20s – Al Capone & Organized Crimes Assignment

20s – Al Capone & Organized Crimes Assignment Words: 422

Elite Lin Mr. Karshan English 5 10/31/13 A1 Capone & Organized Crimes The 1920s is always referred as “the roaring 20s”. Significant and multiple changes in lifestyle and culture occurred. However, there were also some negative effects. After the 18th Amendment was passed by Congress on December 18,1917, the manufacture, sale, and transport of alcohol was prohibited. Along with the Prohibition, the rate of organized crimes increased. After World War l, the unemployment kept increasing, and Americans needed Jobs to support families.

People started to Join gang because gang was an easy way to make money although it’s dangerous. On the other hand, since the alcohol no longer legally accessible, people turned to the gang to purchase alcohol, which created a great chance for the gangs to make a big amount of money. According to an on-line resource, “in 1920 during the height of prohibition, Capone’s multi-million dollar Chicago operation in bootlegging, prostitution and gambling dominated the organized crimes scene”.

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One of his biggest crimes was known as the St. Valentine Day Massacre. Although the court had no evidence to indict on such crime, A1 Capone was charged for income-tax evasion. A1 Capone was sent to prison for 1 1 years. After few years, he died in Miami on January 25, 1947. A1 Capone was considered as the first gangster in the American history. The government believed that the life of Americans would be better without alcohol, so the government tended to improve the situation by passing the 18th amendment.

The goal of the prohibition was to have the men stay away from lcohol and go to work, and prevent the Americans from spending money on alcohol instead of daily supplies. However, the prohibition of alcohol seemed to have the opposite effects on American life. The spending on alcohol increased, and more and more organized crimes appeared. There were numerous bootlegging and speakeasies, which illegally sold alcohol to people. Ironically, alcohol became easier to access during the time of prohibition. Obviously, the Prohibition was not working.

Therefore, the 18th Amendment was ratified on January 16, 1919 and epealed by the 21st Amendment on December 5, 1933. “The Constitution of the United States: Amendments 11-27. ” The Constitution of the United States: Amendments 11-27. National Archives and Records Administration, n. d. Web. 01 Nov. 2013. “Media of Prohibition. ” Media of Prohibition. Albany. edu, n. d. Web. 01 Nov. 2013. “A1 Capone. ” History. com. A Television Networks, n. d. Web. 01 Nov. 2013. Nash, Tim. “Organized Crime in the 1920’s and Prohibition. ” The Finer Times: War, Crime and History Resource. N. p. , n. d. Web. 01 Nov. 2013.

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