Geography Case Study Assignment

Geography Case Study Assignment Words: 1099

Teensiest is one of the most important and attractive coastal sand dunes system in Scotland In winter, the off-shore banks are home to a variety of interesting bird pieces such as gatecrashers, Eider ducks, and Greenland geese. There is also a large seal population. Immediately inland there are extensive pine plantations with many kilometers of track Teensiest is very popular for many outdoor recreational activities (mountain biking, walking, seal sporting… And is chose to large centers of population such as Dundee and SST. Andrews Since 1954, the area has been distinguished as a National natural reserve and is controlled by the forestry commission and Scottish Natural Heritage. Problems: Difficulties facing colonizing plants: Sand dunes that form next to the sea are small Strong stormy high tides and the use of the beach by people can destroy plants and dunes Sand us a sterile environment, often lacking of hummus and nutrients Sand can be very dry.

Water retention is poor because of rapid drainage and the drying effect of the winds. Even wetting from sea spray is of little use They have to adapt to alkaline conditions because of Shelley fragments Difficulties facing plants: Poor rooting conditions – loose spoil waste on beings and wide areas of concrete and tarmac do not make for an easy foothold Drought is often a problem – water freely drains through piles of cement, stones, broken bricks and spoil waste.

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Sequence of plant succession Plants adapt quite remarkably to the initially unstable and harsh environment of the foreshore Moving inland, acidity increases, salinity decreases, water retention, biomass increases and wind decreases The plants which colonies the embryo have to be xerographic (drought resistant) such as sea rocket, sea lame or couch grass Once the tops of dunes have grown, marry grass is able to colonies, been the main pioneering plant of the yellow dune Thanks to rhizomes (long creeping underground stems) spreading, the marry grass keeps pace with fresh deposits of sands.

On the landward, more sheltered side of the dunes, plant species establish themselves. Vegetation cover now completes the grey dune. Highest wood Topic: Management (human activities) Temperate deciduous woodland Trees that lose their leaves each year dominate temperate deciduous woodland. They are found in areas with warm, moist summers and mild winters. Halogenated wood Is sultanate as semi-natural ancient woodland.

I Nils supports a large number of species, a number which are listed as vulnerable, particularly those species that require stable unchanging conditions in order to survive. In terms of diversity, there are over 900 invertebrate species, 338 moth species, 353 fungi species, 70 bird species, and 7 bat species have been recorded. Current management action: There are a variety of habitats within the woodland areas.

These niche habitats are mostly located within the seven existing conservation areas that have been created since 1977 The management of the conservation areas has been varied and evolved over time, in response to successes and opportunities for habitat diversity Protective dead hedges have been established around areas with dense bluebell growth and nominating species such as holly and beech is kept in check.

Continue creating small conservation areas to encourage regenerative growth Focus on conserving stock of oak standards as “key stone” tress Increase the existing areas of dead wood habitat, especially standing dead wood to enhance birds, bats, and invertebrate habitat Improve the existing soil conditions throughout the woodland area using a programmer of mulching and operations to reduce compaction and erosion Continue to monitor and survey fauna and flora species and record and review our conservation work. Troopers Hill

Topic: urban conservation (management) Trooper Hills Local Natural Reserve lies about 1 km east of Bristol city centre. In the past this was the scene of mining and industrial activities. The flora of Trooper Hill is very interesting. The top of the ridge and tops of the spoil heaps are generally clothed with fine grasses and mosses. The top of the slopes has heath, sometimes with broom or gorse. Current management: Vegetation communities: Their special nature arises mainly from the fact that the bedrocks are sandstone, producing an acid soil. Each community has a distinct set of management priorities

Acid health Ling and bell heather are both found on the site, growing in a matrix of acid grassland. This is considered to be the most important part because it’s the only heath within the city of Bristol Acid grassland: The headland and acidic grassland are the most important habitats No other species are allowed to invade this area No management has been needed other than preventing invasion. In parts of Troopers Hills have relatively old heather and ling plants, and in the future it might be necessary to consider cutting back these areas to encourage Rexroth and new seedlings to emerge.

Flower meadow: Native tress are allowed to colonies part of the boundaries of HTH forming a useful barrier giving privacy to adjoining from properties and shelter for birds Non-species are removed when still young All seedling trees are removed from areas of heath and grassland in order to conserve the most important parts of the environment Trees are checked every two years as part of the risk assessment regime Scrub: Headland-type scrub with broom is managed to maintain the presence of typical species on site Hawthorn scrub is managed to prevent it from developing into Tolland Bramble is managed to prevent encroachment onto open areas of heath or grassland and paths Japanese Knotted is present in places. This is sprayed with herbicide twice a year. The objective is to remove the non-native, invasive species completely Topic: tropical grassland boomer Background It is located in the equator, between Tanzania and Kenya It has a size of 14,763 miles The average temperature is of 22. Co The driest month in the Serenity is of 20 mm and the month wit the most precipitation is of 152 mm The amount of vegetation in the Serenity is low due to he low rainfall bad because there is lots competition between plants for the water The main species in the National park are the: Acacia tree Baobab Cordon/ Bermuda/ Elephant grass Human Impact Today, the Serenity ecosystem is about 40% of what it historically was, much of this has to do with the development of agriculture and settlements. There are twenty tribes living around or in close proximity to the protected, and the increasing population causes a need for more development to sustain the population, which in turn deteriorates the Serenity.

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