Ethics and American Counseling Association Assignment

Ethics and American Counseling Association Assignment Words: 1246

A paper discussing the ethical issues from a video that discuss cases that are regarding barter, boundaries crossing and violation, touching, receiving and giving gifts, and termination of care. The AC code of Ethics and Michigan States Rules and Regulation for Professional Counselors on the ethical issues of barter, boundaries crossing and violation, touching, receiving and give gifts, and termination of care are summarized.

My feelings toward the cases that ere discussed in the video regarding the ethical issues and topics of barter, boundaries crossing and violation, touching, receiving and give gifts, and termination of care are address. I also summarize what action I will take to make sure that I correctly implement proper Michigan States Rules and Regulation and the AC Code of Ethics into my practice when it comes to the issues and/or topics of barter, boundaries crossing and violation, touching, receiving and give gifts, and termination of care.

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Summary The first part of the video is talking about dual relationship and it begins with owe barter with a client could lead to trouble. The AC, PAP and NASA views on dual relationship and barter with a client are explained and how each of the codes knows how common it is for barter. Each of the codes all use the provision “only if’, meaning its okay to barter with a client only if you attend to such issues as exploitation, commonality in the community and cultural sensitivity. Also it explains boundary crossing and boundary violations and how they differ from each other. This part also states that how to differ a boundary violations to an unfortunate mistaken clinical judgment. The discussion of sexually relationship with a client is also explored and how it is a boundary violation. The second part of the video is a discussion about accepting and rejecting a gift from a client. Although there is no boundary violation it could affect the clinical relationship if you reject the gift. There is also no clear code on give gifts to clients.

Some counselors see giving clients gifts for celebration such anniversary, graduation, birth of a child as gestures that could support or/and strengthen the therapeutic relationship but some coo onshore might see those sutures possibly complicating the therapy. The issue of touch is also discussed in this part of the video In the third and fourth part of the video the issues that arise at the beginnings and endings of treatment is discussed. A few questions that answer are, “When and how does the professional relationship actually begin?

When and how can it end? What should you be aware of ethically and legally at the start and finish of treatment? ‘ The first part is to understand how to terminate therapy in a proper way. It’s important to focus on how treatment is terminated and not the why it’s terminated. It’s important to make sure that if appropriateness of termination is every question that a clinician keep good records that show you handle termination issue, did proper referrals, treatment records Were made available and finally follow-up consultations was offered.

It’s also discussed the importance of understanding HAIFA and your state laws when it comes to client records. It was also made important that you have professional will that in event of your death that you should not leave your clients abandon. The professional will deeds to name a professional executor and the expectation you have for him or her. When it comes to Michigan State Law for Rules and Regulation for bartering, dual relationship and standard of care and termination, I was referred to the AC guidelines for an understanding.

From my research I understand that Michigan following the AC guidelines when it comes to addressing these issues. There was no particular statue Michigan rule or regulation and all inquiries on the issues were linked back to the AC guidelines. The American Counseling Association states in section A-DID, counselors may barter only if he relationship is not oppressive or harmful and doesn’t give the counselor an unfair benefit.

Only if a client requests it and the arrangements are an accepted practice among other professionals then the counselors should reflect on the cultural implications of bartering. The counselor should also discuss relevant concerns with the client and document the agreement in a clear written contract. (American Counseling Association, 2005) The American Counseling Association in Section A-ID entitled, “Potentially Beneficial Interactions,” when a counselor-client, has a non-professional interaction with he client or previous client that maybe a potentially benefit to the client or previous client.

The counselor should document in case records prior to the interaction, also should document when practical rationale for the interaction, the potential benefit and anticipated consequences for the client or former client and other individual significantly involved with the client or former client . The interactions should be initiated with proper client consent. (American Counseling Association, 2005) The American Counseling Association in Section A. 11 . C. Titled,” Appropriate Termination,” a counselors can terminate a counseling relationship when it becomes reasonably perceptible that the client no longer needs assistance, is not likely to benefit, or is being harmed by the continued counseling. Counselors may also terminate counseling when in jeopardy of harm by the client, or another person with whom the client has a relationship or when clients do not pay fees as agreed upon. Counselors should provide pre-termination counseling and recommend other service providers when necessary. (American Counseling Association, 2005)

Response My response to the video is that I have a lot of researching to do when it comes to barter. I have always had a big heart and need to make sure that I understand the boundary violations and boundary crossing. Sometimes it’s very hard to not cross the professional relationship and it’s easy to make unethical mistakes. Even in the situation discussed in the video, it will cause some professional to make a mistake which could be detrimental to their career and client-therapy relations IP. When it comes to accepting and/ or rejecting gifts, we have to know the laterally acceptance of it.

From the cases discussed in the video, I can understand the dilemma. Each person has to be understanding of each individual client relationship and how gifts would benefits or harm the relationship. My response to the standard of care and termination of a relationship is in total agreement. I do believe that there should be a professional Will so in case of unfortunate death or disability that way clients are still being serviced. When it comes to termination, all efforts should be documented and pre-termination counselors should be offered as a way to ruinations from treatment.

Action The most important thing for me to do is to make sure that I have a clear and concise understanding of the topics from AC code of ethics. Since most of Michigan rules and regulation refer me to the AC, it would be the best tool to understand any issues that could arise. Also, I want to make sure that my client and have a verbal, written, and documented agreement when it comes to gift acceptance and rejections. I have to make sure that a professional will is made once Start a clientele, so my clients won’t feel abandon if an unfortunate event happens.

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Ethics and American Counseling Association Assignment. (2020, Dec 24). Retrieved October 23, 2024, from