What is a Government Shutdown? Assignment

What is a Government Shutdown? Assignment Words: 446

To Inform the Audience on what a Government Shutdown means. Thesis Statement: Are you confused about the government shut down? This evening I would like to discuss why the government shut down this past Tuesday. What causes a shutdown? How many government workers and which jobs have been furloughed, how is Beamer tied to the spending bill, and how will this affect us. Introduction: Attention Getter: With the government shutting down after Congress failed to resolve a budget feud, more than 800,000 federal employees were sent home without pay until further notice.

It has been over 17 years since the U. S last confronted a governmental shutdown. This evening I would Like to Inform you about what shutting the government down means, what caused this specific shutdown, and how Beamer is related to the shutdown? Preview (Implicit/Explicit): Just a little over 2 weeks ago, U. S Government leaders failed to resolve a budget feud, and more than 800,000 federal employees were sent home without pay until further notice. It has been over 17 years since the U.

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S last confronted a governmental shutdown. This evening would Like to Inform you about hat shutting the government down means, what caused this specific shutdown, how Beamer is related to the shutdown and whom the shutdown has affected? Body: l. Why has government shut down or what causes a governmental shut down? A. Roles of Congress and President b. Pass Spending Bills c. Fiscal year of government (Cot. 1 – Swept 30) II. What’s Beamer got to do with it? A. Bargaining chip b.

GOP View – Republican controlled House has passed a spending bill that maintains spending levels but does not provide funding to implement the Affordable Care Act/ Beamer. C. Democratic View – Democratic Senate insists that the program be fully ended and that Congress pass what they call a “clean” continuing resolution, one that Is without policy changes. Ill. How the shutdown affects us a. IIS Global Insight, a market research firm, estimated the shutdown could cost $1. 6 billion a week in lost economic output. B. The U. S.

Department of Agriculture announced Saturday that if Congress can’t cut a deal to fund government operations past Monday, “No additional federal funds would be available to support the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children. C. U. S. Is on track to run out of money to pay all Its bills. At risk: Social Security checks, veterans’ infinite and the nation’s credit rating. The markets could go into a tailspin. Conclusion: l. This evening we have discussed what a government shutdown is/means and what causes one.

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What is a Government Shutdown? Assignment. (2020, Nov 27). Retrieved October 23, 2024, from https://anyassignment.com/social-science/what-is-a-government-shutdown-assignment-52086/