ANT Syllabus Assignment

ANT Syllabus Assignment Words: 3302

We debunk many of the false claims that have been made about our ancestors, like the ancient astronauts assertion, the idea that a number of the world’s prominent violations were established by alien visitors to earth. We explore the historical, social, economic, political, religious, racist, and even psychological motives behind these representations. We also examine a broad slate of real wonders from the ancient world, such as the megaliths of Stonehenge.

We conclude that virtually everywhere human beings have tread they have left a rich body of archaeological remains attesting to their universal genius. The material is presented in three parts. The first section introduces students to archaeology and psychotherapeutic (literally “fake archaeology’), along with the Asia concepts of science and anthropology that are necessary for a full understanding of both of these pursuits.

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In the second part, we apply the lessons of the first section to a series of stratospherically claims, ranging from the Cardiff Giant and Pollution hoax to Atlantis and the Crystal Skull. We ask why do people make such claims, and why does the public embrace them? The third part surveys the real marvels of the ancient past, from Easter Island and Mach Fichu to Stonehenge and the Great Zanzibar. We reflect on the fact that it is even more remarkable (and believable) that human beings created these wonders through their load, toil, sweat, and tears than to entertain other more fanciful explanations.

You will learn a lot about science and critical thinking, develop a good “baloney meter, gain important insights into the motivations behind misrepresentations and misconceptions, acquire a basic understanding of archaeology, and cultivate an appreciation for some of humankind’s most extraordinary accomplishments, all while having a lot of fun. The material is fantastic, literally. Interactive websites, are posted on line. The textbook is Kenneth L. Feeder’s Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries (2011, McGraw-Hill, seventh edition).

A superb survey and analysis of many of the leading stratospherically claims, it is available in the CSS bookstore for about $45. It can also be obtained, sometimes with a discount plus shipping, at Amazon. Com, Barnes and Noble (ban. Com), or other such web booksellers. Make sure you get the right edition. Others do not have the same content. Links to all of the web readings are available on Blackboard, a program on the CSS website that allows me to post resources for you.

Using Blackboard enables us to explore a much broader and more current range of materials than can be found in any single book or set of books. A free service for CSS students, it allows us to save money by not having to buy another textbook. If you have not used Blackboard previously and are unfamiliar with it, instructions and a primer are provided separately. You will need access to an on-line computer, and you will need to know how to find and navigate websites. Computers are available in the University Library, computer labs throughout the campus, and most public libraries.

There are personnel in those locations who can familiarize you with using computers and the Web. You can also borrow a wireless laptop from the Mobile Campus laptop loan program in Student Center 128. You can read and view the materials on line, or you can print them to read or study at your convenience. Readings and classroom presentations will reinforce and complement one another. Some readings cover classroom themes in greater detail, and vice versa. Occasionally, there are topics that are treated in either the readings or in the classroom, but not both.

Students need to command the material from each source, the readings and the classroom, in order to excel in the course. Powering slideshows from the class sessions will also be posted on Blackboard, along with the tidings, so that you can check details from the class presentations and have them available for comparison and studying. A schedule of reading assignments and class topics follows below. A website or two may be taken down or go off-line for maintenance or updating during the course of the term. Every effort will be made to keep them as current as possible.

An alternate page may be provided, if a replacement is necessary. Please advise me of any dead links or other web troubles you find. In addition to the required websites listed on Blackboard, the textbook contains FAQ Frequently Asked Questions and their answers), critical thinking exercises, and the addresses of additional websites at the end of every chapter. Direct links to these sites are posted on supporting websites maintained by the publisher. They also Publisher Pages http://higher. McGraw-hill. Com/sites/007811697M student view/index. HTML These pages and the links they feature are not required, but they might prove helpful in supplementing the classroom and reading materials. You may want to visit the site and save the link for ease of access. Exams: There will be three exams: two midterms and a final. All three exams will insist entirely of multiple-choice questions. The first midterm exam will test material from the first part of the course, the concepts and approaches of archaeology and psychotherapeutic. The second midterm will test material from the second part of the course, stratospherically claims about the human past.

The final exam will be comprehensive. It will include material from the first two parts of the course (about one third), but it will emphasize material from the third part, real wonders of the ancient world (about two thirds). The three bodies of material are related and need to be tested together on the final. Make-ups or extensions for exams and extra credit will only be allowed under extraordinary circumstances. I may consider requests for make-up exams from students who miss an exam or requests for extra credit from those who score a D+ or less on a midterm exam.

I will, however, require a substantive explanation of why the student missed or performed poorly on the exam, with supporting evidence (doctor’s or supervisor’s note, obituary, etc. ). In a course this size, I simply cannot give a make- up or extra credit to every student who would want it. You need to make every effort o complete the exams during the scheduled sessions and to do the best on them that you possibly can. Details for make-up exams or extra credit exercises will be provided as required. Students are expected to initiate remedial efforts.

