Sex education on public schools Assignment

Sex education on public schools Assignment Words: 495

Sex by definition Is to have a sexual Intercourse with another person, my Interest In this hypothesis is to prove that by providing education to teenagers in public schools at an early age about sex will help them all to be prepare and make them responsible of their acts. Also, prove that age on respondents provide a different perspective of view on age categories. I had chose sex education on public schools as my independent variable and age of respondents who favor and oppose as my dependent variable for my hypothesis.

As we can appreciate on the bottom chart teen 2010 to 2012, ma]orally of young people ages between 18-38 favors more for an early education on sex with 86. 4% than older people who oppose 13. 6% with ages between 57-89 and with different life view perspectives. There are many very influential issues occurring in our world right now that affect my generation and those to come. The one that seems to be plaguing the young people of today and tomorrow Is teenage sexual activity. Young adults are not as informed about the risks and complications that they face with Inexperience and lack of knowledge.

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Many teens are going into the high school atmosphere with little to no knowledge of sex other than it creates children. This is a deadly thought because lack of knowledge can lead to the ending of someone’s life. The only proper way to insure that they do not make a horrible decision on their own is to ensure they are well educated on the matter and inform them of the risks and complications from an early age sex. The introduction of it to younger children will be beneficial to the later life experiences they will encounter.

Most children have a very vague or naive perception of how sex works or the risks contributed. We also need to work with older people and make them understand that generations had changed. Moreover; we need to know what kind of role plays race or ethnicity on the research, since based on studies the majority of early age pregnant women are from black descent based on the website http://WV. CDC. Gob/inch/data/never/inverse/inverse_07. PDF. In my study I will examine if there Is a explicit correlation, If age matters In terms of favoring or opposing early ex education at schools. Ex education on public schools By assailants Sex by definition is to have a sexual intercourse with another person, my interest in between 2010 to 2012, majority of young people ages between 18-38 favors more for tomorrow is teenage sexual activity. Young adults are not as informed about the risks and complications that they face with inexperience and lack of knowledge. Many http://www. CDC. Gob/inch/data/never/inverse/inverse_07. PDF. In my study I will examine if there is a explicit correlation, if age matters in terms of favoring or opposing early

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Sex education on public schools Assignment. (2020, Nov 26). Retrieved October 23, 2024, from