The Practice of Human Resource Management of Airtel Assignment

The Practice of Human Resource Management of Airtel Assignment Words: 2634

The Practice of Human Resource Management of Retailer Bangladesh university of Barista Assignment on The Practice of Human Resource Management of Retailer Bangladesh Submitted To: Md. Solely Chowder Lecturer Department of Management Studies Submitted By: Asparagus Department of Marketing university of Barista. Date of submission: 23/04/2014 Course Code: MAKE 313, Course Title: Human Resources Management Group Name: Asparagus No Name of The Group Member Roll No. Signature Marks Obtained Assignment Presentation Zamia Kiddies 331 2 Md. Has Marshal 3 H. M. Chalked Muhammad Shakily 341 4 Conical Aster Santos Debate 347 6 Md. AAA-Main 364

Abstract: sixth mobile phone carrier to enter the Bangladesh market, and originally launched commercial operations under the brand name “Ward Telecoms” on May 10, 2007. The purpose of making this report was to know about the changes that took place when Retailer took over Ward in 2010. There were lots of rumors of this change from 2008 and it was more like an open secret within the organization that retailer will merge with Ward. There were lots of tenpins that people will lose their Job, but retailer”s business model is such that nobody lost their Job, instead the IT officials got the chance to work in MOM, Ericson and Siemens.

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So the change was good and employees adapted pretty nicely. However the HER practices of Ward were very firm so employee dissatisfaction were pretty high, but Retailer put a lot of emphasis on employee engagement, so turnover rate in Retailer is almost zero. Page | 2 2. 0. Executive Summary Retailer is the sixth telecoms operators in Bangladesh. In January 2010, Birth Retailer Limited, Asia”s leading integrated telecoms services provider, acquired 70% stake in Ward Telecoms, Bangladesh. Since then the Journey of retailer in Bangladesh has started. But officially the activities with the brand “Retailer” started on 20th, December, 011 in Bangladesh.

As an emerging company Retailer is doing extremely well. Through their significant advances in Bangladesh, Retailer is moving ahead on the track to achieve their goals. The report has been prepared in align with HER activities at Retailer. Retailer values its human resources and its HER policies are aimed at targeting and retaining best talent in the industry, as the direct impact of the organizations improvement falls upon the employees. The organization work to develop and nurture engagement, which requires a two-way relationship between employer and employee.

The aim of this research is to find out the strategies and approaches that are taken by the Organization to build up Employee Engagement and the effectiveness of Employee Engagement in Retailer Bangladesh Ltd. This report provides the tactics and approaches of high perceived of organizational support taken by Employee. The report findings show that there are several factors that make employees satisfied and a positive outcome of Retailer. All engaged employees who intellectually and emotionally bound with the organization who feel passionate about its goals and its committed towards its values thus they go the extra mile beyond the Asia Job.

Page | 3 3. 0. Materials and Methods: 3. 1 . Primary research: As there is a lack of reference material, most of the analysis is based on observations and interviews with management, trainers and trainees. 3. 2. Secondary research: References from textbooks, websites and articles is used to assist the analysis. Page | 4 4. 0. Introduction: Fastest growing telecommunication sector of Bangladesh had been incorporated with the sixth mobile phone carrier which currently known as “Retailer”.

It is worth mentioning here that, this company was actually launched its commercial operations ender the auspices of the brand “Ward Telecoms” in 2007. Later on, Ward telecoms sold a majority 70% stake in the company to India based company Birth Retailer Retailer Ltd and was successful enough to revamp the whole company under their own Retailer brand from 2010. After it had been approved by the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission on Jan 4, 2010, the parent company arranged for better management, control, operation for this fresh facet of them.

This financial arrangement is being used for the expansion, better network, better coverage and capacity, innovative and new offers and services. Along with all these arrangements, new facets, decisions and funding, Retailer Bangladesh is undergoing a huge success and profitable business. Dhabi Group continues as a strategic partner retaining 30% shareholding and has its nominees on the Board of the Company. People in any organization are those assets which are integral part for the growth and development of any organization.

Therefore, constant training and development program along with some attractive compensation and benefits is no doubt a great facilitation for them. Following that, identifying the reasons behind the existence of unsatisfied workforce and managing them accordingly is the main challenge for HER. This report describes the acquisition, management, development and improvement of the workforce of Retailer Bangladesh Limited and how they are the most efficient and effective department to utilize and sustain their talented human resources. Page | 5 5. 0.

