Human resource management Assignment

Human resource management Assignment Words: 521

Environmental scanning is one essential component of the global environmental analysis. Environmental monitoring, environmental forecasting and environmental assessment complete the global environmental analysis. The global environment refers to the macro environment which comprises industries, markets, companies, clients and competitors. Consequently, there exist corresponding analyses on the micro- level. Suppliers, customers and competitors representing the micro environment of a company are analyzed within the industry analysis. ] Environmental scanning can be defined as ‘the study and interpretation of the political, economic, social and technological events and trends which influence a business, an industry or even a total market’. [2] The factors which need to be considered for environmental scanning are events, trends, issues and expectations Of the different interest groups. Issues are Often forerunners of trend breaks. A trend break could be a value shift in society, a technological innovation that might be permanent or a paradigm change.

Issues are less deep-seated and can be ‘a temporary short-lived reaction to a social phenomenon’ . [3] A trend can be defined as an ‘environmental phenomenon that has adopted a structural synthesis? ] Macro environment[edit] There are a number of common approaches how the external factors, which are mentioned in the definition of Akron and which describe the macro environment, can be identified and examined. These factors Indirectly affect the organization but cannot be controlled by it. One approach could be the PEST analysis.

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PEST stands for political, economic, social and technological. Two more factors, the environmental and legal factor, are defined within the PESTLE analysis (or PESTLE analysis). The segmentation of the macro environment according to the six presented factors of the PESTLE analysis is the starting point of the global environmental analysis. PESTLE analysis[edit] The six environmental factors of the P ESTES analysis are the following: Political factors[edit] ; Taxation Policy ; Trade regulations ; Governmental stability ; Unemployment Policy, etc.

Economical factors[edit] ; Inflation rate ; Growth in spending power ; Rate of people in a abominable age ; Recession or Boom ; Customer liquidations Socio-cultural[edit] ; Values, beliefs ; language ; religion ; education ; literacy ; time orientation Technological factors[De it] ; Internet ; E-commerce ; Social Media ; Electronic Media ; Research and Development ; Rate of technological change Environmental factors[edit] ; Competitive advantage ; Waste disposal ; Energy consumption ; Pollution monitoring, etc.

Legal factors[edit] unemployment law ; Health and safety ; Product safety ; Advertising regulations ; Product labeling ; labor laws etc. [5] Misgovernment[edit] The mess-level is settled between the macro- and the micro-level. This field deals with the design of the specific environment of the enterprises. It is of decisive importance that the layout of the physical infrastructure (transport, communication and power distribution systems) and of the sector policies, especially of the education, research and technology policy, are oriented towards competitiveness.

In addition the design of the trade policy and systems of rules (for example environmental norms and technical safety standards), which contributes to the development of national advantages of competition, is relevant. Like on the micro-level, on the mesa-level new patterns of organization and steering must be developed. The state shall give impulses and mediate between enterprises, associations, science and intermediate institutions.

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