And Ind. August 31st 1963 regarding Research Department 4. Job assessment scheme at works 1969 5. Sales leaflet / article regarding Holmes Marine Life protection Association (owned by A and W) Aluminium Co Ltd 1. 2. Albright and Wilson Ann St. orks Widnes 1. Chart of company and subsidiaries at 1956 2. Company publication on history 3. Museum notes on Co. history and artefacts in museum collection 4. Essay on company: ‘Ann St. before Albrights. ‘ 5. Company notes about new plants in 1979 6. Essay by E Jones office manager 1933 about Widnes workers 7. List of taped interviews with process workers 8. Leaflet on works fire brigade 1952 9. Essay on works history J Smith January 1984 10. Interview with former process workers 1983 11. Various press cuttings 12. Copy from Albright news 1959 attitude about women process workers M. Hanley Alumina Co Ltd . Key facts about Alcan (owner of Alumina Co Ltd) 2. Aluminium Sulphate 3. ATC 21 Use of aluminium sulphate 4. Notes on company history 5. ‘The iron bridge alum works’ reprint from ICI news Feb 1952 Anglo Blackwells 1. Anglo Blackwells: company history 2. High speed steel alloys Ltd 3. ‘Export awards 1983’ cutting from ‘The World’ 1985 4. Product information 5. List of photographs on loan from Co. 1982 6. List of accessioned items storied in vault 7. Report on visit to works by museum researcher 1982 Atlas Chemical Company 1. Company History and notes on James Hargreaves Australia Alum Co. , Runcorn 1.

Brief typed notes on company history 2. Ordinance survey 1927 showing site of works 3. Copy of sales leaflet Barium chemical Ltd, Widnes 1. Correspondence with customers regarding quality of barium sulphate 2. Insurance Policies BASF (Mersey Chemical Works) 1. Typed history of works and its various ownerships Richard Bealey 1. Visit to Bury reference library regarding Bealey Archives 2. Letter from Gordon Rintoul Regarding Bealey Archives B. I. C. C. 1. BCR copper products brochure 2. BICC Making it work brochure 3. The BICC Group brochure William Blythe, Accrington 1. Visit report by museum staff 1984 2.

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Site plan 3. Company accounts 1911-1914 4. Co. productsadvert1931 5. Internal memos regarding board meeting 6. Aerial views of factory in 1960 7. Miscellaneous office memos, receipts etc 8. Two coloured photos of plant in 1987 Thomas Bolton, Widnes 1. Letters to and from museum regarding ‘Thomas Bolton’ publication 2. Visit report: former Thomas Bolton works site 1985 by museum researcher 3. Brief typed note and company listing 4. Reprint from Metal Industry March 24, 31 1950 about copper written by Thomas Bolton’s Staff 5. Reprint from Commercial Art and Industry Oct 1932 about works BOC Marsh works, Widnes 1.

Visit by museum staff 1982 2. Visit by museum staff 1984 3. Company publicity leaflet British Industrial Plastics, Oldbury 1. Letter from BIP to museum 2. Photocopies of two books about the history of BIP Brunner Mond 1. List of book references 2. Report from ICI the forerunners W J Reader 3. Copy of Mond’s m/s estimates 1982 4. M/s estimate from Haber on costs of soda ash 5. List of photos and correspondences in Chester Archives 6. Company letter to trade contact 1926 7. News paper cutting 8. Extracts from Northwich Guardian 1986 9. M/s notes on company history 10. List of documents in Widnes library Research room 11. M/s 2. Note regarding John Brunner 13. L. Monds English Patents 14. Photocopies of photos of A. W. Tangye, Holland, Blowing engine, Solvay, black ash revolver 15. Typed historical notes of company 16. Costs of Solvay and Leblanc processes 1872 17. List of important dates in Co. history 18. Salt museum publication Sir J. Brunner 19. Typed notes on Co. history 20. Essay on producer gas at Warrington 21. M/s essay ‘B. Mond at war 1914-19’ 22. Similar to 19 23. Notes: ‘Waste from the Ammonia process’ 24. Extract from ‘British Industry under free trade’ 1903 -: The alkali industry 25. Negotiations with Brunner regarding markets 1900