Requirement Process Working at retailer means a part of the brand that has ranked 7th in the list of most In Demand. Retailer is a brand that is future ready in terms of technology and most importantly, a brand that is ready to vest its future in the hands of a bunch of young ND vibrant campus recruits that will shape the way the organization conducts business going forward. An retailer career thus offers an opportunity to race ahead: 5. 1. Pre Placement Talks Pre placement talks are conducted on campuses about the programs for young professionals.

In order to apprise the student of the plethora of opportunities has to offer for young professionals. 5. 2. Application From Post the pre placement talk, interested candidates are invited to apply through an retailer application from which is circulated with the help of respective campus placement committees. 5. 3. Short Listing Retailer has increasingly seen a surge in the interested applicants over the years, thus short listing based on predefined criteria becomes an imperative step in the whole process. Short listing of candidates based on group discussion held on campus as part of the final selection process. 5. 4.

Group Discussion With over 100 applications coming in from each of the campuses, short listing based on an application from alone becomes a Herculean task for the campus manager, thus group discussion come into the picture and play a significant role in getting a final set of short list that”s finally advance into the final round of interviewers. . 5. Final Interview Final interview for the short listed candidates takes place on their respective campus as a part of the final placement process. Interviews are conducted by a panel of at least 2 people comprising of a business HER Head and member of the retailer management board. . 6. Final Offers candidates address to placement committee which then it turn inform the candidates. Page | 6 6. 0. Training & Development of Retailer Training is concerned with imparting particular skills for specific purposes. We typically say training can involve the enhancement of skills, knowledge, attitudes or social behavior. It may mean changing what employees know, how they work, their attitudes toward their work, or their interactions with their co-workers or their supervisor. Training and Development in Retailer is one of the major responsibilities of the Organizational Development team.

The Organizational Development (DO) Unit encompasses four main areas of activity: 0 Training 0 Talent and Leadership management 0 Career and succession planning 0 Reward and Recognition 6. 1. Internal and External Training: Retailer”s goal is to reverse the existing training model of heavily outsourced training, ND instead develop internal training as the centerpiece of its employee skills development strategy. 6. 1. 1 . Internal training: At Retailer, internal training can be broadly categorized into: In-House Training – training conducted by employees.

Internal training is those provided by vendors who are engaged by RETAILER to provide relevant training on a need basis. 1) On-the-Job Training 2) Coaching. 6. 1. 2. External Training: External Training will therefore be utilized strictly to import unavailable skills or expertise on a one-time, non-repetitive basis and will generally be reserved for managers and above. External Training as opposed to internal training is those provided by vendors who are engaged by RETAILER to provide relevant training on a need basis.

External training can be classified into: 0 Domestic – trainings taking place within Bangladesh 0 Foreign – trainings taking place outside Bangladesh 0 In-house Vendor Training – training conducted by vendor in RETAILER premises Page 17 6. 2. Skill Development For most of the technical development, on-the-Job training is considered. If any identified technical training cannot be conducted while on Job, the training need is forwarded to the division head for his / her attention. The division head co-ordinates with the HER division to seek training from outside source.

For managerial or people skills training, the division head requests the HER division for the specific training; the HER division identifies if the training can be provided by the resources inside, or else seeks training from other training organizations. Retailer offers different course sessions where the expert instructors provide knowledge on various management or technical subjects like team development, leadership skills, GSM technology, etc. Page | 8 7. 0. Categories of Employee Engagement people:- ; Engaged: “Engaged” employees are builders.

They want to know the desired expectations for their role so they can meet and exceed them. They’re naturally curious about their company and their place in it. They perform at consistently high levels. They want to use their talents and strengths at work every day. They work with passion and they drive innovation and move their organization forward. ; Not Engaged: Not-engaged employees tend to concentrate on tasks rather than the goals and outcomes they are expected to accomplish. They want to be told what to do Just so they can do it and say they have finished. They focus on accomplishing tasks vs.. Hiving an outcome. Employees who are not-engaged tend to feel their contributions are being overlooked, and their potential is not being tapped. They often feel this way because they don’t have productive relationships with their managers or with their coworkers. ; Actively Disengaged: The “actively disengaged” employees are the “cave dwellers. ” They’re “Consistently against Virtually Everything. ” They’re not Just unhappy at work; they’re busy acting out their unhappiness . They sow seeds of negativity at every opportunity. Every day, actively disengaged workers undermine what their engaged rockers accomplish.

