Romeo + Juliet Film Critique Assignment

Romeo + Juliet Film Critique Assignment Words: 781

The Lurking version of Romeo and Juliet starts off zooming Into a TV very slowly, which has a news anchor narrating the famous prologue of Shakespearean world renowned tragedy, Romeo and Juliet. Suddenly, the screen cuts to an Intense and out of control scene of gunfire on Verona Beach from all angles, a gang fight involving members of both the Montague and Capsules. It is here In the first scene that Lurking truly successfully captures the viewer’s attention by truthfully portraying the two families’ raging hatred for the other.

In Peter Traverse’ Rolling Stone review of Romeo + Juliet, he says, ” shot In Mexico In a style that might be called retroviruses, since it encompasses castles and armor, as well as bulletproof vests and boom boxes, the film reworks Shakespeare In a frenzy of Jump cuts that makes most rock videos look like MET on Middle. ” I agree. Leonardo Didactic, 21 at the time of filming, and Claire Danes, 17 then, give convincing portrayals of the star-crossed lovers, who are just 16 and 13 in the original play. Although the two do get naked in the film, it is not early as bad as Ziegfeld’s version of the original back In 1969.

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As Traverse says, “Ziegfeld showcased enough codpieces and cleavage to have censors crying kiddies porn. ” Ziegfeld’s version was a smash, but anyone who has watched it can agree that it’s a little over the top with all that skin showing on camera. Elizabethan England when the Bard was still alive. Both Ziegfeld and Lurking cut the text in the film and even though Traverse says, ” His [Lurking] point is not to distract you from the words, as Ziegfeld did, but to lead you to them. I don’t really think Ziegfeld tried to distract the viewers from the words.

Leonard welting and Olav Hussy who portrayed the young couple in the 1969 version did well as a desperate couple who could be killed for their love affair. Now, for the most heart wrenching part of any Romeo and Juliet movie or adaptation of any kind- the suicide scene. Ziegfeld portrays it exactly as Shakespeare tells of in the original play. The tomb, the drink of poison, and having Juliet wake up after Romeo falls dead, continuing to stab herself tit Romeos dagger that he had left behind before killing himself.

This scene Is poignant and intense. It really has the potential to bring tears to the viewer’s eyes. Lurking on the other hand, took a little liberty with the suicide scene. He has 2,000 lit candles in the background of the church room that Juliet is lying “dead” in. As Romeo sits on her supposed deathbed, he cries and finally decides to drink the poison he bought from a fairly sketchy apothecary, but before he can manage to put it to his lips, Gullet’s eyes flutter open.

At this point, the audience is screaming for Juliet to say something, for Romeo to look at Juliet, anything, but they don’t. Romeo swallows the poison and THEN looks at Juliet, realizing he’s made a horrible mistake. After falling dead, Juliet loses all will to live and holds a semiautomatic to her head, shooting herself. At this point, the audience is screaming or crying or maybe both. It’s a powerful scene nevertheless. Comparatively, both versions, Lurking and Suffering had their pros and cons, and were wonderful adaptations of the famous

Romeo and Juliet. Romeo + Juliet Film Critique By change The Lurking version of Romeo and Juliet starts off zooming into a TV very slowly, renowned tragedy, Romeo and Juliet. Suddenly, the screen cuts to an intense and members of both the Montague and Capsules. It is here in the first scene that Romeo + Juliet, he says, ” Shot in Mexico in a style that might be called retroviruses, the film reworks Shakespeare in a frenzy of Jump cuts that makes most rock videos nearly as bad as Ziegfeld’s version of the original back in 1969.

As Traverse says, Ziegfeld showcased enough codpieces and cleavage to have censors crying kiddies porn. ” Ziegfeld’s version was a smash, but anyone who has watched it can agree that it’s a little over the top with all that skin showing on camera. Elizabethan England when the Bard was still alive. Both Ziegfeld and Lurking cut the text in the film and words, as Ziegfeld did, but to lead you to them. ” I don’t really think Ziegfeld tried to distract the viewers from the words. Leonard Whiting and Olivia Hussy who with Romeos dagger that he had left behind before killing himself. This scene is

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