Sustainability Report Assignment

Sustainability Report Assignment Words: 2483

Hoe and Grabby (2009) and Kumar and Putnam (2008) argues that sustainability in manufacturing processes is a foremost organizational concern throughout the world and is leading to firm regulations with regards to the influence of services and products throughout their manufacturing, use and end of life. Go et al. 2008) and Hausa et al. (2008) states that this process now takes in reverse logistics to additionally safeguard the natural resources and protect the environment during the execution of manufacturing production at commercial level. 1. Issues of Sustainability in Manufacturing Industries Industries throughout the world have revealed their concern in the manufacturing which is purely environmental friendly and is sustainable. At the moment, the attention is focused on manufacturing which is a pole apart from conventional focus with reference to life-cycle assessment and pollution control. Mad et al. 2002) discourses that processes, services and products cooperate with the environment and generate a kind of effect, which can be substituted with that of chain reaction, on the global environmental pollution.

In modern and developing countries, a massive quantity of waste is not recycled or properly cast out of by industries, which goes against the very practice of sustainability. This has shown the way to serious problems of dangerous waste management, locating latest sanitary landfills, and the reduction of raw materials. In order to cope with this negligence and cycle of waste, Ares (1989) argues that manufacturing industries ought to find novel and sustainability-oriented ways to transfer waste from one manufacturing industry that can then be recycled in another such manufacturing industry.

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In this element, Mad et al. (2002) has presented a product life-cycle approach for a manufacturing process which is sustainable. This life-cycle approach is basically based on the idea of recycling, environmentally helpful equipment design and selection of material, product design and manufacturing processes, efficient waste collection technological systems, disassembly and recovery of scraps, and removal of dangerous waste and components. Manley et al. (2008) define green chemistry as “the design, development, and implementation of chemical products and processes to diminish or purge the human health”.

In short, one could describe green supply, green manufacturing and green marketing as a sustainability chain. In order to understand the significance of sustainability with regards to manufacturing and services (M&S), the author of this assignment has also highlighted the literature on sustainable business development (SOB). 1. 4 Objectives of the Assignment The major objective of this assignment is to bring out a framework for Sustainable Business Development which is workable effectively in manufacturing and services area.

This assignment is going to provide an insight on the SOB in the M&S industry that follows different techniques, operational policies, strategies and tools to carry out its day to day operations and projects. It is important to highlight that the presenting of this framework is actually based on the processes of supply chain. 2 Need for Sustainability in Manufacturing Industries Industries throughout the world are under the strong pressure to re-mull over their sustainable business practices both in services and manufacturing.

The pressure is external, as from the government; and internal, as driven by strategic objectives, the superior management, health and safety of employees, cost-reduction and savings, productivity, and top-notch product quality. Following this pressure, many industries in the world have employed a sustainability framework which is based on the corporate, social, economic and environmental objectives in their actions. Clark (2007) emphasizes that the industrial importance can be asserted via sustainability, which points at the sustainable industries process and sustainable products being manufactured.

Clark (2007) also emphasizes that the process-oriented strategies can create a sustainable package which is compatible with the environment. Sleekly and Inrush (2005) discourses that sustainability concepts assist the business in diminishing the risk; it averts from the waste, increase the energy efficiency and material resourcefulness. During the feasibility, planning, design and build/ implementation phases of the product development the approach towards the sustainability help the industries to incorporate their social, environmental and economic objectives into their business objectives. C. Has been viewed as a strategic weapon engaged to carry out well not merely for a better environment, but also a better economic and social structure within the organization. 3 Sustainability in the Manufacturing Project Phases Sustainability is required throughout the project or product development phases. These phases are biz. Feasibility, planning, design, and build/implementation phases. Unless these phases are sustainable-centric, the overall project and product development will survive the concept of sustainability as it has been discussed in the earlier part of the assignment.

The author of this assignment has discussed the sustainability of the project phases in 3 different parts, biz. Economic sustainability, social sustainability and environmental sustainability. All the phases of the project are being viewed in the light of sustainability in the following part of the assignment. 3. 1 Economic Sustainability Economic sustainability means that whether or not the finance being poured into the project or the development of the product will subsist and produce any benefit to the organization and consumers/customers.

While carrying out the feasibility study, the cost-benefit analysis must be done. The cost-benefit analysis (CAB) has been used by almost all the industries and businesses. The sustainable development strategy with regards to economic sustainability is to incorporate the cost of all the phases of the project. At first the key team members are going to be appointed and a research will be carried out to establish the standards, which will require the finance. The better the research on the product/project, the better the sustainability will be.

