Critique on a Lesson Plan Assignment

Critique on a Lesson Plan Assignment Words: 901

Diana Montano LS 421: Deborah Meadows May 25th, 2010 Lesson Plan Critique Overall the author of this art visual lesson did a great job. He followed the curriculum and standards/goals were set. His objected for this lesson was to educate the students on Ancient Egypt, and the properties/techniques of earth clay construction. His lesson plan goes into great detail. He starts by stated around how long this lesson will take. Two days approximately, he gives for each day extensive detail procedures.

He says first day the teacher will introduce the topic of Ancient Egypt and how earth clay cartouche was part of their culture. I will probably add questions during this time frame to keep the students engage and wanting to learn more. I will show them pictures of the some artifacts, this will help the students understand the project they will we working on. The use of books and other resources will be helpful to engage the students in conversation. During this introduction, I will show a finished cartouche so the students can see what it is exceptive.

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The author says we should spend around ten minutes with the introduction of the history and vocabulary words. If the students have already reviewed the history of Ancient Egypt then it is possible to do this within ten minutes but if not you need approximately a good fifteen minutes to give out information. Even though you might only have ten minutes we have to make sure that throughout the time they are working on their project, as a teacher we are giving them and making them reflect on what they are learning.

After the introduction he continues to go onto the Part one step procedures. What I like about his lesson plan is that he goes into extensive details. He starts of by stating the first step which is doing your Egyptian hieroglyphic name. He says that the teacher should pass out handouts that show the symbol and that he should have his name done. I think is better if he goes over doing his name on the board so the students can get involve in helping him do the name and they have an example of what he wants them to do.

Next he goes off by saying that the teacher needs to explain and do the steps to construct the “slab construction. ” The teacher should show this once step by step slowly and then go again with the students doing their part also. And then he states that the students will have the rest of the class period to finish their slab construction. While they are finishing their construction the teacher can be walking around see if anyone needs help, asking them question on vocabulary and the history. This will help the teacher reflect on how the day went: if the students learned anything?

Has this part of the lesson been helpful? Part two of the lesson goes into extensive detail also. He has a section for review where the teacher asks the students questions on how to do the slab construction? what they learned from Ancient Egypt and modern art today? Then the teacher goes off into demonstrating the glazing procedure. As a teacher I would show the students all the materials that I need first. After I will show them how to glaze, give them techniques tell them what it would make the plate look good and what it wouldn’t. In art there is no right or wrong, but there should be a point of expedience- is what you expect of the students). After teacher has demonstrated the glaze procedure, he will let students choose the ceramic glaze color. So there is no fighting in the classroom I think the teacher should set up the classroom in groups of five per table. And have all the colors available in each group table. So if your classroom only uses five colors, you will then have six of those five colors each. This will prevent from students fighting for the color and the materials.

Essentially the students will go off into working on their stuff and once they are done they will clean up and place their cartouche on the back of the classroom. Having them clean up right after they are done is a really good idea because we don’t want students wondering around and disturbing other students’ inspiration. Once all the students are done he states that their should be a reflection between teacher and students so that the students have time to ask questions and the teacher can make sure they have grasped the concept at it full potential. The author says to test the students at the end. I am not a fan of quizzes) I think class discussion and having the entire class present their artifact will be the assessment. Overall this author has a great lesson plan. Given detail steps of each day and the procedures and tools needed. He also stated different techniques we can use while presenting our instructions. He even put in the vocabulary words we should use while designing these pieces of art work. Overall I will just thick a little the lesson plan, as I stated threw out my review. But mainly I will use his entire concept if I were to teach a six grade class.

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