Nationalism and Imperialism in Russia and Ukraine Assignment

Nationalism and Imperialism in Russia and Ukraine Assignment Words: 578

Ukraine was abandoning an agreement that would strengthen ties with the European Union. As a result of the announcement, many in Ukraine were not happy, and protesters took to the streets. Protesters were fighting for closer relations with Europe and wanting to end growing ties with Russia. Protesters were losing hope when no actions in their favor were being made. Therefore the protesters stopped believing there would be any peaceful negotiations. On Feb.. 22, Hancock left the country after government troops under his command attacked and killed 82 protesters in Kiev.

The Ukraine parliament voted to replace him in his absence. Ukrainian new president, Electrons Torching, issued an arrest for Hancock, who oft but still claims to be the “real” president of Ukraine. Crimea, a region of southern Ukraine has its own parliament separate from the Ukraine. But has been part of Ukraine since the asses. The Crimean port city of Soapstone Is home to naval bases for Ukraine and Russia. Ukraine declared Independence from Russia In 1991. Crimea wants to rejoin Russia for nationalist and imperialist reasons. Russia is trying to gain control of Crimea again.

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After the Ukraine president fled, pro-Russian Crimean held protests in the streets showing they wanted to secede from Ukraine. Crimean military surrounded Ukraine military asses in Crimea, where more than half the population is Russian. Assault troops who were soldiers from Russia took over the parliament building and cut off Crimea from the rest of Ukraine. Ukraine officials were ordered out of office at gunpoint and replaced with Pro-Russian politicians. The new leaders announced an order to secede, the vote being backed by Russian’s president, Putting. Putting had been trying to prevent Ukraine from strengthening ties to Europe.

Putting vote reverses the trend of democracy, and the fear is that he may do it with other nations, risking war. The protests of the people of Crimea are signs of nationalism. But not nationalism towards their own country, nationalism for Russia. Because most of the people of Crimea are native Russians and speak Russian In their everyday lives and as their first language, they feel strong ties to Russia and want to rejoin them. Being a part of the Ukraine, most Crimean feel different and separated from the rest of the country because of the language and the tradition variations.

So Crimea made some changes, on March 1 5th, Crimea was part of Ukraine; March 17th–according to Putting and Crimean officials signed a treaty to make Crimea officially part of Russia. This Joining of Russia pleased most Crimean because they feel that Crimea belongs to Russia and is similar to Russia and has many ties with Russia to not be considered part of its territory. On March 18, 2014 a group of pro-Russia masked gunman stormed stormed a Ukrainian military base outside the Crimean capital.

As a result, several Ukrainian soldiers were shot and one killed. Russia, wanting to obtain control, wealth and power over Crimea is an example imperialism. Russia wants to prove the strength and power it holds. Putting wants the land for wealth, power, and to show other countries what he can do. Some philosophers and politicians think that Russian’s President, Vladimir Putting, is trying to disable Crime’s democratic government in order to show that he can, and that after he does he will try to take over other countries. This could cause a threat of war.

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Nationalism and Imperialism in Russia and Ukraine Assignment. (2019, Feb 17). Retrieved October 23, 2024, from