Bush, Boake, Allen, Widnes 1. History of company 2. History of Dans Road Site 3. Product brochures 4. Report of meeting on site by museum staff 1979 5. Plan of site 1979 6. Similar to 2 7. Albright magazine 1966 regarding the formation of the company 8. Sales pamphlet 9. News paper cutting – Halton world of commerce 1983 10. News paper cutting – Runcorn world 1982 11. 12. 13. 14. Sales brochure W. J. Bush, West Bank 1. Brief typed history Chemical and Metallurgical Corp, Runcorn 1. Notes on company history 2. Production statistics 1920’s 3. Advertisement 1932 Calder and Mersey extract Co. 1. Brief history . Advertisement 3. Site map ICI Hillhouse, Fleetwood 1. Site plan card 2. Report of site visit by museum staff 1982 3. History and description of factory 4. Brief description of site 1898 ICI, Gaskell Marsh, Widnes 1. Typed history of site 2. Company report describing site 1949 3. Details of production plants Gaskell Deacon, Widnes 1. Site plan 2. Article on Co. 3. Letter from Henry Deacon’s Granddaughter, 1989 4. M/S notes on company history 5. Early photographs (anon) 6. Bleaching powder production statistics 7. Inventory of works 1891 8. Deed of dissolution of partnership Pilkington/Deacon 9.

List of documents of Eccles public library 10. Obituary Holbrook Gaskell 11. H. Gaskell’s French passport 12. Letter from former employee 13. Site plan 14. Evidence to river pollution conclusion 1870 15. Typed notes on company history 16. Site plans 17. Rating valuation list Widnes 1874 18. Production statistics 19. Brief history of site 20. Production statistics 21. List of artefacts and photos 22. Article: the Gaskells 23. Report F Hunter regarding interview with old employee 1885 24. Article: Gaskell Deacon 1853-1953 25. Various documents 26. Company history 1853-1930 typed ICI Pilkington Sullivivan works, Widnes . Descriptive Brochure 2. Descriptive leaflet 3. Typed history 4. Company report 1933 5. Costs of products 1931-1945 6. M/S notes of visit to factory 1983 7. Typed notes of visit to factory 1985 8. Biographical and other company details 9. Memorandum and articles of association 10. Press cuttings 1986 regarding new paraquat plant 11. History of flint making 12. Press cutting regarding WW2 bomb 13. Brief historical summary 14. Essay on early ICI. 15. ICI. Report on Greenbank works 1966 16. Article Greenbank magazine on history of factory 1925 17. ICI. Report on works 18. Letter reminisces of former manager 19.

Production statistics 20. Schedule of buildings 1939 21. Notes on land leases 1871, 1868 Carty and Sons Ltd, London 1. Publicity brochure 2. Product price list 1975 Chance and Hunt 1. ICI report 1949 2. History of firm 3. List of production costs Colloids Ltd, Widnes 1. Brief history 2. Product Sheets 3. Sales brochure Croda Organic chemicals Ltd, Widness 1. Company history 2. Press cutting 3. History of Bowman 4. History of Bowman 5. Visit by museum staff, report 1985 6. Site plan 7. Visit by museum staff, report 1982 8. List of archive material received form Co. 1985 9. Press cutting, Widnes weekly, news 1985 0. Company advert 1956 11. Press cutting “World” 1985 12. Press cutting “World” 1986 13. Staff handbook 14. Card with company name Crosfield, Warrington 1. Company Brochure 1924 Costain Petrocarbon Ltd. Manchester 4. Sales Brochure 5. Sales Brochure 6. Sales Brochure Dearborn Chemicals Ltd. Widnes 1. History of company 2. Conditions of company 3. Misc. letter 4. product flow sheet 1969 5. Report by museum staff 1982 6. Report by museum staff 1982 7. The story of our development 8. Reprinted, Effluent and water treatment journal 1979 9. Company newsletter 10. Article in ‘Ambassador’. 11. House journal, W R Grace 2. Press cutting, August 1963 13. Annual report W R Grace 1984 J H Dennis Cornubia Copper works 1. History 2. Press cutting and company history, Widnes weekly news 1959 Desoto Alkali Company, Widnes 1. Company history 2. Memorandum of articles of association 3. Similar to (1) Dista, Speke 1. Family day programme 1984+company history 2. Company journal 1979 3. Company brochure 4. M/s historical notes Ditton Brook Iron Works 1. Site plan 2. History of company 3. Misc. m/s notes 4. List of land titles 5. Letter from ICI i. e. company listings 6. Copies of wills 7. List of references 8. Extract from select com. 9.