Extra credit materials from the first midterm are expected to be submitted before the second midterm. Extra credit materials for the second midterm may not be accepted in the final class session of the course or at the final exam. Turn off all cell phones and other electronic devices and put them away where they are not visible or immediately accessible (in bags, pockets, etc. During exams. You should not send or receive any calls or other communications while taking an exam, unless it is an emergency, you have cleared it with me beforehand, and you sit in the front row.

Any unapproved use of a cell phone or other electronic device will be considered a violation of exam protocol. Violators may receive a failing grade for the exam or course and may be subject to punishment for academic misconduct (see definition and penalties below). Midterm 30%, and the final exam 45%. Grades are not calculated based on a fixed scale (I. E. 90+= “A,” etc. ). Instead, scores or all members of the class are plotted and divided into different grades based on natural breaks among them or on mathematical computations conducted on the entire distribution. In other words, they are “curved. This way, students are not punished for any idiosyncrasies in the materials, presentations, or exams, and they are not precluded from receiving high grades if the class scores low overall. Extraordinary efforts may be rewarded, especially for those who work hard to improve their scores. A student who scores significantly higher on the next exam than on a previous one, due to his/her enhanced preparation, may receive a course read higher than the one dictated by the above grading scheme. Of course, students who underperformed on a midterm in order to maximize the appearance of improvement on the next exam will be graded accordingly.

I will only give incomplete in exceptional cases (serious illness, death in the family, etc). Once more, substantive proof of the situation will be required. Tutoring/Review: In this course, we are fortunate to have a student assistant to tutor you and to provide review sessions for the exams (thanks to the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences! ). An anthropology major specializing in archaeology and a veteran of our summer archaeology field school, Mack Cline will be a great resource. I hope you will take advantage of his background and insight.

He will be available in Chester Building Room 117 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00 until 3:50 pm or by appointment, if his schedule allows. You can reach him at m. E. cline@vikes. Socio. Dude. He will also oversee attendance. If you have to miss a class or need to explain an absence, email him. Mack will help arrange for class notes, too, should you need them. You are expected to make tutoring or review arrangements. If you do not feel like you re in full command of the material, you worry that you are not prepared for an exam, or you have not done as well as you hoped on an exam, please contact Mack.

Attendance: Attendance for this course is required. Along with the readings and exams, it is considered one of the basic responsibilities necessary for the completion of the course. It is essential for academic success. Experience shows that students with poor attendance habits are much more likely to get the lowest grades and fail, while those who attend on a regular basis generally do the best and pass. The readings and on-line resources are not substitutes for attending class. Classroom presentations and discussions combined with readings provide the material needed to pass and score well on the exams.

They complement each other. They reinforce some material, but each may contain insights and information that the classes, they do not repeat much of the explanatory commentary that is delivered in class. You need all of these elements to pass and excel. They are designed to work together as a package. Attendance will be checked regularly in class. Two or more unexcused absences may be penalized by a full letter reduction in grade (e. G. , from A to B). A sustained history f unexplained absence may result in a failing grade for the course.

If you need to miss class or have missed a class, especially on a repeated basis, you should advise Mack by email (m. E. cline@vikes. Socio. Dude) and be prepared to provide appropriate documentation. Allowances can be made, and remediation can be arranged, such as the provision of class notes and materials or tutoring. Do not Just skip class without informing us. Also, please arrive in and depart from class on time. It is disturbing to your classmates to have other students wandering in and out of the classroom. It can also e frustrating to your instructor, who grades you.

If you occasionally need to use the restroom, are delayed by a late bus, or have to leave early for a medical appointment, allowances will be made. There will be a five-minute break around the middle of most class sessions that should help. Habitual tardiness and early departure, without a reasonable explanation and supporting evidence, may be penalized a full letter grade. My goal here is not to make things more difficult for you or me. It is to help you to master the material, maximize your benefit from it, pass the course, receive the reedits you paid for, satisfy the General Education requirement, and get the best grade you can.

Influenza: If you have a flu or a bad cold, do not come to class. You can infect a lot of people in a concentrated setting like a classroom. You are most contagious when your nose is running and you are actively sneezing or coughing. Be sure to cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze and cough, but do not use your hand to do so. The on-line resources are always available to you, and we can make arrangements to get you class notes and materials or tutoring if necessary. Responsibilities: In addition, you are expected to respect your classmates in this course.

You are welcome to engage each other intellectually, but you will do so in a constructive fashion. You will refrain from using dismissive, abusive, or offensive language, tone, or gestures. Failure to comply will result in a reduction in grade of up too full letter for each infraction. You will also avoid distracting behavior, like talking, using a cell phone, testing, listening to music, playing an electronic game, or employing a computer for anything other than course-related purposes. It is best to urn your cell phones off during class.

