Marketing Assignment

Marketing Assignment Words: 1035

This entry into a country deemed to have their ‘biggest market anywhere in the world’ y co-founder Guy Livingston (Dumas 2012), offers opportunities for Tough Muddier within new potential market segments. This report addresses this Australian expansion, identifying these potential markets, and the key marketing implications and issues involved. This is achieved through presenting solutions to the following four case study problems: The marketing environment Market segmentation Marketing research Consumer behavior The Australian marketing environment is approached with a macro-environmental scan utilizing a PESTLE analysis.

The main opportunities and threats that emerge for Tough Muddier are then outlined. A key opportunity revealed by this scan is presented in the market segmentation analysis: two potential female market segments referred to in this report as ‘The Average Australian’ and Young and Free. ‘ A market research plan, combining exploratory and descriptive research designs, utilizing mixed qualitative and quantitative methods, has been developed for Tough Muddier to explore the potential of these market segments and investigate the variables which describe their consumer behavior.

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Dean has stated his objective is to make Tough Muddier a household name so hat when a man turns to a woman at a bar she knows what Tough Muddier is (Generally 2012; Laptop’s, 2013). In furthering this goal, Tough Muddier is expanding globally, having recently entered the Australian market in 2012 (Dumas 2012). This report addresses Vesicle’s (2012) Tough Muddier Case Study and aims to integrate solutions to the case study problems posed, as they relate to Tough Madder’s expansion into Australia. The scope of this report subsequently covers a macro-environmental scan, market segmentation, marketing research and consumer behavior.

In doing so, it will be argued that the key potential market segments wrought which Tough Muddier can realize its marketing objectives are “The Average Australia” and muffing and Free” female markets. Furthermore, Reference Group Theory is put forward as an effective consumer behavior theory for driving a targeted marketing strategy to these potential market segments. 2. 0 CASE STUDY PROBLEMS: TOUGH MADDER A macro-environmental (PESTLE) analysis has been conducted for the marketing manager of the Tough Muddier event (Table 1. 0), using a low-medium-high scale for projected probability of impact.

Based on this analysis the main opportunities and hearts facing Tough Muddier in Australia are presented in Section 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 1 Macro-environmental Analysis Table 1. 0 PESTLE Analysts: Tough Muddier ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS IMPACT Probe. Political-Legal: Complex Negligence tort laws system (Bug, 2006) This impacts Tough Muddier through high legal, public liability insurance, and risk management costs (Laptop’s, 2013) High Economic: Low consumer confidence While Australia not as hard hit, the SGF lowered consumer confidence resulting in restrained consumption (PAPAW, 2012; Marketing, 2012). High Demographic: The Average Australian

Australian trends in sport participation 37-year-old Australia-born woman, married with two children, living in the suburbs (not 29-year-old male of fifty-years-ago) (Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2013; small, 2013) ABS (Bibb) states: 65% participated in sport at least once between 2010-2011; Higher participation rates in capital cities; Those most likely to participate are actively involved in social groups and those who have daily contact with family and friends; Employed people likelier to participate than unemployed; Highest rates for professionals and advanced clerical/service workers.

Average time spent on physical recreation has decreased with increased time spent on audio/visual media; while physically active Australians are engaging more in fitness activities and less on sports (Service Skills Australia, Bibb) Main motivations for participation: ‘health and fitness’; ‘enjoyment’ (ABS, 2007). Main constraints: insufficient time due to family for women aged 25-44 years; work/study commitments for men Marginally lower than men’s (64% and 66% respectively); Highest participating age ranges are 25-34; 35-44 (males: 18-24 years); More likely to participate in fitness than men (ABS Bibb) High

High Coloratura: Experience-based consumerism; Post-Materialism Changing needs of Australian women High obesity rate Consumers easily access information and communities online through social media (Keating and Smith, 2012). This means consumer feedback can instantly go viral Generation Yes consumer behavior more ‘post-materialist’: more spent on experiences and connectivity (PAPAW, 2012) Friends important and influential; worry about weight, finances; face time constraints due to family, work; want more time for friends, fitness (Bait, 2013). Seek a fit, healthy and natural’ aesthetic (e. G.

Megan Gale) (Remuneration International 2012 pop) Australia the world’s most overweight nation”. Due to increased inactivity; raises awareness of weight issues (E’, 2012, p. 39) High Med. Technological: Extension of National Broadband Network (N.B.) Increased consumer access to social media in regional and rural areas (PAPAW, 2012), increases Tough Madder’s exposure to potential markets but also that of competitors’ Ecological: Rise in natural disasters (flooding, bushfire) could result in cancellation of events (Keating and Smith, 2011). May be mitigated by holding events in milder Australian limited zones Med. . 1. 2 Opportunities and Threats Key opportunities: Strong potential market opportunity with women who fit the ‘average Australian’ profile: women keen to balance family and work commitments with social activities. They are concerned about their weight and keen to participate in fitness activities they can fit into busy lives. They also hold an ‘Amazonian’ physical ideal – a beauty based on strength, fitness and health. Also strong opportunities exist with Generation Y women (25-34) who have the highest female sport participation rate (followed by he typical’ Australian aged between 35-44).

They also prefer fitness activities and want to balance work commitments with socializing with friends. Furthermore, they have a preference for experience-based consumption. Key threats: Low consumer confidence has led to more conscientious consumption behavior focused on value and quality. Tough Muddier could position itself as a good investment in fitness and social bonding but needs to ensure entry fees are perceived as affordable and value for money. Tough Muddier also faces likely future participant death and critical injury (Laptop’s, 2013).

This may lead to negative publicity, expensive lawsuits and the event being deemed insurable (Caving, 2012). To mitigate this Tough Muddier invests greatly in safety and participants must purchase an additional insurance fee and sign a ‘Death Waiver’ (Tough Muddier AAA), which can be used in its defense should they be sued (Dizzy 2012). This ‘Death Waiver’ also presents an opportunity by encouraging viral marketing: participants’ “humiliating” on social media on completing a ‘dangerous’ event (Dizzy 2012; Generally 2012).

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