Comparison between Christianity and Islam Assignment

Comparison between Christianity and Islam Assignment Words: 780

Christianity vs… Islam Christianity and Islam are two of the world’s most populous religions. Both are different In today’s beliefs but similar in origin. Like every other religion or philosophy, Islam also claims to be the one and only true way to God. The religion of Islam teaches that in order to achieve true peace of mind and surety of heart, one must submit to God or “Allah” and live according to His Divinely revealed Law. Being a Muslim requires willful submission and active obedience to God and living in accordance with His message.

Muslims believe all of God’s prophets, who include Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad brought the same message of Pure Monotheism. For this reason, the Prophet Muhammad was not the founder of a new religion, as many mistakenly think, but he was the Final Prophet of Islam. (Masters 1-4) The Muslim Bible, the Curran, is believed to be the last book of God sent to mankind. This is believed to have been given the distinction of being personally guarded by God from human tampering and shall remain safe from the tampering of mankind until the Day of Judgment as guidance for all Humanity. Saba Foundation -3) Christianity teaches that man Is sinful and can never Inherit tern. The Middle East Is a significant historical region where It served as the birthplace for many cultures and religions such as Christianity and Islam. As they expanded from this region, both of these religions had substantial impact on the course of history. However, Christianity and Islam have their similarities in religious beliefs and their differences in expansion between the two religions. The Arabs Like the Christians and the Jews, believed In unseen splits such as gods, desert spirits. Memos, and so forth.

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The Christians and Islam each believed that there is only one true God that sends down a messenger to observe the people. The Christians believed that Jesus was the messenger that God sent down and the Islam believed that Muhammad was inspired by an unseen spirit when they questioned if the spirit was the one true God. The people between the two religions believed that if they do good deeds then they would go to Heaven (the Christian’s belief) or Paradise (the Salami’s belief). And the sinful one will go to hell. Both religions have their own kook that they believe are the words of God.

The bible is the book that the Christians believe are the words of God and the Curran, or the Recitation, was a book established in 650 that the Islamic regards as the unalterable word of God. The differences between Christianity and the Islamic are the expansions between the two religions. The Christians established new churches in cities and this made the spread of Christianity during the first two centuries an essentially urban phenomenon. Since the Arabia had very few cities Islam was spread mostly through villages and rural areas.

There was a major difference between the expansion of Christianity and Islam and that between the methods used to spread their messages. During the first two centuries, Christians did not force their religion on others but relied on missionaries, preaching, and leading godly lives to draw people to the one true… Religions Christianity most widely distributed of the world religions, having substantial representation in all the populated continents of the globe. Its total membership may exceed 1. 7 billion people. Islam, a major world religion, founded in

Arabia and based on the teachings of Muhammad, who is called the Prophet. One who practices Islam is a Muslim. Muslims follow the Koran, the written revelation brought by Muhammad. The Muslim world population is estimated at more than 1 billion. Islam is the quickest growing religion. Judaism is one of the world’s oldest religious traditions. Pre-modern Judaism constituted (and traditional Judaism today constitutes) an integrated cultural system of Jewish law, custom, and practice encompassing the totality of individual and communal existence.

It is a system of sanctification in which all is to be subsumed under God’s rule. Judaism originated in the Middle East, but Jewish communities have existed at one time or another in almost all parts of the world, a result of both voluntary migrations and forced exile or expulsions. Origin The central element of Christianity is the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus of Nazareth, a Jewish rabbi, attracted a following of people who believed him to be a new prophet. Their recollections of Jesus’ words and deeds recall his days on earth and the miracle of his resurrection from the dead on the first Easter.

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