Hinduism Paper Hum/130 Assignment

Hinduism Paper Hum/130 Assignment Words: 739

Hinduism Paper Donna Hebner Hum/130 Axia College University of Phoenix Hinduism derived in the Indian subcontinent where other religions like Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism was developed in a unified religious system. Unlike these other religions, Hinduism was categorized as if they were a single tradition. The name Hinduism was applied to the people who at the time, was living by the Indus River, by the foreigners who then introduced the name in a category for the British census-taking in the nineteenth century. Hinduism is one of the oldest living religions in the world today, and was not founded by one individual person.

It grew over the following 4000 years beside the cultural and religious movements of the Indian subcontinent. Brahmanism was the first phase of Hinduism that was the religion of the priests or Brahmans. They performed the Vedic sacrifice that the relation with the gods and the cosmos was established through the power of proper relation by these priests. The Veda is where the liturgy and interpretation of the sacrifice was comprised. The speculative works state the doctrine of the Brahman is the absolute reality that they believe the soul is the self of all things and its identity is in the individual soul.

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They also believe that karma is where the individual soul reaps from the good or bad actions from itself to the soul and carried on through different lifetimes. The alternate label for Hinduism today is Sanatana Dharma. Sanatana means that the ways have always existed, “ageless” or “eternal”. The word Dharma comes from the translation of religion, meaning the transcendental realization of natural law, social welfare ethics and health and corresponding in order in the cosmos. There is a great many different ways of the religion that there is no central tradition that can be called proper Hinduism.

The belief of the Hindu religion and cultural beliefs is that the original region of Hindu divines is still present there. The people also believe that the rivers, forest, hilltops and mountains are sacred and should be protected to a certain extent. Most Indian rivers are considered by millions of people as goddess. Along the banks of the Narmada River is many temples devoted to Mother Narmada and Lord Shiva. The Hindu people believe that when the reservoir is filled it will cause 245 villages to be submerged, and then they will capture the water to divert it to the drought ridden areas to benefit the people there.

But then one of them has expressed how are they going to move the gods from there and they gods cannot move from there. They have many conflicts on many issues regarding their belief in keeping the Hinduism Religion at the regions where it first began. When their people die, they believe in cremation and having the bodies burned and kept on the grounds of their land. The Hinduism has many divine and gods that they worship that is all throughout the subcontinent of India. There is many Hindus who pilgrimage each year to many spots throughout India to the places that the great saints and teachers have lived and later passed on.

It is believed that they have left many of their sacred parts in pilgrimage spots all around. Hindus also believe in the goal of moksha or mukti, which is when we pass on from this world and are liberated from pain and suffering and go on to rebirth. It is believed we are then in the eliminations of passions and found in union with God. They look forward to existence far beyond this earth. The beliefs they have in their gods and divines have them believing in reincarnation, and that there next life will be a much better life. Hinduism has spread throughout the world and grown rapidly.

They have strong beliefs and have also grown in the political world. It has even gone as far a having the supreme court of Indian define Hindu beliefs where it is universality rather than exclusiveness. This court ruling came following many court disputes about religions, and what is allowed to be taught in the schools following many debates concerning the Hinduism religion. In 2002 the Supreme Court passed a ruling allowing equal education about all religions in the Indian schools. May all religions always be treated equally, and left for each individual to decide on which to follow.

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