As workers increasingly rely on each other to generate products and services, the problems and tensions that are fostered by actively disengaged workers can cause great damage to an organization’s functioning. Page I 9 8. 0. Factors Leading to Employee Engagement of Retailer Studies have shown that there are some critical factors which lead to Employee engagement. Some of them identified are- 1. Equal Opportunities and Fair Treatment 2. Performance appraisal 3. Pay and Benefits 4. Health and Safety 5. Job Satisfaction 6. Communication 7. Family Friendliness 8. Co-operation Page | 10 9. 0.

Motivation Factors of Retailer Actually in retailer Bangladesh limited theory Y is applicable because they provide a friendly working environment to their employee. Partnership and friendly management system is running here. Every employee has the right to raise his/ her voice in the company and share their idea with managerial body. HARM department treat their employee in a democratic manner. For this reasons not only top down management system is not used but also the horizontal management system is also used. In Retailer HARM body also focus on both goal oriented and value driven corporate ultra and satisfactory career prospects of employee.

They also motivate their employee through reward and recognition mechanism. This policy is given bellow- 9. 1 . Reward and Recognition In a competitive business climate, more business owners are looking at programs are one method of motivating employees to change work habits and key behaviors to benefit a small business. To retain its employees and creating a good impression, ABLE designs and updates its reward and recognition program time to time; which is however named as “Retailer KUDOS Reward & Recognition Program”. The IM of this program is to designing innovating and motivating ways to engage and attract people towards the organization. Identification of company or group goals that the reward program will support is important 0 Identification of the desired employee performance or behaviors that will reinforce the visions of ABLE. 0 Determination of key measurements of the performance or behavior, based on the individual or group”s previous achievements 0 Determination of appropriate rewards 0 Communication of program to employees In order to reap benefits such as increased productivity, the HER team of Retailer designs he reward program in such a way that the company or group”s goal must be identified and the behaviors or performance will contribute to this.

The reward program can be financial and non-financial as well. HER team of Retailer Bangladesh focuses on the non-financial rewards than financial because it is long lasting and more awaited remuneration to the employees. To achieve its vision by 201 5 of being the most loved brand and enriching the lives of millions; ABLE continuously works to achieve its 3 values- alive, inclusive and respectful. Page | 11 10. 0. Employee Engagement Practices in Retailer The most important drivers of growth and success for any organization are its people. The organization work to develop and nurture engagement.

Retailer is considered to be the best in HER practices. Different practices that is detained by Retailer Bangladesh Ltd are 0 The HER department sets up cross-functional teams in times of product or service launches. ‘ ‘Such teams typically constitute high performers from each department, who collectively make it happen. These approaches help to communicate every department with each other. 0 To further HER interface, every member of the HER department has been assigned woo departments to discuss and sort out all HER, personnel and administration issues. The idea is to provide employees with a single window to the department. 0 The HER Intranet provides information on HER policies, organizational structure, training calendar and the house Journal. With these initiatives, Retailer has won a special place in the Birth group. The quality of service and customer care is a reflection of the quality of people and our belief in constant improvement and up gradation. 0 Employee friendly HER policies have been put in place, which amply reflect the organizational concern for its people. Some typical examples of these policies and practices include 1. . Figure: HER Policies amply in The Organization page | 12 These policies and practices are applied across the organizational levels without any 0 Retailer offers a flexible compensation structure to its employees wherein the employees have the flexibility to structure their fixed component of their compensation according to their requirements within the ambit of legislation. 0 KEF- Employee Communication Form is a sought of meeting or conference held once in a year or once in two year by the top management. In this meeting all the employees re supposed to gather in the conference hall.

There follows open communication between employees and the top management, where employees are free to communicate or can discuss various issues coming up. Through these meetings employees get chance to get themselves fully engaged with the company and the issues or the new objectives of the company. 0 In retailer there is a reward and recognition system which encourages the employees a lot. Every employee recognizes the best work done by their team members, seniors or Juniors. Page | 13 1 1. 0. SOOT analysis on Retailer HER practices: 11. 1. Strength: Friendly working environment.

Focus on win-win-win policy by practicing HER in ethical manner. Democratic leadership style. Focus on employee satisfactory career prospects. Value driven corporate culture. 1 1. 2. Weakness: Lower compensation programmer. Inefficient in proper utilization of its ( Retailer) HER capacities. Work pressure on HER is so much not fully motivated. Poor international roaming facility for HER personnel. Shortage of human resource in the Help-line than the competitor. Insufficient ongoing training. Criteria used to evaluate performance are not clear. Lack of orientation programs for new employee.

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