Martin Luther King Jr.’s Role in Advancing the Black Civil Rights Assignment

Martin Luther King Jr.’s Role in Advancing the Black Civil Rights  Assignment Words: 338

Looking back at the advancement of civil rights throughout the period 1865-1968, it is understandable to see Martin Luther King as the major player and leader. He was seen by many as a figurehead of the campaign, with his ‘mesmerism’s oratorical ability he gave a lot of people inspiration and a man to lead the line to the end of racism in the United States. Undoubtedly, Martin Luther King did a lot to advance lack civil rights until his death in 1968, namely the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

However, many historians until around the sass were too easy to go for the king centric approach in which black civil rights started in 1955 and ended in 1968. Not to take any credit away from King, the civil rights movement far exceeded of that during this period. Of curse and with great reason, resistance to race discrimination had been developing ever since the start of race discrimination itself, but it arguably only darted to pick up real pace with the 1863 Emancipation proclamation and the passing of the Fourteenth Amendment of 1868.

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This gave black people De Cure rights across all stated, But, discrimination continued throughout this period with Jim Crow legislation and the ASK among other things, the fight continued for De facto rights. In response, many organizations emerged. These organizations attracted widespread attention and support with their mostly non-violent action, fighting for not only legislation but to gather public support.

These organizations and Individuals existed ND made valuable progress long before Martin Luther King and continued long after his death, as cited by veteran civil rights activist Ella Baker, ‘Martin didn’t make the movement, the movement made Martin’. Outside factors cannot be understated with the media, politicians and Judges being some of the few also Involved. But It Is natural to want to put Individuals responsible for great moments In history, It Is questionable whether Martin Luther King was the most Important facto towards the advancement of Civil Rights between 1863 and 1968.

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Martin Luther King Jr.'s Role in Advancing the Black Civil Rights Assignment. (2022, Jan 11). Retrieved February 9, 2025, from