Ground Water Pollution Assignment

Ground Water Pollution Assignment Words: 800

Groundwater and Surface water Pollution Surface waters are the natural resources of the Earth, which are found on the exteriors of the land. Ground water is water that comes from the ground, which comes from rain, snow and sleet. These types of waters can become polluted in a numbers of ways and come from a number of varied sources. All types of water pollution are harmful to the health of humans and animals. It may not affect or damage our health immediately but can be harmful after long term exposure.

Surface water pollution is the most visible form of pollution. We can see It looting on our lakes, rivers, streams and oceans. One of the most evident forms is trash from human consumption. Water bottles, plastics and Other waste products is often the most evident. It can also come from oil and gasoline spills which float on the surface as well. 40 percent of America’s rivers are too polluted for fishing swimming or aquatic life. The lakes are even worse (Hear). Over 46 percent are lakes are too polluted for fishing swimming, or aquatic life (Hear).

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Oil spills are killing animals and damaging our oceans all over the world. They are sometimes the reason for animals becoming endangered. These spills don’t only affect the marine life, but hum a life as well. The toxins in the oil or distilled products contaminate the air we breath. Some less volatile compounds such as Pass may absorb on dust and other small particulate matter suspended in the breathing air and may get into our bodies through inhalation (Environmental Pollution Services). In affects us when we consume contaminated food such as fish.

Some of the oil hydrocarbons such as Pass fasciculate in fish and other organisms and may concentrate many times more than in water or other media (Environmental Pollution Services). This type of pollution is fairly easy to control. Avoid throwing litter into streams, lakes, rivers, and oceans. Disposing of oil, gasoline, paints and polishes should be done properly and not thrown into trash cans or flushed down toilets. These simple steps can easily lead to the reduction of surface water pollution.

Groundwater pollution is becoming more relevant because it affects our drinking water and the aquifers below the soil. It I caused by highly toxic chemicals and pesticides from farming that leak through the ground to contaminate the water we drink below the surface. In urban areas water gets contaminated in many different ways some of the most being leaky water pipe joints in areas where the water pipe and sewage line pass close together (TIER). Pesticides are also a major factor.

Run-off from farms, backyards, and golf courses contain pesticides such as EDT that in turn contaminate the water (TERRIER). Groundwater becomes more susceptible to contamination, as pesticides are mobile in the soil. Sewage is also a major source of groundwater pollution. The organic material that is discharged with municipal waste into the watercourses uses substantial oxygen for biological gradation thereby upsetting the ecological balance of rivers and lakes (TERRIER). This also carries microbial pathogens that are the cause and spread of diseases (TERRIER).

Disease is a serious issue with the contamination of our drinking water. Water borne diseases are infectious and spread though the contaminated water. Most of theses diseases are transmitted through fecal waste (TERRIER). Pathogens which include viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and parasitic worms are disease-producing agents found in the faces of infected persons (TERRIER). These diseases are more preventable in areas with higher sanitary conditions. Hepatitis, cholera, dysentery, and typhoid are the more common water borne diseases that affects large populations.

In order to prevent this type of pollution everyone should feel responsible and take action. Industrial, commercial and all other businesses in various industries should employ measures in preventing pollution and make environmental efforts to help save land and water (Writer). Agricultural practices should employ crop soil management. This includes enhancing organic matter, proper planting, good drainage and irrigation systems and utilizing appropriate equipment for plunging and harvesting (Writer). As for using fertilizers and pesticides avoid spraying in close proximity to open waters.

Do not dispose of household chemicals into toilets and avoid harmful chemicals when cleaning. Water is our most precious resource on earth. We as a population need to do everything possible to reduce ground and surface water pollution. It is slowly killing our environment and in time will slowly kill us too. We can help save marine life and lower the risk of human disease by taking action. Taking simple steps in our daily routines and being courteous to the environment will help reduce pollution and save many lives.

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