Introduction to Advertising Assignment

Introduction to Advertising Assignment Words: 455

Advertising is communication: Advertising is very structured form of applied communication, employing both verbal and nonverbal elements that are imposed to fill predetermined space and time formats that are controlled by the sponsor. E?? Advertising is Nan-personal or mass communication: typically directed to groups of people rather than to individuals, i. E. Consumers, business people, etc. Advertising is usually paid for by advertisers who pay various media to carry the ads, read, hear and viewed by the consumer or target market.

Although some sponsors don’t have to pay for ads like public service messages or poster posted on a school bulletin. E- Advertising is usually paid for except ads, such as legal announcements, lassie ads, obituary are intended merely to inform, not to persuade. Advertising is intended to be persuasive in nature about products (tangible), intangible (services), and ideas. Companies, individuals, and organizations usually pay for the ad. Advertising reaches us through different channels of communication – the medium ?? any paid means used to present an ad to its target audience. – Traditional Mass Media: newspaper, magazine, radio, television, and billboards. ??- Non-traditional media: shopping carts, blimps, videocassettes, caps, glasses, ball pens, etc. – Electronic media ??- Important dimensions of advertising: 1 . Communication Dimension (Human Communication Process) – Advertising is actually a form of structured, literary communication. Source formulates an idea encodes it as a message, and sends it via some channel to another party, called the receiver. The receiver decodes the message in order to understand it.

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To respond, the receiver formulates a new idea, encodes it, and then sends the new message back through some channel, or medium. A. Source: the party who formulates the idea b. Encoding: concept made into message as symbols . Message: the idea to be sent d. Channel: way of carrying message to receiver e. Receiver: party who receives the message f. Decoding understanding the code and symbols of the message Feedback: Way Of carrying message to source 7 Steps translated to Advertising Communication a. Source: Sponsor Source Dimension: Sponsor – Legally responsible for the communication g. Author – People outside the text of the message, i. . Copywriter, Art director, Creative Director e?? Persona – The in-text spokesperson, i. E. The real or imaginary spokesperson that resides within the text of the ad. Jollied mascot and logo are also considered personae. B. Encoding: Ad Agency, Communications Dept. C. Message: Advertisement Message Dimension: +- Autobiographical Messages: “l” tell a story about myself to “you” the imaginary audience eavesdropping on my private personal experience e?? Narrative Messages: A third person persona tells a story about others to an imagined audience Drama Messages: Characters act out events directly in front of an imagined emphatic audience.

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