Misc. m/s noted of reports of interviews with workers 10. Memorandum of associations 11. Obituary of W. M. Thorburn 12. Misc. m/s historical notes 13. List of original shareholders Dunlop Tire Co. 1. Dunlop tyre production 1976 2. Dunlop, Speke 1970-85 W. R. Earp, Runcorn 1. History note 2. Typed history of Tannery house, Preston Brook 3. Article, Widnes Weekly News 1978 4. Guardian 1957, fire at factory 5. Site plan 1942 6. Site plan 1917 7. Site plan date? 8. Location 9. References 10. Misc. office documents 11. Papers W. R. Earp’s election as county councillor 1889 12. Title deeds to land Evans Medical, Speke 1.

Company history F. B. C(Fisons/Boots) 1. Notes of Museum staff visit 1982 2. TRICHLORO ISOCYANIC ACID Chemistry experiment 3. Company fact sheet 4. Press cutting i. e. company future 5. Sheets on certain products 6. Company descriptive brochure 7. Catalogues of products Thos Fleetwood Widnes 1. Brief historical notes 2. Information on land lease Golding Davis & Co. 1. Article, Chemistry and industry 1960 2. List of shareholders 3. Production statistics 4. Descriptions of fire at works 5. Notes of company history 6. Sources of information on company 7. Chance Sulphur recovery process royalties ledger 8. similar to 5 . Transfer of lease 1869 10. Extract press cutting funeral. R. Holden Davis 11. Misc. Historical notes 12. Site valuation and description 13. M/s notes i. e. take-over by UAC 14. Similar to 5 15. M/s notes biography, Davis 16. Transfer of lease 1869 onwards 17. Liquidation of G. D—UAC 91 18. Biography extract Liv. Daily post 1904 19. Family trees 20. Small historical extract 1960 Hall Brothers and Shaw, Widnes 1. M/c Company history 2. Extract from Cheshire records 3. Hall Family tree 4. Evidence for river pollution 1870 5. Factory inventory 6. Site plans Handley and Beck, Runcorn 1. Press cuttings i. e. ompany history 2. letters to the museum Hay Gordon & Co. , Widnes 1. M/s Notes on company history 2. schedule of sale of plant 1892 3. Cheshire Rec office 4. Summaries of company correspondence 1892 Hazlehurst, Runcorn and Liverpool 1. Printed Company history 2. Advertisement Gossage, Widnes 1. Lecture on company history 2. Reprint for “Grocery” 1909 3. Advert from ‘the wheel’ 1924, i. e. the company 4. Press cutting, Widnes weekly news1972, i. e. company history 5. Company history 6. Data sheet 7. Copy, Land lease 1854 8. Reprints, “the wheel” 1926-8 9. List of memorandum + documents 10. Indenture schedule 1852-3 11.

Documents relating to sale of land 1964 12. Article on soap and Gossage 13. Article, “working for Gossage” 14. Letter: museum, Major Gossage 1983 15. Press cutting i. e. old employee 16. Press cutting, Widnes weekly news 1977 17. Letters: i. e. photo of employees 18. Press cuttings, Widnes weekly news 19. Short article, Gossage 20. Patent 762/1853 21. Land lease details1853 22. Photocopies of photographs 23. M/c biography Gossage 24. Misc. office documents 25. Report on visit to museum 1982 26. Article, Antiquarian Horology 27. Photograph of old postcard 28. List of photos 29. Photos, Gossage works 30. M/s Gossage patent 1. Extract from office files 32. M/s list of Warrington Guardian references 33. List of photocopies 34. Patent 7267 1836 Highfield Tannery, Runcorn 1. Company history 2. Another company history 3. Company advertisoning brouchure 4. Brief description in town guide 5. Product advertisment 6. Runcorn weekly News regarding closure 1967 7. Transcript of interview with former employee 8. Biographical notes on R H Posnett 9. Description of processes 1966 10. Museum document refering to visit of Mr C C posnett 11. Interviews withformer employees 12. News cutting from Runcorn News Hutchinson and Earle 1. Company history . Report on the evidence of river pollution 3. Report about shipping I. C. I. , Castner Kellner (1) 1. List of ICI archives 2. Descriptive pamphlet of works 3. Descriptive pamphlet 4. Descriptive pamphlet 5. Chemistry and industry 1964 article on Works 6. Company history 7. Company history 8. Descriptive pamphlet 9. Chlorine production figures 10. Company history 11. Description of electrolytic processes 12. External report-cell room and salunol plant 13. General Chemical Division News articles 14. List of company documents 15. Statistics-salaries and bleaching 16. Notes on a visit to works by museum staff 7. Correspondence-S. Bornett, technical chemist. 18. Products chart 19. Historical notes 20. Notes on company founders 21. Reminiscences of a former employee 22. Memo from police 1940 23. List of plant costs 1898-1937 24. Letter from Clayton Aniline Company 25. Historical essay on Castner 26. List of photographs 27. Notes on meetings and cataloguing 28. List of employees 1897 29. Internal report on research. 30. Flow diagram of chemical processes 31. Business history of company 32. Notes on labour policy 1896/1946 33. Contact at ICI re photos, exhibits 34. Process monograph: historical introduction 35.

