The American Civil Rights Movement Assignment

The American Civil Rights Movement Assignment Words: 1661

The American Civil Rights Movement Outline Introduction Thesis: The Civil Rights Movement was the beginning of true Justice for African Americans in the United States, but it may not have been possible without strong opposition, specific outcomes of legal cases, and great leaders. Strong opposition People felt very strongly, which made everyone Involved It was a big enough deal to fight for Made It a hit or miss situation All or nothing 0 They weren’t going to “settle” Outcomes of specific legal cases Please v. Fergusson Gunning v. United States Brown v. Board of education

Not Possible without great leaders – MILK Other 0 Malcolm X W. E. B. Du BOB’S JEFF CONCLUSION All made a difference toward the cause/influenced others – Rosa Parks The American Civil Rights Movement is a well known period of American history. It involves the beginning of equality and Justice in America. Racism and prejudice are a big problem in the country today, but they used to not only be socially acceptable, but they were a part of the United States Government. The Civil Rights Movement was the time when blacks in America were fighting for their rights and beginning to et them.

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The Civil Rights Movement was the beginning of true Justice for African opposition, specific outcomes of legal cases, and great leaders. Most of the time people do not fight for something unless they really believe in it. When it came to the racial issues that were present in America, everyone had an opinion. It was something that everyone could relate to. Even if they were racist opinions, or people believed that whites were better than blacks, that’s still an opinion. Having these opinions ensured that everyone was still involved in the issue.

It was this fact that dad it so that there was an issue at all. Many people at the time felt very strongly that blacks were not as good as whites, and that the blacks did not deserve anything more than they had. These people provided strong opposition to the Civil Rights Movement. People felt very strongly about their opinions and that is what made them worth fighting for. Both sides of the debate felt strongly enough about their opinions to make them more than happy to defend them or fight for them. It was the fact that they felt so strongly that made the conflict an all-or- nothing situation.

The people involved in the Civil Rights Movement who were for civil rights were not going to settle for anything less than the equality that they had been striving for. A lot of unhappy, they will settle for a “compromise”. This can mean that they are given a portion of what they really wanted. This strategy is a way of making people forget about the big thing that was wrong and make them happy because they have at least gotten something. In the Civil Rights Movement they were not going to settle because they believed so strongly in the cause.

The effects of legal cases. Many different legal cases had effects on the outcomes of the Civil Rights Movement. It was the laws that they were trying to change, as well as the hearts and minds of other Americans. There were a number of laws passed as a result of the Civil Rights Movement. There were laws that both helped and hindered the movement. While many of the laws were progressive in giving African Americans more rights toward equality, there were also many that hindered the movement. The court case of Please v.

Fergusson upheld the separate but equal ideology. It was specifically a case n whether it was constitutional for a state to have segregation on its railroad cars. The outcome of the case stated that it was constitutional for the state to segregate its railroad cars. This served as the basis for many more laws that “socially separated” blacks and whites. Another case that was a step in the wrong direction for the Civil Rights Movement was Williams v. Mississippi. This law required a literacy test of anyone who wanted to vote in the elections.

This test required the ability to read any part of the constitution of the state of Mississippi, or to be able to interpret any part dead to the voter. The tests were administered by politically appointed registrars, who were white, and this made sure that they could deny any black man the ability to pass the test. The grandfather clause allowed a person whose grandfather had voted before a certain date to not to have to take the test. This essentially made it so that the blacks, and some poor whites were forced to take a test that they could not pass, which prevented them from voting.

All of the aforementioned legal cases were hindering the black population’s equality. They were ways to legally remove institutional rights of theirs. There were a few legal cases that did help the cause, and were stepping stones toward equality and civil rights. Gunning v. United States was one case that helped the cause of the Civil Rights Movement. It eliminated the grandfather clause, and it made it so that there was no more prevention of black voting rights. This was a big step towards equality, but the main legal case in the fight for civil rights was Brown v. Board of education.

This case stated that “To separate [elementary- and secondary-school children] from others of similar age and lubrications solely because of their race generates a feeling of inferiority as to their status in the community that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely ever to be undone. We conclude that in the field of public education, the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place. ” This was the beginning of the end of segregation. Great Leaders The American Civil Rights Movement can be compared to the Indian struggle for home rule in many different ways, including their dependence on a great leader.

There were many great leaders involved with the Civil Rights Movement, but there is en that stands out the most. Martin Luther King Jar. Was a leader of the American Civil Rights Movement. It required a leader as influential as King in order to gather the support needed for the movement, and to consolidate the efforts for civil rights become such an influential person without being influenced very strongly throughout their life. On major influence on king literally starting the day he was born was his father. His father was Reverend Martin Luther King, Sir.

He influenced king by being a person that king respected and wanted to be like. “l guess the influence of my father also had a great deal to do with my going in the ministry. This is not to say that he ever spoke to me in terms of being a minister, but that my admiration for him was the great moving factor; He set forth a noble example that I didn’t mind following. ” The influence his father had also lead to another one of his major influences. Religion always played a large role in the life of Martin Luther King. King was a minister and this gave him practice in the art of public speaking.

His background in religion gave him a sense of morality and the ability to see the difference between hat is right and what is wrong. He acquired great skills in the art of rhetoric, which made him a great leader. Leading a church was good preparation for leading a movement. His father and religion were not the only influences that king had, however. He was also influenced by other historical figures. One noteworthy person was Gandhi. His movement had similar ideology as Sandhog’s, but it was the method that was very synoptic to Sandhog’s movement.

He was greatly influence by Gandhi when it came to the non-violence in his movement. The combination of Kings hitherto, determination, and ideology are what made him such a successful leader. The interest was already in the movement. King was able to take the issue that everyone already had opinions about and by using their trust and belief, effectively achieve what he and millions of others wanted. King was not the only leader of the Civil Rights Movement. There were many other famous people who impacted the movement. Malcolm X is well known for being another leader in the movement, though his views were drastically different.

The contrast brought more attention to he movement, and although Malcolm X and his followers had different techniques and ideas on how to achieve civil rights, they ultimately wanted the same thing, and were part of the same movement. There were many people involved in the movement, doing what they thought was right. These people ranged from Rosa Parks to W. E. B. Dubos. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus and W. E. B. Dubos was a prominent civil rights leader. This shows that everyone’s contribution mattered, even things as small as not getting up out of a bus seat.

The Civil Rights Movement was a success in two ways. It began to get rid of all of the government based racism, and undid many laws that were unjust towards African Americans. Segregation was beginning to be removed from society and laws were passed attempting to eliminate the injustices toward blacks. The other way it was a success was to change the minds and opinions of the general public, and it made people more accepting. This was made possible by the fact that the courts were passing laws, and the outcomes of legal cases began eliminating injustices.

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