The Evolution of Education in America Assignment

The Evolution of Education in America Assignment Words: 1791

Throughout the united States, students are enrolling in colleges and universities at records numbers. This trend Is occurring In spite of the hard to swallow Increases In tuition and fees by institutions of higher learning. For example, attending a two-year college In 1980 would cost a low-income Tamil 6% to their income: in 2000, the number was 12%. Those attending four-year schools in the same period spent In 1980 and in 2000 (Higher Education , 2012).

The cause of the increase has been contributed to higher education cost, don Increase In technology, and other educationally related expenses. As a result, it has become more and more difficult for those In middle and lower-income tamales to attend college. The persistent Increases in tuition, along with government assistance targeting certain demographics and family income not keeping pace, has made it difficult for some to earn a college degree. Therefore, DSL America opens her classrooms In search for her next great scientist or mathematician, she systematically locks the doors of opportunity to a large portion of her population.

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In this article, we will explore the business of online Education. In consideration of the Online Education industry, we will discuss the cost of online versus traditional education, the financial challenges that face the American public and some of the pros and cons of online versus traditional schooling. We’ll sum up the conversation with a look to the future and how technology may effect the world’s educational system as a whole. History of Distance Learning “The history of distance education could be tracked back to the early asses in the form of correspondence education. UT technology-based distance education might e best linked to the introduction of audiovisual devices Into the schools In the early asses” Ferries, 2012). Technological advances throughout the course of the sass’s have made distance education, as we know It today, possible. Distance education has taken many forms, from the introduction of slides and motion pictures to the early televisions to the sass’s. The asses saw one to the TLS broadcasts to instructional programming when the Midwest Program on Airborne Television Instruction launched its “flying classroom” to school systems. He general public and students cross five states (Jiffies, 2012). In 1972 the Cringle Commission wrote, “by the year 2000, more than 80 percent of off-campus and 10 to 20 percent of on-campus Instruction would take place through telecommunications” (Education, 1972). A visionary statement indeed. Today, institutions of higher education, business, and the military use distance education for education and training. Online or distance education has grown to become a billion dollar Industry that guarantees students a quality education at a fraction of the cost of traditional “brick and mortar” Institutions. Educational support Seductresses. Mom compares the cost of traditional and online degrees. Their website suggests the cost of an online education and an education at a mid-sized “brick and mortar” school to be almost exactly the same. So where does the online schools, students are not required to pay for food, dorm rooms, transportation and in many cases, paper bound books. Learners are also given more flexibility when they complete degrees (without paying for extra semesters) and enrolling in school on a per-course basis. The latter could be welcomed news for families who will find faculty paying an average of $21 , 189 per year to send their child to a four-year school. Between 1999-2000 and 2009-10, prices for undergraduate tuition, room, and board at public institutions rose 37 percent, and prices at private institutions rose 25 percent, after adjustment for inflation. ” – Higher Education, 2012 One of the most alarming things to note is that federal and state financial aid has decreased during this same period. Peel Grants, a popular form of federal student aid does not cover as much of the student expense as before; and individual states are creasing aid to colleges and universities in order to balance their budgets.

In today’s era, these grants cover a smaller portion of tuition at public four-year colleges and universities than they did in 1986. In lieu of this decrease in aid, it is worth noting that both public and private institutions provide students institutional aid that amounts to approximately $13 billion annually. But this support does not go without disparity. Many states and institutions provide this needed support to students who are considered more academically attractive than those who need it.

In other words, person from a low-income area with a definite need of assistance and equal educational credentials may not get scholarship or financial aid assistance because a person from a higher income family will be considered more attractive. “While need- based student financial aid has lost ground to tuition increases, programs for students without demonstrated financial need have proliferated. In 1981, 91% of state financial aid was allocated on the basis of need or a combination of need and academic qualifications. In 1999, 78% of state aid took need into account. Advantages and Areas of Concern So why not attend an online school? What are the benefits and risks of online education? If a student that stays at home and works a part or full time Job and goes to school online, they could save approximately $5,000 per year and still earn a quality education without the overhead (Real Online Degrees , 2010). Learners who chose online schooling may also benefit from the convenience of the online environment, the cultural diversity of studying with people from all over the world and the benefits of using the technology that will influence our world in the future.