Article, the locomotive, on battery locomotive 1925 36. Museum letters re artefacts 37. Production figures September 1948 38. ICI report 1949 39. Notes on the early years of the company 40. Target master plan (German bomber information) 41. Monitor magazine 1995 42. Diagrams 43. Chronicle of ICI history & business and social history to 1926. ICI Castner-Kellner Runcorn (2) 1. Correspondence-ICI and museum 2. Mercury cell process-flow diagram 3. C-K images 4. Derelict cottage at C-K works 5. Amalgam decomposition 6. Widnes weekly news 1896 7. C-K during the war 8. Article- no more carbon anodes 9. Meeting with Steve Kelham 0. Titanium anodes article-1959 11. Informative pamphlet 12. Historical notes 13. Research 14. ICI archive catalogue 15. C-K history brief notes 16. Photo list 17. Construction of the Weston point works 18. ICI archives catalogue 19. The lives of the founders of the company 20. Photo of C-K and Weston point 21. General chemical division news articles 22. Diagram of Mercury rocking cell 1897 23. Original designs (1892/4) for rocking cell 24. Notes on products 25. C-K and the electrolysis of brine 26. Agreements between C-K and the Ministry of Munitions, 1913 27. Chemistry and industry magazine articles 28.

Article by an employee 29. Information on original plant installed 30. Day’s routine-mercury cells 31. Capital expenditure on new plant and equipment 32. Rocking cells-electrolytic procedure diagrams 33. Description of same 34. Rocking cells/chlorine production 35. Museum correspondence 36. The development of Castner mercury cell process ICI Central Laboratory, Widnes 1. ICI historical report 2. ICI souvenir booklet 3. General chemical division news article 4. A map 5. Letter in Chemistry and industry 6. Notes and references on people involved 7. More of 6 8. Some history ICI-Gaskell Marsh works, Widnes 1. History of site 2.

Company report describing site 3. Details of production plants 4. General chemical division news articles 5. Details of production plants 6. about the reorganisation 7. Notes on the early development of the plant ICI Hillhouse, Fleetwood 1. Site plan 2. Report of site visits by museum staff 3. History and description of factory 4. Brief description of site, 1898 5. Production of chlorine 6. ICI report 1949 7. Museum report ICI Lostock, Northwich 1. Report on visit to Lostock ICI Mond Division 1. Location map 2. General chemical division news1964 3. General chemical division manning levels, 1930s 4. Report on accounts 1930 . Runcorn Research Establishment history 6. Correspondence re sandstone marker at Beechwood 7. Reports of visits by museum staff 1983 8. Mond Mail 1985 article re display of historical documents 9. Production figures, 1930s ICI Pilkington Sullivan works, Widnes 1. Descriptive brochure 2. Descriptive leaflet 3. History of works 4. Company report 1933 5. Interpretation of product data 1931-45 6. Notes of visit to factory 1983 7. Notes of visit to factory 1985 8. Biographical and other company details 9. Memorandum and articles of association 10. Press cuttings 1986 re new Paraquat plant 11. History of flint making 2. Press cuttings re WW2 bomb 13. Brief historical summary 14. Essay on early ICI 15. ICI report on Greenbank works, 1966 16. Greenbank Magazine article on history of factory 17. ICI report on works, history and operations 18. Letter-reminiscences of former Manager 19. Production statistics 20. Schedule of buildings 1939 21. Notes on land leases 22. Notes for “shut down Pilkington Sullivan and Wigg works” film 23. General chemical division news article on shutdown 24. Statistics 25. ICI report 1949 26. Notes on Chemical places in Widnes 27. Plant history 28. Chlorine production figures ICI Randle works, Runcorn 1.

