The Importance of Time Management for Students Assignment

The Importance of Time Management for Students Assignment Words: 4207

The importance Of Time Management For Students Many people face the troubling in time management as we all know, in many of the cases lack of time are there. Someone has to finish his task is suitable to the lack of proportioning the task. Often people tend to have trouble managing time because they try to manage too many tasks at a time and also there are many people who just waste their time doing nothing just because of their pure laziness. Off lately time is becoming one of the most valuable resources which is wasted by many people because they don’t know how to manage time.

Many people in life do things which have no value to time. To prove this, walking through a dorm on a week night several students can be found sitting around and playing video games when they have a paper or an assignment due the very next day, and also can find employees sitting around the office playing solitaire while the hours are meant to be used to get productive work done. It is observed that for many, time may not be of any great significance but to others it lies of extreme importance.

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In my eye the constructive use of time is beneficial and that in any aspect of life one shall realize the significance of time and must measure the value of every minute ND each second. Speaking of the use of personal and professional use of time find that the use of both in an appropriate way is important. Personal as well as professional goals and the objectives are achieved or unachieved on the grounds of how one uses their skills. The results of one’s efforts are directly attributed to the time management skills that they develop and often employ in many cases. Speaking of each in sequence I’d discuss the following in detail.

Target goals ahead, is always good to plan the future ahead or say prior to the assigned time in order to achieve the maximum output. Goal setting, goal setting is where the scheduled target is mapped out. It shall be preplanned to take up the top priorities and to schedule the major pieces of thoughts in advance, making a good use of time effectively and smartly, Delegating or getting rid of the clutter, achieving a balance is equally important. Punctuality is an important character in the world that we live, people need to make well use of the time that they have because time is scarce.

When we talk of time management and the importance of time management for the students, the punctuality come and sat the top of the list. Realizing the value of time and making good use of its essence. All the above can be considered to be the skills of the effective time management. Let us move to the real topic of discussion. The above was important to have been discussed prior to the actual discussion due to the fact that I disclose all that personally had in my mind and at the same time to bring forth the matters Of discussion in sequence..

There is a lot to say on that as it is a vast topic, let’s begin with the real key to effective time management and how it relies on the focus of their goals by the individuals as well as the choices hose individuals make for their achievements. The website of Counseling and Development Centre (CDC) 1 999 March 1 6th stated the summary of time management principles and addressed the choices of how to best make use of your time. Coming to know of what your goals are and what time is available to you helps you decide of a good use of time and self management.

My day begins at 6:AMA every morning rush to have a shower, say my prayers and have my breakfast at 7:AMA. Next I have to catch my bus at the bus station, from home to the bus station it takes about 10 minutes or more. Then on it takes 45 minutes for me to get to allege. In the mean time as I travel I’d take a piece of reading material to make good use of the travel time daily (it can me a magazine ,news article, a comic or some sports update. I like listening to the radio too so often when am not reading on the bus I’d probably listen to a radio programmed to pass time out.

I’m at college at about 8:00 am -8:10 am. This certainly is when I’d sit back and relax myself or engage in a discussion with friends till its time for the class. At 8:30 am sharp the class begins and so does my actual day. Spend time studying and keeping me engaged into multiple activities round he clock, utilizing each jiffy effectively. This includes all from making use of the computer labs to reading books at the college library. I come home after college watch T. V. Hang out with friends over a pot of coffee at Cataracts or others go for a walk and sit for some net surfing.

Late at night I’d sit to study have dinner and sleep and so the next day begins. Thus it is important for me to draw a line at the end to the point that the most effective way of utilizing time is its effective use. I’m recalled by what I once read on “If Time Is Money, No Wonder I’m Not Rich” by Mary L. Spouse that offers an introduction to the uncial planning, a guide to investments, and suggestions for applying Time Management Principles to Managing your Money. And this can only be done by getting serious towards the ground realities of life, accepting the challenges and working hard on targets and goals provided.

This will help attain success in life very easily, we use basic thinking skills in every days live with less difficulty (Cottrell 2005) Time is very crucial; people need to make the best of the time in their possession as by doing so a lot can be achieved in their lives. Time being a limited resource means that a minute lost is hard to e return, life is short people need to make the best of it by making every minute count, by doing so most people can achieve their goals in life. Students should generate a habit of utilizing time more efficient and affectively.

