on Napoleon Assignment

on Napoleon Assignment Words: 496

Napoleons regime in France promoted ideas of the French Revolution. Napoleon and his armies helped establish freedom and equality, the armies brought constitutions to many European countries. He spread his revolutionary policies and gave religious freedom. Napoleon created the foundation for future nations with his enlightenment ideas. Napoleon stayed in his study to improve his rule while his citizens were sleeping. In 1799 Napoleon seized control of France by a military coup, veer since the Europe was changed forever.

Napoleon promoted religious freedom through out his empire. Napoleon declared that Catholicism shall be worshiped freely. He allowed seminary schools. Even though he made the Catholic leadership in his country swear loyalty to him, people were still able to practice Catholicism (doc. 2). When his armies conquered Spain the inquisition court was abolished (doc. 5). This gave all religions the ability to worship freely since they did not have to try to evade the Inquisition. Napoleon promoted religious freedom.

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Napoleon spread the Ideas of the French revolution throughout Europe. When Napoleon conquered European nations they adopted his laws and policies. When he conquered Spain he striped the nobility of there Immense power. They no longer have their monopolies over mills, inns, and ovens (doc. 5). This shows that Napoleon used the Ideas of the French revolution because he wanted to give the common man rights, like when the French revolutionaries wanted to overthrow the Nobility from power. Napoleon truly believed In Revolutionary Ideas.

Napoleon’s military brought constitutions to the nations they conquered. Napoleon believed In over throwing the nobility. From personal experience Napoleon experienced how the Ideas of the French revolution could help the common man, It helped his poor family send napoleon to military school so he could become a captain. When Napoleon brings constitutions to other European nations he Is tries to promote equal opportunity (doc. 6). Napoleon’s constitution helped give out equal opportunity.

Napoleon was a child of the revolution. He prompted many Ideas of the French revolution. He gave nations constitutions, and he gave religious freedom. He was not a military despot. Even though he did this through military conquest he still helped many people. Napoleon was a product of the French Revolution Essay on Napoleon By Michael-Grandsons freely since they did not have to try to evade the inquisition. Napoleon promoted Napoleon spread the ideas of the French revolution throughout Europe.

When enquired Spain he striped the nobility of there immense power. They no longer used the ideas of the French revolution because he wanted to give the common man power. Napoleon truly believed in Revolutionary ideas. Napoleon believed in over throwing the nobility. From personal experience Napoleon experienced how the ideas of the French revolution could help the common man, it captain. When Napoleon brings constitutions to other European nations he is tries to Napoleon was a child of the revolution. He prompted many ideas of the French

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