Marine Biology- Angel Fish. Assignment

Marine Biology- Angel Fish. Assignment Words: 1133

The mystery of the deep blue sea. Such a marvelous place, with incredible species, and ones yet to be discovered. It’s like a puzzle waiting to be solved, trying to uncover what’s hidden beneath the deep unknown waters. So many fish, and species in the ocean, its so hard not to be fascinated by this wonderful place. However, there’s this once fish that always seems to catch my eye, and attention. The Coral Beauty, but may also go by??the Two Spined Angel fish, the Dusky Angelfish, or simply the Coral Beauty angel.

The Coral Beauty is found in kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Class Actinopterygii, Order Perciformes, Family Pomacanthidae, Genus Centropyge, and the scientific name is the Centropyge bispinosa Vanuatu. With eye catching looks, of course that’s the reason everyone wants one. When reaching maturity the coral beauty may reach the length of four inches or even larger but not by more than 2 inches, they are usually a relatively small fish. They commonly have a deep blue-purplish shade that spreads through the whole upper part of the body, including both their fins and heads.

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The colors however do vary according to where they originated from, and the temperature of the water. They may also be outlined in a more attractive or brighter blue that will also grasp your attention. Up from the belly is a distinctive pink-orange color, of which will cover the bottom of the coral beauty and may even be noticeable at the lower part of the head. As part of the angel fish family they also have a rough surface of scales, which increases the ability to becoming seriously injured from being entangled in a net of some sort.

The Coral beauty is one out of the many magnificent creatures in the ocean. Widely known to the great barrier reef of Australia, the indo- pacific, Tropical Atlantic, Indian, and the Pacific areas. However they can be found all around the world. Known to live in the deep coral reefs, where they can be found up to 650 ft below the oceans surface, but it’s not impossible to find them in the grassy regions because that’s usually where they stay as juvenile fish. The coral beauty usually lives in a very diverse area. They like to be in warmer waters, around 78-82 degrees F.

Most commonly found in shallow waters, and tropical waters with just the right amount of sunlight. They like to be sheltered in cave like structures or little crevices. The coral beauty is also very good at becoming adapted to fish tanks, as long as there’s enough water to swim. You might even want to get soft corals and rocks and pile them upon one another, allowing the coral beauty to live in a more natural environment. However you must be quite cautious when selecting a little tank roomie. You’ll usually have better results if you place the coral beauty in the fish tank last.

The salt water tank has to be 30 gallons at least, but hopefully larger, smaller tanks will usually bring out anger and territory problems. If well taken care of they can live for up to 10 years or more. However they will survive longer in their own natural habitat, living up to ten years in captivity is nearly impossible. The reproduction of the Coral Beauty is relatively hard in captivity or nearly impossible. Spawning will usually take place around sunset this is when the coral beauty will release a sex cell, then a phenomenal show of swimming and chasing will occur.

The larvae will then hatch during the next evening swim. They will then stay with the plankton around the water and settle on the reef around metamorphosis time. Indeterminate sex is where the coral beauty begins its life, this occurs before becoming female. However, the females may develop into males as they mature and grow older. Considering the opinions of many scientists little Coral Beauty fish can be extremely hard to take care of and maintain. The diet of the coral beauty is also quite simple, and easy to handle. It might be one of the easier fish to care for.

Nibbling from day to night, constantly eating. They eat off of live rock animals; this would be including a lot of red algae, and greens. Aside from the ample amount of nutrients they get from the rocks you must provide them with little microscopic plankton, small crustaceans, mollusk, tiny worms, Mysid Shrimp, and of course other little creatures. They also have a lot of predators, usually being bigger than them by more then 5 inches. If you have a coral Beauty Living in a tank it is extremely important to??have a live rock for nutrients, where algae can grow, and where they can nibble.

You must also offer your Coral Beauty other supplements or you can guarantee they won’t live very long. The behavior of the Coral beauty is quite peaceful and obedient. It’s the fish everyone wants in there fish tank. They are commonly found in little groups of fish or maybe even alone. They might be aggressive towards some fish; they will more than likely become aggressive when they have territory problems. They also don’t get along with fish like themselves, or of similar size, or shape,??and you might even want to keep in mind that they may nip at other invertebrates.

Other than that they are easy to maintain, and shouldn’t give you much of a hard time. The population of the coral beauty is excessively large, and more than likely you’ve seen one before. They have a lot in captivity but not nearly as much as the ocean, the population of the coral beauty exceeds past the millions, by far. The Coral beauty is a marine angelfish, and is of the most popular of salt water fish kept by people. There’s approximately 80 species of the angel fish, and there all from the tropical regions. Butterfly fishes are closely related to the coral beauty,??family Chaeotodontidae, the family that they were once included in.

They are related to the flameback angel fish,?? half back angel fish, midnight angel fish, the potters angel fish, the keyhole angel fish, and many more. As of now there is no protection for the coral beauty because they are caught and sold for captivity, and until the population of the coral beauty declines excessively it will not change. As you can see the coral beauty is an amazing creature, and remarkable in its own way. It has amazing characteristics that enable it to survive, likes it rough scales. It also has an outstanding temperament which makes it the fish everyone wants in their fish tank.

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