“the Impact of Internet Usage on 3rd Year Nursing Students of Unp-College of Nursing in Their Academic Performances” Assignment

“the Impact of Internet Usage on 3rd Year Nursing Students of Unp-College of Nursing in Their Academic Performances” Assignment Words: 945

TITLE: “THE IMPACT OF INTERNET USAGE ON 3RD YEAR NURSING STUDENTS OF UNP-COLLEGE OF NURSING IN THEIR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCES” Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM Introduction Internet is a worldwide network that connects millions of computer and rapidly transforming the character of life and work. Internet gives tremendous impact on the conduct of every aspect in life especially in education. Nowadays, most of the students rely in the new trends brought by technology. When it comes to education, internet is the number one source of the students in making school requirements.

However, there are negative aspects too with regards in using internet, but if we use it enough in the right way, it will be a big help and easier for us to learn something new in just a click away. From the 130 3rd year nursing students of College of Nursing in University of Northern Philippines (UNP), almost all of them are using the internet access for school requirement purposes. As the whole world of the “information Super Highway” is in constant transition, so is the rule of internet on education, still being formatted, evaluated in constant transition (Carmella Kedem, CAPP 385, Spring 1999).

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Questions of honesty and integrity immediately come to mind. Would the student simply plug into one of those services and for answers to school work problems (Paulita Laurita, BellaOnline’s Library Sciences Editor)? Then it involves significant concepts that students must know in order to understand and notice the impacts of internet in their Academic performances. A book published by Jill H. Ellsworth proclaims of the internet as, “It is a powerful releaser of emotion, motivation and engagement for students.

Contacts around the world, make any project more dynamic and more interesting. Both teachers and students can be invigorated by the freshness and immediacy of the Net. ” This is view of many educators and parents: the internet is a good resource, but until there are books and other needed resources, the internet is frill. The rush to use the internet in schools has created some concerns. How do students, whose families cannot afford internet access from home, compete academically with those whose families can afford cable or DSL internet service?

Does it mean, they will follow the trend of internet just to level with those who have internet access? Is there a difference on the impact of being bookish alone and being internet dependent? What does it take to encourage positive attitudes towards internet usage? What are the impacts of such use in student learning? Is there any benefit of using internet as part of a nursing education? Such mind ??? boggling questions. In this study, the researcher intended to find out the impact of internet on 3rd year nursing students of UNP-College of Nursing in their academic performances.

The result of this study will serve as basis for every 3rd year nursing student in order for them to improve their academic performances in terms of the new trends of quality education brought in this generation and to evaluate that whether the usage of internet improve their academic performance or not. It is beneficial to the students to help them realize the benefits of internet in their education. Statement of the Problem This study aimed to determine the impact of internet usage on 3rd year nursing students of UNP-College of Nursing in their academic performances.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following: 1. What is the socio ??? demographic profile of the respondents classified to: A. Son/Daughter ??? related Factors: a. Age b. Gender c. Number of children in the family d. Economic status of the family e. Monthly family income f. Stand in the family (eldest, middle son/daughter, youngest) B. Student ??? related Factors: a. Intensity of internet usage by student b. Attitude of students towards internet usage c. Number of students in the class d. Length of time in making school requirements e. Number of subjects f. Resources in making school requirements 2.

Is there any relationship between the usage of internet and the 3rd year student’s academic performance? 3. How the internet usage does affect nursing student learning? Scope and Delimitation The study focused on the impact of internet usage on 3rd year Nursing Students of UNP-College of Nursing in their Academic Performances. The subject comprised all the sections of 3rd year Nursing Students of UNP-College of Nursing namely: Amaryllis, Camellia, Dandelion, Delphinium and Mulberry. The study also aimed to determine the relationship between the usage of internet and the 3rd year student’s academic performance.

Furthermore, the study sought to answer if how the internet usage affects the learning of a nursing student. The input variables are the a) son/daughter’s profile, namely: age, gender, number of children in the family, economic status of the family, monthly family income, and stand in the family (eldest, middle son/daughter, youngest); b) student factors: intensity of internet usage by student, attitude of students towards internet usage, number of students in the class, length of time in making school requirements, number of subjects, and resources in making school requirements.

The throughput is the impact of internet usage on 3rd year nursing students of UNP-College of Nursing in their academic performances. The respondents of this study are the 130 3rd year nursing students of UNP-College of Nursing. The researcher made use of descriptive correlational method of research. Closed and open ended questionnaire form was designed for this study. Frequency and percentage were used to show the socio ??? demographic profile of the respondents classified as Son/Daughter ??? related Factors and Student ??? related Factors. Mean and simple linear correlation was also used as statistical tool for the study.

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"the Impact of Internet Usage on 3rd Year Nursing Students of Unp-College of Nursing in Their Academic Performances" Assignment. (2021, Oct 06). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/science/the-impact-of-internet-usage-on-3rd-year-nursing-students-of-unp-college-of-nursing-in-their-academic-performances-assignment-40192/