Criminal Justice Assignment

Criminal Justice Assignment Words: 1167

For example if someone is released from jail for a violent act, and is known to have anger problems, the parole or arbitration officer would place them in special programs to help with the issues that the person has, to give him a fighting chance to be successful in life and not return to prison. This paper will discuss three case files of three different men who have had a run in with the law. Each candidate was evaluated by their history, background, and the crime committed to determine what type of special programs they would benefit from when put on probation.

Outcomes of the conditions selected by the team As a team we decided that Stanley Grass’s parole plan would be to focus on drug/alcohol treatment along with some family counseling. We agreed that Stanley needed proper guidance and treatment due to his mental state of depression after the death of his son. He had no prior records of any run-ins with the law so; his parole plan was strictly focused on his drinking and his family. This plan presented to be successful as Stanley showed great improvements.

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He attended regular AAA meetings and family counseling sessions with his wife and children. He has been sober for more than 60 days. He is making a gene nine effort to address the family and behavioral issues that led to his abuse of alcohol. Gary Harridan’s parole plan was proven to be a cougher case to deal with. Each of us agreed that Gary needed multiple treatments to address his drug problem, mental state, and anger issues. We gathered that the best treatment would be to provide drug and alcohol treatment, psychiatric treatment, anger management classes, and intense supervision.

A few of our team members chose family counseling due to the information pertaining to Gary s abuse he had from his father. Although it seemed necessary to address this issue, it was not, because Gary had bigger issues to deal with first. Due to Gays unstable personality and unwillingness o cooperate he still had trouble with his parole plan. Even though we gave Gary a solid parole plan he struggled to follow it and ended up fleeing town. As a team we agreed on the parole plan for Kenneth Sustained in all treatments. We decided that it was important to address his drug problem, lack of job skills, and being homeless.

His plan consisted of; a drug/alcohol treatment, job training/employment assistance, and housing assistance. Each category addressed the major problems he was dealing with. Once they were properly and professionally dealt with Kenneth showed improvement. After 0 days he found his own apartment, found a job, attended regular Narcotics Anonymous meetings, and passed random drug tests. His parole plan was a successful plan. Changes the team would make to their selections on the basis of the outcomes Stanley Graves was a model probationer that responded well to the conditions of his probation.

Family counseling was a good suggestion that was agreed upon by all. The loss of his son was something he was having trouble dealing with emotionally and he and his family benefited from the sessions. Stanley turned to alcohol as a means to deal with his despair. His alcohol abuse and two DID convictions made Stanley a perfect candidate for Alcoholics Anonymous. This plan was successful based on the information included in Stanley SSI report, and needs no changes. Stanley commitment to his probation conditions had a significant impact on his success.

Gary Harridan’s conditions of probation were well-planned, but proved unsuccessful primarily due to Garry lack of commitment. Based on the outcome of his parole plan, Gary would benefit from more intensive supervision leaving prison. The transition for Gary from prison to sharing his brother’s apartment was insufficient for Gays needs. Placement in a residential treatment facility for mental health as well as substance abuse would have been the better plan. Gary was inconsistent regarding all conditions of his probation.

His lack of commitment along with the limited supervision provided to him contributed to the failure of this plan. If arrested again, Gary will end up back in prison. His case file will continue to recommend intensive supervision, drug treatment, anger management counseling and psychiatric treatment to treat his bipolar diagnosis. Kenneth Sustained also responded well to the conditions of his probation. Housing and employment assistance were successful and Kenneth now has a new apartment and a new job. He continues to attend regular Narcotics Anonymous meetings and has passed all random drug tests.

The information provided in Keenness’s SSI report helped in creating a successful probation plan, and no changes are needed. Kenneth was committed to following the plan, which was important to the success of his probation. Recommendations concerning the conditions of a client’s probation or parole that were not included in the options. As a team we would recommend that Stanley Graves have to see his doctor for depression as one of the conditions of his probation. This would help him with overcoming the fact that he lost a child.

There may be a prescription out there that would help him with his nerves and the fear of what has happened and what could happen to his other children. This would also restore some of his faith in him as a parent because he would eventually start to feel like a good parent for his other children. This would have to be combined with the Alcohol treatment (AAA meetings). When dealing with a parolee such as Gary Harrison, We should have set forth time frame that he would have had, to find his own shelter, such as an apartment.

We would not recommend him living with family or friends, for any length of time, due to his anger management issues. If the living condition were set forth then he might not have had a disagreement with his brother and left town. There would have been room to grow and he would not have been dependent on his brother. Gary Harridan’s situation, not being able to control his temper, definitely needs attention from a perspective of home life and counseling to include therapy sessions and overwhelming titivation regarding his anger management.

Kenneth Sustained is committed and his SSI report acknowledges his attitude and caring that he wants to make changes. Kenneth Sustained is a model citizen on probation. We would not recommend any further treatment for him. He has followed every condition and has gotten his life together. Although there are beneficial and effective programs available for people on parole it always comes down to their motivation and state of mind for it to be effective. In some cases it is very hard to attempt to better someone when they, themselves, do not want he help.

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