Critical Analysis of Pride and Prejudice Assignment

Critical Analysis of Pride and Prejudice Assignment Words: 774

Mr.. Dairy’s prejudice is strongly rooted in him, but Elizabeth is able to break down some of his distaste for her, which eventually causes him to fall in love with her. Mr.. Dairy, towards those he considers of lower status and regard, he is an aloof, condescending man. He holds the stupidity and silly behavior of the Bennett family with great contempt, all except for Elizabeth and Jane. Jane gains his respect, because she Is a proper, civil lady, but Elizabeth has a greater affect on his prejudice. She is not afraid of Mr..

Dairy and demonstrates her equal intelligence through her wit battles with Mr.. Dairy. He enjoys these qualities and grows feelings for her. When he then proposes to her she rejects him. This causes him to rethink his prejudices. He is forced to look at himself as the pompous, conceited man he has acted and correct his behavior. He is willing to disregard his disgust of the Bennett for Elizabethan sake. He pays for debt caused by Hickman on the Bennett family, in order to please Elizabeth. Mr.. Dairy’s prejudice of others changes due to his affection for

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Elizabeth. Elizabethan prejudice has Its own evolution. After Elizabethan pride is damaged by the Insults of Mr.. Dairy In their first meetings, she has a continued detestation for Mr.. Dairy. She refuses to accept any compliment attributed to Mr.. Dairy as true to his character. She is very adamant in her determination to dislike him. Mr.. Hickman is able to dupe Elizabeth and convince her even more of the bad nature of Mr.. Dairy lust because of this. Elizabeth also has a rude awakening of her prejudice towards Mr.. Dairy.

In the letter he writes to her explaining the accusations she made of him, she is corrected in her facts about him. She finds him to be a respectable, generous man who only acted for the good of his friend. Every moment she is with him from then after her opinion of him changes. She sees the true Dairy and starts to admire him and then falls In love with him. Her prejudice undergoes a change from contempt to love. Mr.. Collins Is vain, pompous, stupid man who Is oblivious to his ridiculous behavior. He enjoys displaying and boasting of his wonderful life.

He likes to be indulged by the listening ears of others. His behavior and arrogance are full of unnoticed rudeness and inappropriateness, as in his letter to the Bennett concerning the marriage of Lydia. He insults the family by referring to her marriage as sad business. He does not SE his own absurd behavior. His stupidity consists not only as his oblivious inappropriateness, but also as self-denial. When he proposes to Elizabeth, he is incapable of accepting her answer of no; because of his lack of understanding and realizing she does not care for him.

Mr.. Collins is constantly of a state of ignorance and self-delusion. Jane can be considered the antithesis of Elizabeth because of her lack of prejudice. She does not Like to Judge or condemn people after first meeting them regardless of their behavior. She prefers giving others the benefit of the doubt, as she does when listen to the entire story and looking for a reasonable explanation before she form opinions of people, unlike Elizabeth who mistakes Mr.. Dairy for a prideful, contemptible man without learning the whole truth.

Jane unlike her sister is not easily persuaded one side to another without using her reason, as Elizabeth was Nee she falls prey to the lies of Mr.. Hickman. Cane’s trusting, unprejudiced personality is the opposite of that of Elizabeth. Elizabethan personality affects Mr.. Dairy’s affections for her, while Dairy’s generosity has an effect on Elizabeth. Mr.. Dairy is a very prominent, wealthy man. After the death of his father, Mr.. Dairy was in some way responsible for the support of Mr.. Nickname. Dairy financially supported him, until he realized Hickman was trying to aka advantage of him.

Hickman tells the story to Elizabeth but makes himself out to be the victim. When Elizabeth hears the true story, she admires the generosity of Mr.. Dairy although it was greatly unappreciated by Mr.. Hickman. After Elizabeth is Informed of the extent to which Dairy helps her family with the financial problem, Inch was the fault of Hickman, she is overcome with admiration and respect. Her admiration soon turns to love. Mr.. Dairy’s generosity towards the Bennett family changes her opinion and regard for him.

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