ICI report 1949 ICI Rocksavage Works, Runcorn 1. Informative leaflet 2. Historical notes 3. ICI report 1949 4. Plant history 5. Plant history 6. Liverpool Echo press cutting 7. Chlorine production figures ICI Wade works, Northwich 1. ICI report 1949 ICI Wednesbury 1. ICI report 1949 ICI West Bank Power Station, Widnes 1. Site description and history 2. Description in General Chemical Division news 3. Report of visit by Liverpool Engineering Society 4. Description in Electrical review 5. Brief description 1923 6. Description 1929 7. Description 1970 8. Operating statistics 1925 ICI Winnington & Wallerscote, Northwich . Descriptive leaflet 2. Chemistry and Industry magazine article on history 3. World press cutting- tower demolition 4. Booklet of visit to Wallerscote, 1958 Johnsons, Runcorn 1. History 2. List of Patents Lancashire Metal Company, Widnes 1. Memorandum and articles of association 2. Miscellaneous information Lankro, Manchester 1. Company history and description 2. Obituary of founder 3. Company 50 years report Laporte (& Peter Spence), Warrington 1. Interox company brochure 2. History of Peter Spence and Sons 3. Press report re Hurlet Alum works 4. Aerial view of factory 5. Report of museum staff visit 1982 6.

History of Peter Spence and Sons 7. History of Peter Spence and Sons 8. History of Laporte 9. Letter to museum re artefacts 10. Laporte annual report: 1980 11. Laporte annual report: 1981 12. Laporte annual report: 1982 13. Laporte annual report: 1984 14. The Industrial Chemist article re Sulphuric acid production at Peter Spence 15. The Lead Chamber process 16. History of the company Leather’s Chemical Company 1. Company leaflet Lever Bros/Unilever 1. Leaflet 2. Soap marketing 3. Early Laboratory photos 4. Distribution of partnership certificates to employees 5. Part of Lever Brothers Magazine, 1929 6. Brombero port estate map

Liver Alkali Company, Widnes 1. Memorandum and articles of association 2. Brief notes on setting up of company 3. History of company 4. Notes on land leasers 5. List of factories incorporated into UAC 6. Press reference 7. Extract from UAC publication 8. Golding Davis and Co- Memorandum and articles of association 9. Company history, details of shareholders and particulars of land McKechnie Chemicals Ltd, Widnes 1. Report of visit by museum staff 1982 2. History of company 3. Company brochure 4. Press cuttings 1985 5. Description of copper sulphate process 6. History of copper sulphate manufacture 7. History of company . History of company 9. Brief history 10. Functions and constitution of works committee 11. Short description of company 12. Book list Mather and Platt 1. Letter to museum staff 2. Extract from a draft of company history 3. Extract from “The Right Hon Sir William Mather” 4. Extract from “Sir William Mather” 5. Company brochure 6. Company brochure Mathiesons, Widnes 1. Agreement re acid drains 1886 2. Transcripts of works correspondence 3. History of works 4. Transcripts of correspondence 5. Statistical data 6. Funeral report- D. D. Mathieson 7. Extracts from “Worrell’s Commercial Directory” c. 1870-1900 8.