To fulfill the requirements of this course (and earn a passing and hopefully good Attend class regularly Complete the readings and on-line materials as assigned Take the exams as scheduled Arrive in class on time and remain until its completion Refrain from using cell phones or other electronic devices during exams and classes Engage in constructive interactions with fellow students and remain respectful at all times Stay home if you have the flu or a cold Explain absences, habitual tardiness, early departures, or missed exams Initiate requests for help, make-ups, or extra credit

Again, if you are unable to attend class and complete the readings and exams as assigned because of family, work, health, or other needs, you will be required to provide an explanation and supporting documentation. Reasonable accommodations will be made. Make-ups or extensions for exams and extra credit will only be allowed under extraordinary circumstances. You will need a doctor or supervisor’s note, obituary, or similarly substantive proof of the situation. If you anticipate a conflict with your schedule, please provide notification in advance, before a problem develops.

I will only give incomplete in exceptional cases. Fielder: If there is sufficient interest and people’s schedules allow, including mine (! ), we may make a weekend dietary to the Newark Earthworks, about 30 miles east of Columbus. The largest geometric earthworks in the world, it is simply enormous and provides a spectacular window into the complex cultures that flourished on this continent before us. We will try to take advantage of the open house slated for the octagon complex on Sunday 13 October, one of only four days a year this remarkable section of the site is available to the public.

The trip will be optional, not required. It s Just an extra opportunity for enjoyment available to those who can take advantage of it. Past trips have been a lot of fun. Details will be developed as the date approaches. Add/Withdraw: The last day to withdraw from this course or any other with a full refund is Friday, 30 August, the first Friday of the course. If you need to withdraw, please do so as soon as possible to save yourself financial or academic penalties and make your space available to someone else.

There are a number of students on a waiting list who would love to have your spot if you are not going to use it. The last ay to add this course or any other through Campuses is Sunday, 1 September, the first Sunday after the course starts. General Education Requirements: To help ensure that our graduates receive instruction in a wide range of subjects and in generally recognized key areas of study, the University has a series of broader and specific requirements that students must satisfy by taking courses from a selected pool in order to graduate.

This course can be used to meet the second of the two Social Science requirements: non-US. Introductory-level social science course and (B) an introductory-level social science ours focused on a society other than the US, with special emphasis on Africa, Asia, Latin America, or the Middle East. The two courses have to be from different departments. Each one must not be less than three credits. Together, they must total a minimum of six credits.

This course, Ancient Mysteries, provides four credits toward the non US requirement (B), thereby satisfying half of the Social Science obligation. As a Social Science course, this course must meet all of the following criteria. It must: 1. Be at the 100 or 200 level in a social science, including but not limited to Anthropology 2. Explain, through empirical investigation and theoretical interpretation, the behavior of individuals and groups in societies, economies, governments, and subcultures 3. Introduce basic concepts used in the respective social scientific discipline (Archaeology) 4. Explain how data are collected and analyzed in the respective social scientific discipline Also, as a non US Social Science course (B), this course must meet the following criteria. It must: 1 . Focus primarily on a society or societies in Asia, Latin America, Africa and/or the Middle East 2. Explore the perspective(s) of the societies being studied, not simply European and/ r American perceptions of those societies This course meets all of the above criteria and has been approved by the University to satisfy the non-US Social Science requirement (B).

It has also been recognized as fulfilling two skill areas: Critical Thinking and Information Literacy. The Critical Thinking skill area requires that the course: 1 . Derive at least of the course grade from the evaluation of critical thinking 2. Oblige students to develop capacities beyond Just learning information; they must exercise the ability to synthesize and analyze this knowledge; solve problems; OR apply the concepts, approaches, and perspectives of the course to real-world The Information Literacy skill area requires that the course: 1 . Rive at least 15% of the course grade from the assessment of information literacy 2. Obligate students to evaluate the accuracy, authority, currency, objectivity, and reliability of information sources 3. Require students to consider the ethical and legal uses of information Summary and detailed descriptions of all of the General Education Requirements, including the criteria for the US Diversity requirement, can be found at the following web location: CSS Gene De Reese http://www. Sushi’s. Dude/academic/genes/ Schedule.

The course has three mutually reinforcing parts that provide a comprehensive view of archaeology, psychotherapeutic, and the real wonders of the ancient world. The class topics, reading assignments, and exam dates of all three parts are summarized here. The readings are cited as chapters in Feeder’s book Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries and as reading guides with websites that are posted on Blackboard. Part l: Archaeology and Its Mirror Image. In the first part, we introduce concepts fundamental to the course.

We define archaeology and cultural evolution, a key heretical construct that helps us to assess the achievements of different cultures and view them objectively. Next, we consider the nature of pseudoscience and psychotherapeutic, literally “fake archaeology. ” Then, we examine the scientific method and its expression in archaeology. We also develop a BBS meter, reviewing tricks of rhetoric and reasoning that charlatans use to fool us. Finally, we consider the cult characteristics that psychotherapeutic sometimes displays, along with the psychology of why people believe baseless claims.

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ANT Syllabus Assignment. (2022, Mar 31). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from