Adv & Disadvantages of Leadership Development Methods Assignment

Adv & Disadvantages of Leadership Development Methods Assignment Words: 878

I * Use of the NASH Framework assessments * Team working and * Team maturity level assessments * Fellowship assessments * Management style assessments * Leadership style assessments * 3600 feedback I *Gives clear picture of how people ‘tick’ * Provides a team building opportunity Enables team members to begin to understand others * Enables team members to recognize traits in others with whom they work outside the team I dependent on complete honest and realistic self assessment I Mandatory/ Essential Learning Leadership and management roles have essential education criteria set. Team members will either enter the team already with these qualifications or be given the opportunity to gain the qualification within six months of taking up the post.

Professional qualifications that require refreshing will be supported if they are an essential criteria for the post I *Trust induction * Trust Essential Update training * Manual Handling * Professional re-registration training * PRINCES, MSP, LEAN I *Provides an understanding of how the Trust works * Provides health and safety training * Sends out a clear message that professional registration is recognized, important and is supported I * Trust induction training tends to be very generic and does not necessarily relate to the job role *Training for re-registration is not always imply * Is dependent on funding * Cost implications of ensuring that the training budget can cover training I Elective Learning I Courses that are not part of the essential criteria for the post will be deemed to be elective and will be subject to the trust policy on supported learning I * Courses identified as part of the personal development plan * Influencing skills * Negotiating skills * MS Project/Other IT Skills I *Meets specific needs for the individual * Can be delivered by others in the team or by a generic course * Ensures that leaders re given requisite skills *Some generic courses do not cover specific requirements * Is dependent on funding being available I Work Assignments I Work assignments will be seen as an opportunity to help leaders develop specific competencies or practice key behaviors. Specific goals will be set as part of personal development plans * Feedback on progress will be done either via formal appraisal or by feedback with line managers Reiterates the message that lessons can always be learned * Gives leaders the growth opportunities to put theories and models into practice * Learning by doing I Unless well managed there is a tendency to concentrate on ‘getting the job done’ * Opportunities are not always recognized or used to the full advantage I Special Assignments/eliminative I Involvement in short-term assignments or initiatives either generated from within the team or as part of a project team I *Attendance at programmer or project board meetings Involvement in assignments/initiatives I * Reiterates the message that lessons can always be learned * Gives leaders the growth opportunities to put theories and models into practice *Learning by doing I * Unless well managed there s a tendency to concentrate on ‘getting the job done’ * Opportunities are not always recognized or used to the full advantage I Simulations I Simulations can enable ‘real life’ situations to be played out in a safe environment and can be used as a leadership learning activity. Requires all team members to be active participants and to undertake a specific role during the simulation.

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Requires a skilled facilitator to run them and to deal with any feelings that arise as a result of the simulation I *Simulation around handling difficult behaviors * Simulation around delivering bad news I Gives a hands-on training opportunity in a controlled environment I * Requires all participants to play an active part * Requires a skilled facilitator * Can create or give rise to a range of uncomfortable situations and feelings that will need to be managed carefully Coaching I Consists of one-to-one developmental discussions that are usually run over a set time productivities and regularly scheduled meetings aimed at discussing specific issues/arrestee agenda is focused on achieving specific, immediate goals It provides people with feedback on both their strengths and weaknesses Coaching skills training * meetings with line or other managers * Specific coaching sessions I *The coach is trained to do this work * Individuals get to structure their own implementation plan and the coach helps them measure success * Does not require internal resource * Can be done in groups or individually I * Consumes senior staff time * Results are visible so individuals that do not perform may be identified I Mentoring I Can be more informal and meetings can take place as and when the mantle needs some advice, guidance or supporter long-term and takes a broader view of the errors Focus is on career and personal developmentally is set by the mantle, with the mentor providing support and guidance to prepare them for future roles I *Mentoring training *1:1 meetings with line or other managers I Allows senior staff to pass on advice * A relationship of trust and respect is present from the outset * High degree of compatibility and co-operation between the individuals * The relationship is flexible and personalized I * Consumes senior staff time * Risk of ambiguity in the relationship if it becomes too intense *Risk of tension when changes occur in the relationship *No effective way to measure success I Leadership meetings & events I Senior team and team meetings will be used as an opportunity to provide teaching and learning.

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Adv & Disadvantages of Leadership Development Methods Assignment. (2021, Dec 08). Retrieved February 12, 2025, from