If the same situation happened but at a small, local convenience store, I would address the issue to the clerk and get the appropriate change back. My personal ethics perspective is molded through the influences of my parent’s morals and…
Rationalism – Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz Assignment
Rationalism is the principle that maintains that through reason alone we can gain at least some positive knowledge of the world. The three major rationalists, Rene Descartes, Baruch Spinoza and Gottfried Welhelm Leibniz, used this idea in order to defy…
Personal ethics Assignment
According to, Guide ethics involves the principles or assumptions reinforcement the approach individuals or groups ought to conduct themselves; ethics is concerned with motives and attitudes and the relationship of these attitudes to the individual (2010). My belief is ethical…
Descartes Method of Doubt Assignment
Descartes method of doubt is his personal quest for certainty in knowledge, a system that allows us to find a way to be assured that what we feel we “know” is not just a figment of his imagination but an…
Personal Ethics Assignment
To be effective managers and leaders we have to balance our personal ethics of individuals working with us and the ethics of the organization. Value of Personal Ethics “Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have done unto you”…
Descartes’ Method of Doubt vs. Hospers Assignment
Descartes’ vs. Hospers Knowledge is an acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study of investigation and a familiarity or conversance, as with a particular subject or branch of learning. (3) Many philosophers have different perspectives of knowledge. Descartes’…
Personal Ethics Assignment
Personal Ethical System “Even the most rational approach to ethics is defenseless if there isn’t the will to do what is right” (Alexander Solemnity quotes, Para. ). Not everyone has the same view of what is right and wrong and…
Shorton Descartes First Meditation Assignment
On the first meditation of Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy, the author seemed initially very contradictory and confusing. First he shows himself skeptical about everything known by him before which were brought to him from or through deceptive senses. Then,…
Walmart Statement of Ethics Assignment
The two that think are most important are Raising Concerns and Speaking Up which tell you how to get an opinion before you take action and to report a violation of ethics, including ways that you can report the violation…
The Bororo People and Descartes Assignment
Anthropology attempts to understand the question “what does it mean to be human? ” The Bororo people of South America create meaning for their individuality as humans by associating each clan with a specific totem, one being a red-breasted parrot.…