Extracts from Chemical Trade journal 1901 re fraud 9. Extracts from “A History of the Chemical Industry in Widnes” 10. Extracts from Liverpool directories 1879 11. Company history 12. Literature references and notes re company history 13. Chemistry and Industry 1955 article 14. Notes re land lease 15. Transcripts of Mathieson Wills 16. Family history 17. Valuation of business 1919 18. Extracts from company letters 19. Map of Widnes 20. Site plan 1882 21. Photos of works 22. Local map 23. Land lease details 24. Transcripts of press cuttings 1906 25. Report on Mannheim contact process 26. Letters to and from museum staff 7. Contents page 28. Email query re E. M. Davies Mort Liddell and Company, Widnes 1. Indenture of lease 2. List of Widnes ratepayers 1874-5 3. Extract from “Alkali Producing Works of the United Alkali Company” 4. List of firms acquired by the United Alkali Company 5. Transcript of article from Widnes Weekly News 1883 6. Report on company Murgatroyd’s, Middlewich 1. Booklet- “The Story of Murgatroyd’s” 2. Miscellaneous photos Muspratt, Liverpool 1. Street plan of Liverpool 1836 2. Site plan 1848 3. Report of 1838 trial 4. Print of etching of factory 1830 5. “Profits and Pollution” 6. Production details 1868-9 . Entries in trade directories, 1798-1860 8. Letter from Liebig to J. Muspratt 1844 9. Street plan of Liverpool 1847 10. “The Muspratts of Liverpool” Muspratt, Newton-le-Willows 1. Letter from local resident re pollution 2. O. S. map of N. -le-W. 3. Indictment for pollution misdemeanours 4. Letter from manager to J. Muspratt re production 1836 5. Letter from Liebig to J. Muspratt 1846 Muspratt, Widnes 1. Copies of office documents, 1871 2. Essay on Widnes politics and E. K. Muspratt 1885 3. Notes on works 4. Articles in Widnes Weekly News 1922 5. Production statistics in 1870 6. Production statistics 7.

List of Russian workers 1916 8. Land lease details 1866 9. Consumption and Production data Muspratt and Huntley, Flint 1. Maps and site plans 2. Obituaries of R. Muspratt 3. Company history 4. Museum correspondence with Clwyd county record office 5. Summary of an article in Industrial Archaeological Review 6. Extracts from Historic Notices of Flint 7. Factory apprenticeship indenture 1859 8. Newspaper cutting 1919 re factory closure Netham Chemical Company 1. Company history-article, Chemistry and Industry 1985 2. Correspondence between museum staff and Gloucestershire Council 3. Letter from Bristol; history of company . ICI report 1949 North British Chemical Company (McClellan) 1. Notes on company history Northbrook Chemical Works, Bradford 1. History of company Associated Octel, Ellesmere Port 1. Report by museum staff on visit to works 1983 2. Article in Industrial Chemist 1954 3. Article in The Engineer 1954 4. Company publication re leaded petrol 1983 5. Company report on lead fallout 6. Company report on Italian articles on lead pollution 7. Company publication re company objectives 8. Company publication re lead in the atmosphere 9. Company publication re unleaded petrol 10. Company publicity leaflet 11. Octel news, 1985 2. Company report on unleaded petrol A&F Pears 1. Publicity leaflet 2. History of company Richard Powell 1. Consumptions and productions yearly Platt’s Foundry, Widnes 1. Reports of visits by museum staff 2. Brief historical notes Price’s of Bomborough 1. Patent for distillation of glycerine; essays on glycerine 2. Chapters from Manufacture of candles, 1891 3. Essay on the fatty acid industry 4. Museum Inventory of equipment 5. Notes on candle making 6. Brief historical notes 7. Diagrams of candle making process 8. Inventory of candle making and other equipment 9. List of company documents kept at Birkenhead library 0. Essays on candles, candle making etc. 11. Essays on candles, fatty acids and related processes 12. Company product list 1950 13. Transcript from company publication re fatty acids 14. Transcript from company publication re candle making 15. Company history and description of processes 16. Copy of treatise on production methods 17. Notes and article on company history 18. Notes on glycerine production Proctor and Gamble 1. Questions and answers about marketing at P&G Rare Earth Products 1. Booklet on applications 2. Product guide 3. Press cutting re company 1986 Reckitts colours, Hull 1. History of Ultramarines 2.

Reckitt magazine 1968 3. Article on company history 4. Article on company history 5. Notes on dyestuffs exhibit at museum J. Riley, Hapton, Lancashire 1. Valuation report 1919 2. Company publicity booklet R. V. Chemicals, Bromborough 1. Report of visit by museum staff, 1985 Runcorn Soap and Alkali 1. Extract from Liverpool directories 2. Brief historical notes 3. Summaries of literature references 4. Monumental inscription of Wigg family 5. Obituary of Charles Wigg 6. Family history notes 7. Extracts from alkali inspectors’ reports 8. Notes on land assignments 1852 9. Transcript of press cutting 1883 re death of John Johnson 10.

