Academia and Students Assignment

Academia and Students Assignment Words: 919

Topics covered include study design, data manipulation, statistical inference, regression and analysis f categorical data. 2. Administrative Details Stats 70 is a three credit point unit taken over one semester at SIBS. It counts as a core unit towards a number of streams of Sifts Diploma of Commerce; it may count as an elective towards other Diplomas. Unit Supervisor: Helen Hewitt Contact: SIBS student portal Consultation hours of all teaching staff will be advised in class at the beginning of the semester. 3. Pre- and Co-requisites There are no prerequisites or co requisites for this unit.

Stats 70 is a prerequisite for all 200 and 300 level statistics units and will be he first statistics unit taken by students intending to major in Statistics. It is also a requirement for many other areas of study and, as such, is a core unit for a number of courses at Macadamia University. 4. Student Workload The expected student workload per week for this unit comprises of: Five timetabled contact hours per week (see mode of delivery). Up to seven hours of personal study per week. Up to a total of twelve hours student workload per week. 5.

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Mode of Delivery Students should attend the following classes each week: 1 x 3 hour lecture beginning in Week 1 1 XSL hour tutorial beginning in Week 1 XSL hour practical beginning in Week 2 Lectures Lectures begin in Week 1 . Students should attend ONE 3-hour session per week. Copies of the lecture slides will be made available via learn. Students should print out the lecture slides and bring the printout to the lecture each week. Tutorials Tutorials begin in Week 1 and are generally based on work from the previous week’s lecture. The aim of tutorials is to practice techniques learnt in lectures.

Tutorials are designed for students to work together in groups. The emphasis on group work is to explore ideas, devise and ask questions and plan ways to answer them. We believe that working within a group framework will be beneficial for the educational and personal development of students. Tutorial material will be made available via learn. Students should print out their tutorial material and bring the printout to their tutorial class each week. Practical Practical begin in Week 2. Each practical session is based on work from the previous week’s lecture.

Each practical session is based on work from the previous week’s lecture. During these sessions you will use the statistical computer package Maintain and the techniques learned during lectures to elf solve statistical problems. Practical material, and the required datasets, will be made available via learn. Students should print out their practical material and bring the printout to their practical session each week. Prior to (or during) each practical session, students will need to download the weekly Maintain data files onto a storage device (such as a JIBS). Page 3 of 11 6.

Specialist Facilities or Resource Requirements SIBS is committed to providing additional Academic Assistance programs for students to maximizes their opportunity to successfully complete units of study. Information is available at SIBS reception and includes: Academic Assistance Programs egg, Exam Preparation, PAL (Peer Assisted Learning), Literacy Workshops, Academic Advantage (Academic Writing Skills), Innumeracy. Students need to have access to the internet and have a current learn account and be enrolled in Stats ASS this semester. The URL for learn is http://learn. Q. Du. AU/. User name and password information will be given to you in lectures in Week 1 and via the SIBS portal. Each week, from learn, students need to read the weekly information download and print lecture, tutorial and practical materials When available, students need to access the online quizzes, and complete them before the due date download and print the Assignments and complete them before the due date Student Support Services: Innumeracy Centre The Innumeracy Centre was set up to help students having difficulties with innumeracy based subjects.

Any student who lacks the knowledge of mathematics needed for Stats 170 is encouraged to seek the help of the Centre which is located in ACACIA. The Centre offers a number of services including individual help, supplementary workshops which are run each week and an opportunity to meet with other students to discuss problems. Computing Laboratories The statistical analysis program, Maintain, will be used in practical sessions and for completing assignments. Assignments, Practical and online quizzes can be completed in the computing laboratories in EIA. . Attendance SIBS requires all students to have a satisfactory level of attendance in the scheduled course contact hours each semester for the following reasons: Attendance is linked to academic performance and to students achieving satisfactory academic progress; that is, passing at least 50% of enrolled units each Semester. Students may not be able to apply for special consideration or deferred examinations, lodge an application for a grade review or be eligible to sit the final examinations if they have not met the 80% attendance requirement.

Attendance is recorded electronically through the SIBS Portal during each class. A student is not permitted to ‘swap’ classes or to attend a class other than the one in which they are enrolled without prior permission. Students are required to attend all lectures, tutorials and Practical at the times shown on their timetable. This means arriving on time, including returning from areas on time and staying for the duration of the lecture, tutorial or practical. If students arrive late to class they may be asked to wait until the lecturer admits them to the room.

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Academia and Students Assignment. (2019, Dec 13). Retrieved February 12, 2025, from