Kit Kat Marketing Assignment

Kit Kat Marketing Assignment Words: 864

KIT KAT: Marketing Environments Kit Kat has always had an extremely successful marketing campaign and a great product to back the marketing campaign. This product has endured due to its great marketing strategy that appeals to all ages and both sexes. KitKat was first advertised on TV back in 1957 and had its first colour advert in 1967. Famous adverts include the ‘Dancing Panda’ in 1987 and the ‘Have a Break’ adverts in the 90’s. KitKat is produced at the Nestle Rowntree Factory and in 2004 a massive 39,000 tonnes of KitKat were sold – that’s 107 tonnes a??day! “The history of,” ). The three marketing environment forces that impact Kit Kat are the competitive environment, the social or cultural environment, and the economic environment. The competitive marketing environment for this popular candy bar is very important since there are so many varieties of chocolate bars manufactured both nationally and internationally. There are many markets that the marketing campaign must appeal to in order to get this product into the hands of the consumer.

This competitive environment must be constantly monitored in order to ensure the product remains top of mind for the consumer in comparison to the other products offered by competing candy manufacturing companies. Kit Kat has devised a strategy by the package design and also the jingle used in its marketing campaign to give it a competitive edge. The “classic” American version of the “Gimme a Break” Kit Kat jingle (in use in the US since 1986) was written by Ken Shuldman (lyrics) and Michael A. Levine (music) for the DDB Advertising Agency.

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Versions of the original have been covered by Carrie Underwood, Shawn Colvin, and many studio singers, as well as people who have appeared on-camera in the commercials. (“Kit Kat,” ) Another way that this company remains competitive in the marketplace is by introducing special or limited editions. They have found that by having these limited edition versions of the Kit Kat (such as mint, white chocolate, dark chocolate, etc. ) the consumer will also buy the original Kit Kat at the same time or shortly thereafter.

The social or cultural marketing environment is also an important factor when this company is creating its marketing plan. One thing to consider is placement and availability of the product in such a manner that consumer makes the purchase. It does not matter how good a Kit Kat bar tastes or how catchy their jingle is if the consumer cannot find the product easily to purchase. Part of the social and cultural marketing environment for this product will vary based on the marketplace in which it is offered.

Since this is a product that is sold on an international level, the marketing plan will be different in each country or area based upon that particular areas desires and the market research. In the social and cultural environment when making decisions for the marketing plan, the company also must decide what areas of marketing are most suitable, for instance should a Kit Kat bar commercial be televised during football games or when cartoons air.

This is decided based upon the average consumer of this product and the company must determine whether the main consumer is children or middle aged men. The economic marketing environment is essential to the marketing of the Kit Kat bar in the area of pricing. The pricing must be in a range in which the customer is willing to pay and can afford. Chocolate bars are not a necessity, more of a treat or desire, therefore the pricing must also take into consideration the current economic times making a price point that the consumer will pay even if the economy is tough or money is tight.

This pricing strategy is a key advantage that Kit Kat has held through consistent pricing which is relevant to the economic situation. Many economic factors are considered when pricing is determined for a product, some of these factors are the unemployment rate, cost to produce the product, and inflation. During times of economic hardship or a recession a company could respond by lowering their prices to stimulate the demand and causing the consumer to purchase the product although their income may be less.

Kit Kat is definitely one of the most popular chocolate bars both here in the U. S. and on an international level. It is one of the most well recognized products due to its marketing which makes it familiar to many. They do this through its unique red and white packaging and its catchy jingle, which have both remained consistent through the years. Although, these three environments are included when Kit Kat develops a marketing strategy, they must continue to consider these environments in the future when continuing to develop new and innovative marketing strategies.

References: Candy Manufacturing. First research industry profile. Hoover, Inc. Retrieved from http://aiuonline. firstresearch-learn. com. proxy. cecybrary. com/industry. aspx? pid=238&chapter=0 (“Candy Manufacturing,” ) The history of kit kat. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. nestleprofessional. com/uk/en/SiteArticles/Pages/History_of_KitKat. aspx Kit Kat. Wikipedia. Retrieved from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Kit_kat

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