The online environment enables learners living in rural areas an opportunity to tend well-known colleges and universities from the comfort of their own home. It also provides an opportunity for global networking. Working with instructors or other students that have a web of networking leads could be a benefit for an active learner in the online classroom. With teleconference or videoconferencing technologies, On the same note, online college degrees are still gaining recognition in our society. Students interested in pursuing degrees in certain career fields will not be able to do so online.

For instance, you may not be able to become a practicing psychologist in some states if you earn your degree entirely online. Also, some employers take exception to students who earn their degrees online. It is recommended that people interested in pursuing and online degree research the accreditation and credentials of their program to ensure it meet the industry standard for their field. There will also be those who are more comfortable with the direct face-to-face interaction and the intimacy of the classroom.

Aside from the financial benefits of attending online schools, another possible cause for the increase in popularity of online courses may be due to the demographic of those taking online lasses. For example, overall college enrollment for students over the age of 25 rose 43 percent between the years of 2000 – 2009 (National Center for Education Statistics, 2012). This age group consists of either students pursuing a postgraduate degree or a career person that is Juggling the responsibilities of work, home, family, and school.

The students in this learning population are often times already established and can find comfort in the flexibility that online course offer. Ethical Concerns Ethically administrators, instructors and students will have an inherent accessibility to ensure the integrity of the online learning environment remains intact. There are a few suggestions that I would recommend to address issues such as academic integrity, funding of education, and instructor integrity. They are: Integrity 1 . Academic integrity policy – concerns may be addressed by ensuring an effective integrity policy is in place.

Many institutions already have these but they may need to be tailored to the online environment. 2. Acknowledge the disadvantages of online education and design ways to overcome them – this will be a challenge of those that sign courses. The question of “why not” will need to be answered her. In other words, minimize reasons of why something can’t and shouldn’t work. 3. Design effective curriculums – ensure lesson plans effectively communicate the topics being taught and apply them to real world situations. 4. Be creative in designing assignments – this is an extension of the previous.

Avoid giving the same assignments to each and every class, term after term. This will decrease a reproduction of a previous students work. Funding: Is a challenge at federal and state levels. Lawmakers and school officials need to intention to work on an effective resolution to the high cost of tuition as it has hit at one of the most difficult times in our nations history. To this end, there is not one answer to this challenging question. Instructor Integrity: Institutions should ensure there is no illegal use of software and that software or programs, books, etc. Are used in strict accordance with licensing agreements. The overall industry of distance learning revolves around integrity. Unfortunately, for as long as there is a human element involved with this industry, and others, there will be a failure in the rational Choice system of ethics. The Future We live in a world where more than four billion people subscribe to cell phone services and information passes freely from one continent to another in a matter of a result, education will more than likely continue to shift with it.

In his article, America’s Future in Global Education, David Whole writes that the days of segmented classrooms and school bells are in our rear view mirror. Whole goes on to suggest how as a futurist, he can envision the world of education in the 21st century. As business leaders and educators, it would be our Job to make his vision come to life. But in reality, his vision is already here. We Just need to take it and move it to the next level. Is it possible, I say yes. With budget constraints on the federal and state governments, online courses and technologies are becoming more prevalent in both high school and college campuses.

The technologies utilized in these environments are allowing learners to interact with students located in other countries and encourages the free flowing relationship of ideas and new discoveries. Conclusion In Zephyr Teacher’s “Will the Web Kill Colleges” (Teach, 2012) she mentioned that funding of research and the academy may face dramatic change. I agree. It may come to pass that we may see the development of a World University, where the most competent instructors and facilitators of the day will Join together to educate the future leaders of our world.

What will be the cost? What will the challenge associated with a world university be? I don’t know, but I’m sure the end result will be something magnificent.

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