Slavery in the United States and United States Government Assignment

Slavery in the United States and United States Government Assignment Words: 1339

The development of a national railroad system was hampered by which of the following? A. The absence of a national standard for track width b. The publics fear concerning the safety of rail travel c. The refusal of most financial institutions to grant loans for rail construction d. The cost of both buying land and hiring the number Of workers necessary to lay track over rough terrain 3. In the mid-nineteenth century’, where was the one place that northern and southern railroads connected? A. Baltimore, Maryland b. Bowling Green, Kentucky c. Nashville, Tennessee d. Richmond, Virginia .

How did railroad construction in the South differ from railroads in the North? A. Research clearly indicated that such investments would be of no economic benefit to the South. B. The South erected large, national railroad lines. C. The southern states believed that such construction should be the responsibility of the federal government. D. Railroads in the South remained local. 5. Which of the following is true of the labor movement during the 1 sass? A. It was made up primarily of socialists and anarchists. B. It was successful in getting pension plans for many workers. Its major achievement came when the courts relieved workers from the threat of conspiracy laws being used against them if they organized or engaged in strikes. D. It demonstrated the unity present among workers. 6. The Massachusetts case Commonwealth v. Hunt was important in which of the fool lowing respects? A. It declared organized labor to be an illegal restraint of trade. B. By ruling that it was constitutional for a state to use the militia to end labor disputes, it declared strikes to be illegal. C. By ruling that a contract between a labor union and a factory owner was ending, it recognized the right of labor to bargain collectively. . It recognized the right of workers to organize and strike. 7. Initially, the biggest market for redeemed clothes was a. Women from wealthy families in the Northeast. B. Southern planters who bought such clothes for their slaves. C. Workers in textile mills. D. Businessmen working in Northeastern financial centers. 8. Which of the following made urban expansion possible in early-nineteenth century America? A. Public transit b. The power of cities to annex adjacent unincorporated areas c. Donations of land to city governments d. Removal of the Native Americans .

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Which Of the following touched the lives Of more Americans than any other reform movement? A. The temperance movement b. The maintaining movement c. The public education movement d. The interpenetration movement 10. Which of the following is true of advocates of the “common school” movement t? A. They advocated teacher training and a lengthening of the school year. B. They proposed that the state should assume responsibility for teaching lower-class children, but that operand middle-class children should be educated at home or in private institutions. C.

They advocated the building Of state-supported technical and vocational schools. D. They proposed that institutions of higher learning should be free to all who wanted to attend. 11. In the minds of most Americans of European descent in the early nineteenth century, the West a. Was an uninhabitable wilderness. B. Represented a place where they could own land and achieve economic independence. C. Consisted of a Hodge-podgy of cultures that could never be assimilated into the nation. D. Was a peaceful and idyllic area. 12. Which of the following was true of the Northwest Territory between 1790 and 1860? . Migration into the region was slow largely due to the questionable status of slavery in the area. . The population of the region grew at a phenomenal rate. C. The region’s climate caused a significantly higher death rate than in the Northeastern states. D. Although the population grew due to natural increase, more people actually left the region than moved into the region. 13. Which of the following is true of “black laws” passed by many Midwestern states in the sass? A. These laws prohibited gambling of any kind and imposed strict penalties against bookmakers. B.

These laws prohibited African Americans from living within the border of such states. C. These laws prevented the return Of runaway slaves to their southern wieners. D. These laws provided financial incentives to free black laborers willing to become permanent residents. 14. Beginning in 1820, why did western migrants find the Midwest more attractive than the Southwest? A. The United States government would finance a move to the Midwest but not to the Southwest. B. The transportation routes of the Midwest were better developed than those of the Southwest. C. The growing season was much longer in the Midwest. . They could obtain free land. 15. Which of the following is true of the Black Hawk War? A. It marked the end of militant Indian resistance uprisings in the Old Northwest. B. It raised the possibility that Great Britain would honor its defensive treaty with the Auks by actively intervening on their behalf. C. It represented the first time that Native Americans successfully resisted removal from their ancestral lands. D. It represents one of the worst defeats ever experienced by the U. S. Army. 16. Most people traveling overland to California and Oregon followed which of the following routes? A.

The Northwest Passage b. The Oregon Trail. C. The Santa Fee Trail d. The South pass 17. Army explorer Stephen Long described the region of present-day Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska as a. He Great American Desert. B. God’s County. C. The Dust Bowl. D. The Bread Basket of America. 18. By the General Survey Act of 1824, Congress gave the military to power to a. Survey and divide the Louisiana Purchase territory north of the Missouri Compromise Line into square townships. B. Reroute the Colorado River. C. Chart transportation improvements that needed to be made for military or commercial purposes. . Report on the feasibility of establishing irrigation projects in arid areas west of the Rocky Mountains. 19. The General Land Office, established in 1812, a. Established a credit system for the purchase of western lands that averred small-time farmers. B. Handled the distribution of federal lands in the West. C. Had the power to set the price-per-acre of western lands. D. Was charged with the responsibility of preventing speculators from buying large tracts of federal western lands. 20 . The radical, new southern position on the territories espoused by John C.

Calhoun in 1846 contradicted the a. Missouri Compromise. B. Monroe Doctrine. C. Polk Doctrine. D. Three-fifths compromise. 21 . The most critical question that emerged in the aftermath of the War with Mexico was a. What course the South would take if northerners continued to press the leaver question. B. What to do about slavery in the territory acquired from Mexico. C. How to limit the president’s vaguely defined war powers. D. How much to pay Mexico for the territory acquired by force. 22. Which of the following occurred in response to Californians application for statehood in 1850? . President Taylor called a special session of Congress for the purpose of repealing the Missouri Compromise. B. Some southern politicians wanted to postpone Californians admission to the Union and make it a slave territory. C. Several New England states threatened to secede from the Union if California was admitted as a slave state. D. Congress adopted an amendment to the California statehood bill that extended the Missouri Compromise line to the Pacific. 23. Which of the following is true of the Compromise of 1 850? A. It completely rejected the idea of popular sovereignty. . It included a stronger fugitive slave law. C. It abolished both slavery and the slave trade in the District of Columbia. D. It angered northerners by acknowledging the boundary claims made by Texas. 24. After passage of the Fugitive Slave Law, a. Mexican authorities extradited runaway slaves to the United States for prosecution. B. Significant number of blacks living in the North saw the act as a threat to their freedom and fled to Canada. C. Most northern judges refused to enforce the act because of its repressive nature. D. The Underground Railroad ceased to operate. 25.

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