They are the new generation of the developed world therefore with the punctual character they could be unstoppable in the world. They can accomplish a lot in life therefore the world will be a better place. Time management is a skill that can be learned, and when done so can make life less stressful and productive. Everyone has different task assigned that need to be done differently. Importance Of Time Management Essay- What Is the Importance of Time Management Many people who are aware of the fact that work has to be done on time.

In fact, if you can’t finish the tasks that require to be accomplished in a day, you presumably require a time management solution. It’s not unusual. Many people don’t have a satisfactory time management solution, but they should. Having a goal is quite critical. Importance Of Time Management Essay Anyway, having a goal-oriented strategy that makes an effective use of your time will bring you success no matter how you look at it. There isn’t anything we can do about time itself. It keeps ticking the same as ordinary. We can change how we deal with events though. It is hard to overestimate the importance of time management.

Firstly, we cannot change the amount of time there is in a day. No matter how we juggle things around, there is still only twenty-four hours in a day. This gives us a limited amount of time to work on during the year – in fact one might say that despite differing opportunities in life everyone has the exact amount of time, so the only thing We can do in our lives when it comes to time is altering the Way We use it. Once you realize this, you know that wasting time leads to a wasted job, reject or even life itself. In this article, we look closely at the importance of time management in our lives.

Your important time starts now Everybody knows that we have more than twenty different things that need to be done in a day. We don’t really know how we are going to fit all of this into our busy schedule. The time management importance is this next statement: Those twenty things you need to do have to be prioritize. What does this mean? This means you need to put the things you want to do into a list and then decide which ones are more important, and which ones can wait. The things that can be done later are still put on the list, but we know there are other areas to take care of first.

We now have to decide how long we are giving ourselves to do each of those different tasks. We need to be realistic. If it is an event that requires travel, the actual traveling needs to be put in the plan as well. If you know you have to stop for gas when on the road, you will need to add that into the plan as well . Importance Of Time Management Essay Time management is a key to academic success. Students around the world learn this sooner or later. The best students are not necessarily those who re “smarter”, but those who use their time effectively.

When you plan your days and weeks in advance, time can be your friend rather than your enemy. And although time management can seem like a pain, once you have mastered this skill, it will enable you to get the most out of life. It can free you to live more effectively, calmly and enjoyably. It can help you get more done with less stress, disorientation and frustration. It can also give you higher marks throughout the school year, as well as on your quizzes, tests, and exams. Think about it. Have you ever heard of an athlete, even one who is aid millions of dollars a year, playing in a game without showing up for practice?

Have you heard of a musician delivering a concert without taking time daily to rehearse? Have you heard of a scientist proclaiming a grand discovery without hundreds of failed trials? All these professionals know that in order to succeed in their professional areas, they have to put in their time. Unfortunately, millions of students around the world behave otherwise. They appear for exams expecting magic! Without making adequate time to study, they hope to get the highest grades and are then disappointed or ashamed hen the results prove otherwise.

Frankly, in today’s highly competitive world, if you are lucky enough to be in school, college, or university, you are holding a coveted spot, desired by many. You may have deprived another eager young person from getting admission, because your application appeared more promising, more likely to succeed. So after all the effort to get in, what are you doing about it? Are you making the time to study after working so hard and possibly paying so much to actually get into a particular school? Once you make the decision, there are a number of excellent time management systems tattoo can follow.

Although these are sometimes expensive or complex, you can achieve your goal by adopting a simple time management approach. The eight strategies below could make a huge impact on your academic career. 1. Organize your time Life improves when you decide to do things differently. In this case, the goal is to gain control over time, rather than letting it control you. It is about taking ownership of time, which is the essence of your life. The main objective of time management is for you to have a clear picture of your upcoming days, weeks, and months.

It is a way for you to discover what time you have available to devote to study, recreation, or other activities. Make the decision to be the master of your life, rather than its suffering slave! 2. Assess your time Many students genuinely believe that they study a lot. Some even protest that they study all the time! In reality, this is far from the truth. The only way you will discover how many hours of your busy day you actually study is by completing a personal time assessment. The method requires you to keep track of everything you do for an entire week, from the time you wake up to the time you fall asleep.

