Baroque Era and Rock Music Assignment

Baroque Era and Rock Music Assignment Words: 761

It was a time when musicians brought out more intense emotions within their Rock music, which was created during the sass’s in the united States by an African-American named Chuck Berry; he used the same principles as musicians ruing the Baroque era and met the same parochial views by society. Musicians during both eras had several things in common, not Just in their masterpieces, in their sociological environment. The Baroque era expanded our horizons with advances In technology such as the telescope, which helped us to gain a better understanding of the infinite.

Enlightened thinkers such as Descartes, Hobbes, Spinal and Locke tackled tough questions of existence. Foreign trade and colonization resulted In more people having direct contact with parts of the world hat were previously unknown. Finally, this era led to the creation of a middle class in Europe, which heavily impacted the everyday citizen, and thus it’s music. During the Rock era the united States still had fresh memories of the great depression, a World War, and recently expanded middle class due to the military’s GIG Bill, which paid for Ten’s of thousands veterans’ college tuition.

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The industrial revolution had transformed the country and Intercontinental trade was unlike the world has ever seen; the influence of the roaring sass’s Jazz era had bred a new enervation leading to interracial music development. More importantly, a new tone and rhythm caused by integrating new technology such as electric guitars, and new style pianos were introduced. The Baroque era utilized new musical instrument advancements such as string instruments and more importantly the first primitive piano. Musicians during both eras faced adversity with their new style of music.

Antonio Vivaldi during the Baroque era was one of the first musicians whom were victims of censorship. (Orator) Naturally anytime there are changes there will be people who do to agree. This was more prevalent in the united States during the rock era because of their deep racial bigotry and segregation of blacks and whites; Just like the Jazz era, early rock musicians were African American and therefore Its sound was hated by some, but loved by the majority of the youth. Some felt their indigenous traditions were under attack resulting in religious propaganda referring to rock music as “the devil’s music. It was believed rock music provoked “dirty” activities such as exotic dancing, and controversial references were sometimes made which invoked music enshrines at radio stations. Some songs even were banned from the being played: “Radio stations ban Dotted O’Brien “Four or Five Times” and Dean Martin’s “Wham Bam, Thank You Ma’am” fearing they are suggestive…. The Weavers are blacklisted Beyond the biased attitude from the previous generations lays a bigger correlation between the two: the artistic movement created and the influence it had on the world.

Invoking rhythmic individuality and (Thornburg) could have been arguably a stepping stone leading towards the civil rights movement in the United States. While he Baroque music style can be accreted to innovation and musical chorale. (Orator) Naturally there are differences in both styles of music such as its sound, implementation of vocal chorus, rhythm, texture, and its effect on their listeners’ emotions. Baroque music was meant to be listened to, there were no words, no ability to read it, and there were no recorders so it could be enjoyed later.

Wealthy or privileged individuals at times traveled hundreds of miles to hear it, and left only with the memory of its elegance, a gentle hum in their ear, and excitement to hear it gain. During the rock era, radio stations aired the nation’s favorite songs over and over, concerts were very affordable and popular for all classes, and the invention of the record player allowed its admirers to hear music whenever they desired. All styles of music have their own sound, texture, rhythm, and subtle meaning. Which is naturally why each is separated in different categories.

Oddly enough the instruments used in several styles of music today can be traced back to the Baroque era. Drastically different sounds, but implemented many of the same tools. Rock music at times implements Baroque chorus in the background using the same principles Baroque music first did in Germany when they married the Chorale. (Orator) In the video presentation we hear Chuck Berry’s 1958 hit song “Johnny B. Goode” and Antonio Vivaldi Concert for “Two Flutes”. Both drive the audiences emotions of excitement however, both naturally have a completely different sounds.

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