Transcript of monumental inscription of Johnson family 11. Extracts from file on Johnsons 12. ICI site plans 13. Company resolution re transfer to United Alkali Company 1891 14. Extracts from file on company 15. Notes re wills, leases etc 16. Evidence to Rivers Pollution Committee 17. Memorandum and Articles of Association 1865 18. Notes on company history 19. Draft of leaflet on company history 20. Land conveyance 1869 21. Advertisements 1876 22. Extract from Warrington Guardian Salt Union, Weston Point 1. Correspondence by museum 2. Correspondence 3. Site photo 4. Notes on company, history and salt 5. ICI report 1938

Shell, Carrington 1. Brochure, “a new life for Carrington” 2. Article, The Industrial Chemist, re developments at Carrington 3. Report of museum visit, 1986 Shell, Stanlow 1. Report of visit by museum staff 2. Informative leaflet 3. Questions and answers wallet 4. Information leaflet 5. Environmental health book 6. Annual report 1983 7. Chemical processes Spencer Chapman & Messel 1. Advertisement Steetley Chemicals Ltd, Widnes 1. Newspaper cutting re closure 2. Historical and process notes 3. Historical and process notes 4. Brochure describing factory 5. Products brochure Sulphur Company Ltd 1. Brief notes

TAC Construction materials Ltd 1. Process description 2. Extract from Widnes Handbook 3. Extract from Widnes Handbook 1920 4. Pamphlet on company products 5. Advert for products Tennant St. Rollox, Glasgow 1. Picture of Charles Tennant 2. Article from Industrial Archaeology 3. Article on history Tharsis Sulphur and Copper Company 1. Brief notes on company history 2. Notes on material in Durham County council archives Land conveyances: 3. 1870 4. 1877 5. 1894 6. 1956 7. 1923 8. Local board minutes, 1886-92 9. Extracts from Chemistry and Industry 10. Archival material in Chester records office 11. List of Widnes ratepayers 1874-85 2. Literature references 13. Obituary of Sir Charles Tennant 14. Company history 15. List of company joining United Alkali Company 16. Extract from A History of the Chemical Industry in Widnes 17. Historical notes J. W. Towers (Gallenkamp) 1. Instructions for hydrogenation apparatus 2. Interview with former manager 3. Brief notes of company history 4. List of company pensioners 5. Brief historical notes 6. Official company history and product advertisements, 1932 7. Advertisement, 1950 United Alkali Company 1. 1. Products brochure 1917 2. Annual report 1900 3. Takeover statistics 1892 4. Essay on company advertising policy 1895 . Products brochure 1924 6. Agreement between Solvay Company and UAC, 1901 7. Agreement between Solvay Company and UAC, 1898 8. Evidence to parliamentary comission re working conditions 9. Legal document re formation of UAC 10. Miscellaneous papers re noxious gas evidence [missing] 11. Flow chart showing origins of UAC 12. List of companies comprising UAC 13. Agreement re caustic soda 1915 14. Report on soda ash production at Fleetwood [missing] 15. Product pamphlet 1915 16. Agreement between Solvay Company and UAC 17. Memorandum of association, share capital, prospectus 1891 18. Production statistics 1889-1901 19.

Paper re UAC relationship with rivals 20. List of alkali producing works of UAC 21. ICI report: Reminiscences of the Chemical Industry in Widnes and Fleetwood, 1901-28 2. 1. Report on Castner Mercury cell process and its rejection by UAC 2. Essay on Strategy and Structure of UAC, 1977 3. Report- “the Epitome and Epitaph of the Leblanc industry” 4. History of UAC 1890-1926 5. Report on reorganisation of 1984 6. Historical notes on formation and rationalisation 7. Historical notes on the Entrepreneur and British Economy 8. Historical notes on early merger movements 9. Historical notes on mergers 1880-1918 10. Statistics 1. List of companies acquired by UAC 12. Extract from product list 1917 13. List of companies acquired by UAC 14. Caustic soda production dates. 3. 1. History and statistics 2. Miscellaneous products and land purchase and plant extension 3. Details of land purchase and plant extension 4. Statistics 5. Data on works’ chimneys United Sulphuric Acid Corporation 1. Souvenir brochure 1955 2. Process description 3. Historical notes 4. Correspondence and OS map 5. Notes on history, process etc. 6. Report on design and construction of factory Thos. Vickers, Widnes 1. Land lease 1870 2. Correspondence re land lease 1872 3.