That means recording every single detail. At the end of the week, add up the totals. For example, count the number of hours spent on eating, traveling, studying, talking on the phone, shopping, exercising, smoking, watching TV, being online, etc, until you have a complete picture of where your time goes. If you find you are losing a lot of time to activities other than studying, try to balance your schedule. Start eliminating the time bandits by making small adjustments in your habits and behavior in order to get better control Of your precious time. 3.

Set your priorities The objective of time management is to allocate time wisely, so you can achieve your goals. If you wanted to be an Olympic swimmer or ice skater, you would have to practice several hours a day for years. In the same way, to be a top student you must have a good idea of the study requirements. Even though each subject places different demands on you -? reading, writing, research, experiments, assignments, essays, projects, papers, presentations, tests, and exams – by proportioning, you will increase your chances of success. For each subject, decide how to complete all required tasks, over a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis.

This advance planning will increase your wariness, making it less likely for you to squander time away meaninglessly. 4. Make a schedule After establishing your priorities, set up a schedule which respects your priorities. A wide variety of student organizers, diaries, planners, electronic tools and time management systems are available on the market. Choose or create whatever seems best for you. Many students select weekly planners that enable them to see the big picture more easily. Make sure your system is something you are very comfortable with as you will be referring to it often.

Then, set up your schedule in this order: Mark in all your fixed commitments such as classes, seminars, tutorials, and part-time jobs. These are the givens, which you cannot change. Add in study time. Block off large sections of your day, reserved for studying alone, as well as shorter review periods. Organize your peak study times to coincide with the times of day when you are most awake and alert. Mark in other non-study activities. These are the important but lower priority items, such as exercise, recreational classes, or socializing, which you will fit in when possible. . Use a calendar In addition to your weekly planner, invest in a large monthly wall calendar. Jot own all the important due dates, deadlines, exams, etc so they are in front of you as a visual reminder. This will make you more aware of important dates and allow you to adjust or rearrange plans if you are behind schedule. 6. Use review cards Always keep some review cards with you to read over when you are waiting for something else to happen. This could include when you are traveling or waiting in line at the bus stop, bank, supermarket, cafeteria and so on.

You could also place review cards in common locations which you pass frequently in your house, such as on the fridge door, bathroom mirror, etc. Frequent petition and review is one of the keys to remembering information easily and effectively. 7. Plan activities logically Get to know your bodily cycle; then, schedule activities around it as much as possible. If you always feel sleepy after lunch, for example, use the time to get in your daily walk, instead of fighting to keep your eyes open over a history book. 8. Plan some down time. You are not a robot!

Schedule some time to relax so you can rest and refresh your mind and body. This will enable you to study more effectively. Get enough sleep as well. A sleep-deprived student is not going to be able to reform at his or her best. Effective Time Management Effective Time Management The constructive use of time is beneficial in any aspect of life. Personal as well as professional goals and objectives are or not achieved with how one uses those skills. The results of ones efforts are directly attributed to the time management skills they develop and employ.

Planning ahead, goal setting, making a major decision, maintaining persistence, delegating, getting rid of clutter, achieving balance, saying NO, punctuality and realizing the value of time can all be considered skills of effective time management. The real key to effective time management relies on the focus on their goals by the individual and the choices they make. As stated on the website of the Counseling and Development Centre (CDC), Summary of Time Management Principles (1999, March 1 6) “Everyday you make choices about how to best use your time given the goals and options you have.

Knowing what your goals are and what time is available to you are the cornerstones of good time/self management. ” Avoiding Procrastination In the professional environment people are so easily distracted by ‘noise. Whether it’s emails, admit or politics, there will always be something that mess so much more important than the actual task. More often than not, people will get caught up with the nice to have activity rather than the critical work which creates more value for the business. Being ruthlessly focused means you have the ability to cancel out this noise and focus on what is important.

It’s a strength in itself to be able to say something is not critical. James Can procrastination is the scourge of action planning. It’s important that you manage ‘Your fear of doing things’ you don ‘t want to do and realize that the fear is often far worse than any possible negative results. Try to take sections immediately when possible and when you don’t need to gather more information pertinent to the decision. The best time to do something is usually NOW. Taking action generates the impetus for further action.

