Sex Education in US Schools Assignment

Sex Education in US Schools Assignment Words: 1197

At the end, it gives suggestions on how teens should be taught to negotiate sex. In section Ill, it goes over how abstinence based education is very limited in scope and advocates that, muff should wait until marriage before engaging in sex (heterosexual, vaginal penetration), and sexual abstinence Is the only sure way to protect yourself from pregnancy and Studs. ” Despite this, abstinence-based sex education does not do a good Job conveying its main message since “40 percent of students report that they feel unprepared or only somewhat prepared to wait until they are older to have sex.

Sexual education in U. S. Schools Is therefore heavily based on a principle, abstinence, which It does not necessarily teach students to follow. (Katie) Anonymous. “Young adults support sex De, but have mixed views on abortion. ” Marketing to Women 13. 11 (2000): 3. Web. The author uses data from the study “Sex Laws: Youth Opinion on Sexual Health Issues in the 2000 Election” to explore 18-24- year-olds’ opinions about different sexual issues. These include abortion laws, homosexual marriage laws, and what should be taught and funded in terms of sexual education In U.

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S. Schools. It seems that 73 percent of the population surveyed was “against restricting federal funds for sex education classes to curricula that advocate sexual abstinence as the only option for teens. ” The article discussed that these members of the population said their top sources of information about sexual health issues for young adults 18-24 were “friends and sex education or health classes at school (44% say they learned “a lot” from each of these sources). This Implies that they are as likely to listen to their peers as to their official classes on the subject but hat the classes are still a major source of information for them and they would prefer a broader spectrum of information rather than abstinence-based. (Katie) Cord, Sarah. “Fight for your right… To sex De. ” Girls’ Life 9. 2 (2002): 88. Web. Sarah Cord is a writer for Girl’s Life, a popular magazine and internet publication for girls offering advice on social issues.

This is a piece that explores how sex education in schools tends to vary a lot depending on school and how there is ongoing debate about what should be taught in school about sex. Abstinence-only education is mentioned as being supported by Congress putting aside money for schools who teach it though there is evidence that comprehensive sex education causes 83 percent of kids to wait longer to have sex compared with those taught abstinence- only.

It uses the example of a high school called Cesar Cave and the five girls who ended up making sure it had sex education available to its students. Girls from the 1 OFF cocoons Ana Addles Ana were rolling teen to class out ten principal “010 kids were having sex and didn’t think sex De was necessary’ until the girls managed o demonstrate the students’ interest. This suggests that a lack of sex education does not necessarily mean a lack of interest or need for sex education. (Katie) Henchman, Todd. “Sex, lies, and teenagers. Advocate 944 (2005): 58-9. Web. Henchman is an assistant director for the Center of Women and Men at the University of Southern California, primarily educating men on the prevention of sexual violence. This article specifically examines how homosexuality and sexual orientation does not have a place in most current school sex education curriculums. Places that try to incorporate it often face heavy resistance from Christian conservatives that feel homosexuality is a choice or teaching about it would encourage it.

Gay children are therefore stuck being told that the only way available for them to prevent sexually transmitted diseases is to be married; something that is not readily available to them. Also, there is evidence that many sexual education curriculums are inaccurate and use this to (hopefully) scare students into abstinence by convincing them that sex is inherently dangerous outside of marriage. The trudge that gay parents, and others who support them, face to get LIGHT topics covered in sex education currently appears to be a losing battle. Katie) Irvine, Janice M. Talk about Sex: the Battles over Sex Education in the United States. Berkeley: University of California, 2002. Print. Irvine is a highly respected professor of Culture and Sexuality Studies in the Sociology department at Amherst. The first chapter of this book deals specifically with the origins of sex education in the United States. The author notes that Mary Calenderer founded the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (CUSCUS) in 1964 amid a society that was already embracing sexual liberalism.

The type of sex education for which Calenderer advocated stressed sexual abstinence and regulation and insisting that open sexual discussions would foster socially responsible sexuality. It condemned traditional sexual restrictions, ignorance, and guilt and focused on sexual fulfillment. According to the author, “public school sex education in the early sixties was virtually moribund,” (18) and there were only a few ambitious programs in the entire country. Most programs were “spotty,” not giving ample coverage on much of anything.

Much of the opposition against the desired policies stemmed from complaints from religious leaders, believing liberal sex education was against Christian morals, ignoring Collarbone’s call for morality and advocacy for exclusively marital sex. CUSCUS, however, believed that with a sexual language and strong vocabulary, sexual speech would be encouraged if not embraced. (Michael) Lent, Gloria. Raping Our Children; the Sex Education Scandal. New Rockwell, NY: Arlington House, 1972. Print. This book, written by a Journalist and concerned mother in New Jersey, defends her skepticism of sex education.

One chapter specifically attempts to debunk the reasons school administrators attempt to plan sex education programs, pointing out the hypocrisy that exists in teaching sex education based on community needs when the community has no “real reason to be teaching the programs. ” I en autumn Alehouses ten “Tears” near youngest son expresses auto childbirth and sexuality, comparing it to hallucinations similar to those of an LSI trip. The author also draws connections between sex education and premarital pregnancy and sex education and sex crimes.

Written specifically for parents, this book gives tips on how to fight sex education in the advocacy for Christian morals. (Michael) Warwick, Nancy. “A Florida suit challenges an abstinence-only sex De course. ” Ms 1 July 1993: Kindergarten (GO), Protest. Web. This article recaps a specific lawsuit against a Florida school district in which a teacher’s curriculum called birth control and condoms ineffective, taught that life begins at conception, and claiming that women re more prone to suicide and less likely to be able to conceive again after an abortion.

Teaching a curriculum that was based on scaring students into remaining ignorant and theoretically abstinent, the school board failed to comply with a 1990 law stating that Florida schools must “provide students with complete, accurate, and unbiased information on reproductive health and sexuality. ” Where before parents were a main opposing force in the fight against sex education, here we see that coming into Third Wave, parents are actually fighting for their children’s right to knowledge. (Michael)

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