Sex education debate Assignment

Sex education debate Assignment Words: 793

Sex Education Should be Implemented to Grade-schooled Position Opposition Side Ladies and gentleman good morning, today we will be debating about sex education. Sex education taught in the school system has long been debated as right or wrong. There are some who believe it is wholly wrong for the school to get involved in such a sensitive topic. They may believe this because they feel parents should do the talking or it may be down to religious reasons. First let’s define sex education so what is sex education.

Sex education is instruction on issues relating to human sexuality, including human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual activity, reproductive health, emotional relations, reproductive rights and responsibilities, abstinence, and birth control. Common avenues for sex education are parents or caregivers, formal school programs, and public health campaigns. The word sex, it is one of the few words that catch our attention. Whenever we see the word “sew in magazines, newspapers and other print materials, we tend to stop at some point and become interested to read the article where It Is written.

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It’s not cause we simply feel the urge to read about sex but perhaps the “questioning self” wants to clarify and discover the truth about this matter. In liberal democracies, sex is viewed as a normal activity for both adults and teenagers. In the Philippines, It’s very different. Whenever we say the word “sex”, we are labeled as “rude”. No wonder why if we heard of “sex” we directly associate It to “vulgarity’. We cannot blame ourselves because we are living In a society with a stronghold of moral standards and conservatism.

As a representative of the opposition we strongly oppose the Implementation of sex education to grade-schooled. Those grade school pupil who have pure mind and still Immature we cannot afford to change the way of thinking of these Innocent grade school pupil. It Is still early for them to learn about sex education. Teaching sex education to grade-schooled at early age can greatly affect their way of thinking. A person who Is 7-11 years old Is still Immature, they have a Imaginative mind and curious to different things specially one that they still haven’t tried, so Introducing them about sex education Is very risky.

There’s no guarantee that the person teaching It has a healthy attitude about sex, or that the teacher really knows anymore about sex that the students do. Sex education brings the Information to the front, possibly Glenn kids Ideas of things that they had never thought of before. Instead of Just letting things goes by and take their natural course, kids begin thinking about It. They begin to wonder what It’s Like and may make poor choices that they never would have If they hadn’t heard about It In the first place.

There Is also a possibility that hey do what couples because of curiously and Immaturity. For teens and young adult about many things and they are very impulsive to try something new, they always seek their selves from other, teaching them how to use contraceptives is a big no, once they learn about birth control and safe sex. The chances for having unplanned teen pregnancies are possible for they are not yet matured to handle such stuff. There’s a tendency that they might have multiple partners. Students may still also suffer from embarrassment or get excitable by the topic matter.

Student curiosity will be set high and their urge to try it will be greater. This will cause them to engage in early sex, sex Education program is not the answer to any sex related problems of young teens and minors that have been undergoing at the moment. The schools responsibility is to teach reading, math, science, social studies, etc. Instead of teaching them sex education program, school should concentrate more in moral values, that sex is responsibility, that once done, you must ready to face the consequences and any challenges in life.

That sex is sacred it’s not Just for fun and pleasure but, it should only be done by couples for procreation. There is a right time for everything, so Just like the sex education there is right time to learn about it. Sex education can be compared to a knife – it is useful to those who understand how to use it, but dangerous for those who do not. As parents, would you leave it to someone else to explain something potentially damaging to your children? If they will pursue with it, isn’t it awkward hearing kids say “Hey mama, can you review me with this condom, pills etc.

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