Many applications to prestigious employers now need to be made in the first term of your final year and if you procrastinate you’ll miss the deadlines. Why use time management skills? It’s important that you develop effective strategies for managing your time to balance the conflicting demands of time for study, leisure, earning money and subjoining. Time management skills are valuable in subjoining, but also in any other aspects of life: from revising for examinations to working in a vacation job. Sometimes it may seem that there isn’t enough time to do everything that you need to. This can lead to a build up of stress.

When revising for examinations, or during your final year when you have to combine the pressures of intensive study with finding time to apply for jobs good management of your time can be particularly important. Once we have identified ways in which we can improve the management of our time, we can begin to adjust our routines and patterns of behavior to reduce any time- related stress in our lives. Managing Time for Success in College Time is one of our most important resources. Effective time management is a skill most people need to make the most out of their personal and professional lives.

To a college student, it can make the difference between a mediocre and a superior performance. To manage time effectively, you must control it. When you do not consciously control time, your old habits will control your time and set limits on your achievements. The first two crucial steps in taking control of time are establishing goals and following a schedule. You can use the assignment deadlines and examination dates predetermined or you by your instructors as semester goals. But you must create a schedule that will enable you to reach those goals successfully.

This handout presents a method of scheduling and time management that will help you achieve your goals and manage your time effectively. A Month-at-a-Glance Calendar Write all important dates on a month-at-a-glance calendar. Note when assignments, themes, reports, and research papers are due. Record dates for quizzes, tests, mid-terms, final examinations, and presentations. These dates are your goals and referring often to your calendar will help you keep focused on your goals. A Weekly Priority List Before each school week begins, prepare a weekly priority list that takes into account both short and long-term assignments.

List those things that you both need and want to accomplish during the week. First, identify what needs to be read, reviewed, or written for each course. List specific chapters and pages. Then review test schedules and long-term assignments and specify time for preparation. For example, include library time for research if a semester paper is assigned. Use your weekly priority list to break down long- term assignments into manageable pieces and to monitor progress toward our goals. A Semester Plan You need to construct a plan for achieving your semester goals that is flexible enough to adjust to your weekly priorities.

By planning how you will use all the hours in each day of your week, you can program your time effectively. A semester plan is an effective program for reaching your goals. It is a detailed, weekly schedule of activities. The schedule allots time for classes, studying, personal care, eating, sleeping, recreation, etc. If you construct and conscientiously follow a semester plan, you will establish good time management habits and program yourself for success. In order to create an efficient schedule for yourself follow these five steps: Identify committed time.

Record those things you must do and/or will do and record the times attached to each activity. Include your class and work times, church and family activities, exercise times, commuting, etc. Identify personal time. Record the time you need for sleeping, eating, grooming, doing household chores, etc. Estimate study time. Estimate how much study time you will need for each class. Begin by following the two-for-one rule. Plan to spend two hours studying outside of the classroom for every one hour of lass each week. If you spend a total of 12 hours in classes each week, plan at least 24 hours of study time in your schedule.

Allot more time to difficult classes and less time to easier classes. Eventually, you Will discover how much study time you will need in order to succeed in each class. Establish a study plan. Set specific times for studying. When possible, incorporate the following time management principles: Plan for peak periods of concentration. Determine when your high and low periods of concentration occur. Reserve peak times for intensive study. Use less efficient times for less intensive tasks like rewriting notes and recopying or typing assignments. Schedule study times according to class periods and course formats.

Study close to the time you are in class. Some classes take more preparation before class. Others require review after class. For a class in which you discuss and recite, plan to study just before class begins. For a lecture course, plan to study soon after the class ends. Study in time blocks. Plan 50 minute blocks of study time separated by 10 minute rest periods. Your study time will be more focused when you know when a break will occur. Study difficult subjects iris. When you begin studying, your mind is alert and fresh and your concentration is better.

Do not give in to the temptation to get easy things and little assignments out of the way first. Practice distributed learning. Learning occurs more effectively if it is spaced over several study sessions. Study a subject one hour each Of three nights rather than three hours in one evening. You will master the material more easily if you follow this method. Use daylight hours productively. Research shows that each hour used for study during the day is equal to one and one-half hours used at night. Make your semester plan livable.

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