Site plan Correspondence: re land lease: 4. 1885 5. 1879 6. 1882 7. 1884 8. 1882 9. Office correspondence 1879 re land lease: 10. 1873 11. 1875 12. re ground rents 1877 13. Office correspondence 1892 14. Notes on land leasing and ownership 15. Photo of works c1930 16. Site plans, 1895, 1869 17. Brief notes on company history Correspondence: 18. re land rights 1877 Office correspondence 19. 1873 20. 1885 21. Site Office correspondence plan 1885 22. Legal accounts re leases Correspondence: 23. Office correspondence 1875 re leases 24. 1875-6 25. 1875-6 26. Office correspondence 1892 re leases 27. 1881 28. 1880 29. 1879

Vine Chemicals, Widnes 1. Order book 1975-9 2. Blank purchase orders 3. Copies of purchase orders 1979 4. Product data Ward Blenkinsop Ltd, Widnes 1. Notes on company history and products 2. Notes on company history and products 3. Reports of visits by museum staff 1982 4. Press cuttings re job losses 1985,-6 5. Product catalogue 6. Price list 1949 7. Brochure 1979 8. Company magazines 1981 9. Company magazine 1963 10. Brief history 11. Brief description Wells and Galloway Ltd 1. Notes re company history 2. Evidence to Rivers Pollution Committee 3. Memorandum and articles of association 4. Press cutting re use of patents

Weston Chemical Company Limited 1. Articles of association and brief history Whiffen and sons Ltd, Widnes 1. Company history booklet 2. Company history and description booklet by Fisons Widnes Alkali Company, Widnes 1. Brief history 2. Advertisement, 1887 3. Evidence to Rivers pollution committee 4. Description of black ash furnace1887 5. Memorandum and articles of association 6. Extracts from Widnes Weekly News, 1885 7. Memorandum and articles of association and notice of final winding-up of company 8. Sullivan and co. Memorandum and articles of association 9. Letterand notice re winding-up of company 10.

Article, The Engineer, re black ash furnace Widnes and Ditton Land Company 1. Memorandum and articles of association Widnes Foundry 1. Company history and product brochure 2. Reports of visits by museum staff 1982,-4 3. Patent for improvements to process vessels 4. Recollections by former employee 5. Brief history of compny 6. Engineering drawings of products 7. Abstract of land indenture 8. List of artefacts and documents Widnes Metal Company 1. Memorandum and articles of association 2. Legal documents re land ownership 3. Press cutting describing processes 4. Brief company history Widnes Soap Company Ltd 1. 25 years anniversary brochure . Balance sheets, 1950,-2,-7 3. Advertisements 4. Extract from Widnes Official Handbook, 1948 5. Extract from title deed 6. Press extract re death of R. W. Bloomer 1957 7. Press extract re products 1933 Widnes Sulphur Company Ltd 1. Memorandum and articles of association Widnes Traders Association 1. Notes on records 2. Minutes of meetings 1874-90 3. Minutes of meetings 1874-91 4. Notes re LNWR records 5. Miscellaneous acts of the association 6. Press extracts 7. Notes and various dates 8. Brief historical notes Wigg Bros. and Steele, Runcorn 1. Notes on freehold agreements 2. Production statistics 3. Historical notes . Historical notes 1957-48 5. Will of Edward Wigg 1851 6. Census returns, 1841,-51 7. Extracts from Liverpool directories 8. Wigg family tree 9. Extracts from Cheshire record office archives 10. Description of salt cake plant 11. Description of plant continued 12. Description of Kemsol plant 13. Notes on Chance’s sulphur recovery plant 14. Extracts from Cheshire directories 15. Machinery diagrams 16. Area maps Godfrey Woodhead and Company Ltd, Huddersfield 1. Process description 1983 2. Press cutting re chemical accident 1985 3. Process description 1985 J. L. Wright, Runcorn 1. Evidence from Rivers Pollution Committee

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