VCU Retail Management Syllabus Assignment

VCU Retail Management Syllabus Assignment Words: 1294

Group members are expected to evaluate each other’s performance. Those missing meetings or not completing tasks are subject to a 10% reduction in your grade. If there is an issue with your team -contact the instructor. EVALUATION: Team Cases All cases will be discussed on the dates indicated on the class schedule and will not be accepted at a later date. The team cases are to be presented in class, for 20 minutes, and are to be followed by class questions (15 minutes) about the feasibility of the action plan. The team will submit a written report using the Team Case Analysis Outline approximately 6 pages.

One paper may e handed in for the team case. I will then conclude the case discussion, with the answer and “lessons learned”. Lastly, as a result of a Target Corporation Campus Grant for this semester the course will incorporate a team case competition. The top two teams from the class (evaluated by me) will present their case analysis to Target executives. This is included in your graded assignments. Individual Problem Formulation Case Assignment & Financial Analysis Cases are discussed on the dates indicated on the class schedule.

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You are expected to prepare and submit a two-page Problem Formulation (IF) deliverable that futures your understanding of the situation the organization faces. You will submit your IF prior to the problem discussion in class. You should bring an additional copy to reference during the discussion. COURSE GRADING SCALE Team Case (oral pres. & written) 15% Case Assignment & Financial Analysis 15% Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Final Exam 20% Participation & Professionalism Attendance Policy: Everyone is expected to attend every class and to contribute to our discussions and to be responsible group members.

If you have to miss a class due to a situation beyond your control, please inform me at your earliest convenience. Anyone missing three or more classes is in danger of a reduced course grade of 10%. You are expected to arrive on time for the beginning of each class and not leave during class. Students with excessive absences are subject to being dropped from the class. In the case of inclement weather, our class will follow university procedures, and the assignment due will carry over to our next scheduled class.

Regarding missed assignments, they will not be accepted later unless there are extenuating circumstances such as illness or accident. If you cannot be present for an exam, you will need to make arrangements ahead of time in order to take the exam. Honor policy: The VS. Honor System is based on the foundation that Virginia Commonwealth University recognizes that honesty, truth and integrity are values central to its mission as an institution of higher education. In a community devoted to learning, a foundation of honor must exist if that community is to thrive with respect and harmony.

Therefore, members of the academic community are required to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Categories of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, any deliberate and dishonest act that results, or could result in, a student receiving an unfair advantage in an academic matter: Plagiarism Cheating Lying Stealing Academic Materials Facilitation for Academic Dishonesty The VS. HONOR PLEDGE applies to ALL work for credit, unless otherwise stipulated by the instructor. On my honor, I have neither given not received aid on this assignment, and I pledge that am in compliance with the PVC_IS Honor System. ” All VOCAL Students are presumed upon enrollment to have acquainted themselves with and have an understanding of the Honor System. Also, it is a student’s responsibility ask course instructors to clarify expectations for each assignment in order to be in compliance with the Honor System. More information about the VS. Honor System is available at: http://www. Students. Vs.. Du/judicatories/students/ student_honor_system. HTML Suspected violations of the VICE Honor System should be reported to: Academic Integrity Officer Office of Judicial Affairs and Academic Integrity Suite 1 06, University Student Commons Box 843071 Phone: (804)828-1963 Fax: (804)827-1579 mail: honorsystem@vcu. Du Reasonable Accommodations: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1 973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 require Virginia Commonwealth University to provide an ‘academic adjustment’ and/or a ‘reasonable accommodation’ to any individual who advises us of a physical or mental disability.

If you have a physical or mental limitation that requires an academic adjustment or an accommodation, please arrange a meeting with me at your earliest convenience. TEAM CASE ANALYSIS OUTLINE ASSIGNMENT (6 written pages) 1. Problem Statement and Objectives (Note: keep to two to three ententes. ) Identify and explain problems in order of importance. What is the significance of the problem in terms of strategic marketing to the firm? Use of headings, page numbers, grammar etc. 2.

Situation Analysis (Note: keep to about two and half pages. ) Identify and explain briefly the core competence & SOOT of firm. Identify and discuss current products, price, promotion/positioning, distribution (store formats) strategy and target markets/segments in detail. Analyze financial information including: Net Profit, ROAR, ROE, Asset Turn, Gross Margin and Operating Expenses with at least a 5 year trend etc. N table format using percent or ratio comparisons and discuss in detail. 3.

Alternatives (Note: keep to about one page. ) Evaluate no more than 2 alternatives that would possibly solve the problem explaining your reasons for each. Include the advantages and disadvantages. Include marketing “growth strategies” to 1 ) promote/communicate, price and/ or offer 2) new products or identify a 3) new target market. 4. Recommendation (Note: keep to about one page and a half. ) Select and expand from Alternatives above detailing the execution of the market mix. Provide a detailed market strategy or action plan.

Include discussion of how product, price, distribution, promotion and target market is changed in both written paper and oral presentation). Also, provide an estimate of potential revenue, costs to implement in 5-10 stores in Richmond/Virginia. Provide financial and current update since time of case in both written paper and oral presentation. CASE GRADING SCALE Summary: of case problem(s), identified objectives and section titles 10% Situation analysis: market (mix) strategy, target market, 25% and core competence If install at time Of case 4-5 year trend in EXCEL table form 25%

Alternatives (list 2 decisions with strengths/weaknesses) 25% Recommendation (summary of advantages over alternatives) 15% Total 100% Semester Schedule: week one: January 14: Review of Syllabus, Course Overview Week Two: January 21: Introduction to Retailing, Types Of Retailers Target Executive Visit, Cost Film Week Three: January 28: Multiplicand Retailing, Customer Buying Behavior Prepare Cutbacks Case (Individual) Week Four: February 4: Retail Market Strategy, Financial Strategy Week Five: February 11: week Six: February 18: Retail Location, Retail Site Location Prepare J Penny Case (Team)

Week Seven: February 25: HRS Management, Customer Relationship Management Week Eight: March 4: Managing the Merchandise Planning Process, Guest Speaker Prepare Macy’s Case (Individual) HAPPY SPRING BREAK!!!

Week Nine: March 18: Retail Pricing prepare Target Diversity Case Week Ten: March 25: Exam 2 Eleven: April 1: Retail Communication Prepare Home Depot Case (Team) Week Twelve: April 8: Customer Service Week Thirteen: April 15: Exam 3 Week Fourteen: April 22: Exam Review Prepare McDonald’s Case (Individual) Final Exam: April 29, 7 Problem Formulation for Individual Case Write-up* ) What was the marketing/financial problem and why is it sign efficient?

Also describe Strengths, Weaknesses Threats and Opportunities (20 pats. ) 2) Discuss the marketing strategy (product, price, promotion and distribution and target market. Describe in some detail. This should be about three paragraphs. For example, mention all major product categories. (20 pats. ) 3) Evaluation Criteria used for cases is to compare Revenues, Gross Margin, Net Profit, Sales General and Administrative (SAGA) Expense, Asset Turn, Return on Assets, ROE in per cent form in last 5 years. E. G, 2010-2014. Note:

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VCU Retail Management Syllabus Assignment. (2022, Feb 20). Retrieved March 4, 2025, from