History of NATO Assignment

History of NATO Assignment Words: 599

These talks led to NATO, signed in Washington D. C. NATO members’ obligation in case of an attack They agreed upon that NATO member being attacked are considered as attacks against them all. Consequently they agreed that, in case of such an attack, each of them will do whatever it takes to restore and maintain the security. But this does not actually mean that the members will respond with military actions, since they don’t have to. (As opposed to the Treaty of Brussels which clearly stated that they have to aid militarily.

Further, NATO has only to help above the Tropic of Cancer. Which explains their non- interfere during the Falklands War. ) SATANG The creation of NATO also brought along some standardization regarding military terminology, procedures and technology. To name one example, they used consistent. Cold War So during the Cold War 3 main events happened. Firstly, the Korean War in 1950, which raised the threat level since all Communist countries were suspected to be in cahoots together.

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So in this connection, there was the Lisbon conference in 1 952 for an expansion of NATO divisions. 1954, the Soviet Union suggested to join NATO. But NATO, fearing that the Soviet Union’s motive was to weaken the alliance, rejected this proposal. One year later, in 1 955, West Germany entered the alliance, based on the face that without Germany’s manpower it would be impossible to field enough forces to resist a Soviet invasion. One good turn deserves another. O the immediate and formal response was the creation of the Warsaw pact signed by Soviet Union, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Albania, Romania, Poland, Bulgaria and of course East Germany. French withdrawal He didn’t accept NATO being an instrument of American interests, or at least hat’s what he perceived. President of France from 1 958 onwards, Charles De Gaulle, protested the United States’ role as too strong and therefore send a memorandum to President Eisenhower where he argued for a tripartite directorate.

Considering that he would get a negative response he took following actions: – Building of an independent defense of his country Also he step-by-step removed all French troops from NATO command – In 1959 he withdrew all Mediterranean Fleets from NATO command – Also stationing foreign nuclear weapons was banned by De Gaulle – Removed all Handel fleets from NATO command – All armed French forces were removed from NATO command -?? and all non- French NATO troops were asked to leave France.

Dtenet On 1 July 1 968, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation opened for signature: NATO argued that its nuclear sharing arrangements did not breach the treaty, since U. S. Controls them until a decision was made. They are not being used arbitrarily. Also in 1 978 NATO countries officially defined 2 aims of the alliance. And this was matching defenses at the level rendered by the Warsaw paces capabilities but without spurring an arms race. Escalation There were tension between the Soviet Union and the US, so NATO decided to deploy Perishing II and cruise missiles primarily in West Germany.

NATO maneuvered a simulating nuclear launch in November 1983, which caused panic in Kremlin(Russians). Now the Soviet union concerned that this was the beginning of a genuine first strike. So, in response, they readied air units in East Germany and Poland on alert. Post Cold War After the Cold War and the dissolution of the Warsaw pact in 1991 Anta’s main adversary was removed. So, this caused a re-evaluation of Natty repose. Any. N. Ray, in practice this ended up being a (still ongoing) expansion of NATO to Eastern Europe.

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History of NATO Assignment. (2020, Dec 29). Retrieved October 22, 2024, from https://anyassignment.com/history/history-of-nato-assignment-49060/