Sleekly and Inrush (2005) argues that for projects such as manufacturing of goods in an engineering industry, economic sustainability involves the increasing of economic growth, gathering more share-holder value, earning the corporate status, involving the relations with the customer and employees working in the project team, and last but not the least the quality of products and services. 3. 2 Social Sustainability Social sustainability in the manufacturing industry can be diverse. Because a manufacturing industry produces goods at massive level, the number of shareholders automatically increases. Enervation ought to have same, if not greater, access to the social resources the way the current generation has. Social sustainability here deals with the equity of employees, listening to the takeovers in a prudent manner and give their opinion due consideration, promote a democratic culture, enhance the quality of work-culture in the industry and promote the sense of maturity in the employees. Social Sustainability is the major element of sustainability. A number of researchers may dispute in a different way, but fundamentally sustainability is in relation to creating and maintaining quality of life for people working in the workplace.

In this case it is the manufacturing industry. The social constituent of sustainability does have an amount of its own different criterion. Social sustainability comprises of protecting the rational and physical wellbeing of all the internal and external stakeholders, cheering the community, handling all the internal and external stakeholders in a rather fair way, and garnering and rendering necessary services. These elements are vital for the reason that a strong culture and society cannot be formulated and exerted if the people working in industry are in poor health with regards to any thing.

If the employees are dealt unjustly then it will simply be a matter of time prior to they resort to complain and protests in different ways. This creates chaos and puts in danger the sustainability of the workplace of industry. It is also significant that necessary services are efficiently distributed to all and sundry who wants them. To put it shortly, a socially sustainable manufacturing industry and a process must: 1 . Defend the psychological welfare of all internal and external stakeholders 2.

Defend the material and physical health of all internal and external stakeholders 3. Give confidence to the community 4. Take care of all internal and external stakeholders in a Justly fashion 5. Offer all stakeholders with crucial services that they need . 3 Environmental Sustainability For a manufacturing industry to adopt a sustainability approach, it is important that it realizes the importance of environment it is living in, desire for the clean and healthy environment, and must pass it on to its coming generation with the same aim and perhaps in a better form.

This increases the sense of responsibility. Environmental sustainability in the industries, such as the manufacturing, promote the idea that the present process of interaction with the environment must be kept cleaner so that the coming generations can live with it as better as the current enervation. The reduction of greenhouse gases and carbon foot prints is the major factor that contributes to the environmental sustainability. The design of the products in the manufacturing industry and the overall planning of way.

This process is contingent upon the expertise of the environmentalist and designers employed by the organization to pursue its business goals with a sustainable-centric approach. Life-cycle assessment is becoming as a influential instrument in the assessment of the impact on environment by the manufacturing process. Culpa and Virus (1999) explains a methodology regarding the life-cycle study of manufacturing processes taking into consideration the elasticity and decision-making prospective of knowledge-based systems.

The attention is on waste minimization at the manufacturing plant and related sustainability features in connection with the impact on the environment. Environmental management systems are more and more approved and accepted by manufacturing organizations to endorse and exhibit sound practices concerning the environment. These systems basically investigate the impact on the environment by employing the methods of life-cycle assessment. 3. 4 Sustainability in plant design The main focus of this assignment report is to determine the means for developing sustainable business development in manufacturing industry.

It is the understanding of the author that apart from the product development in the manufacturing industry, the structure of manufacturing industry is itself of essence when it comes to the environmentally sustainable design. An industry must have all of these so that it be sustainable to the environment when it comes to its plant design: Absorption refrigerator Earth cooling tubes Geothermal heat pump Annulled geothermal solar Heat recovery ventilation Renewable heat Seasonal thermal storage Solar air conditioning Passive cooling Hot water heat recycling Solar hot water 3. Sustainability in Supply chain operations system which demands buy or make decisions, supplier choice, procurement, purchasing and outsourcing. Since the 21st century, enterprise operations have focused more on global operations through outsourcing and procurement or purchasing. In order to improve the sustainability, the supply chain operations must be improved within the industry. . 6 Sustainability in production Sustainability in production comprises of the factors such as the coping of the process with sustainable input, like equipment, people, energy and the machines with the sole objective of reducing the waste.

Many approaches like Just in Time approach, Rock and water analogy and lean management can be applied in the manufacturing industries to produce the sustainable goods and avert from the waste of resources. 3. 7 Sustainability achievement through recycling or remunerating Every product or process manufactured or employed in the manufacturing industry as a life cycle, which means after the life has expired, the product or services should not be used. This way the sustainability can be maintained by recycling and remunerating the goods. . 8 Sustainability in the process and product designing The problem could arise with regards to the sustainability of environment when the CEO-labels are not attached to the product, such as medicines and polymer products. For example, the pommel products are being thrown in the river would become dangerous to the environment and the marine life. To prevent this from happening, Hoe and Grabby (2009) suggests that the CEO-label must be attached to the product to increase the awareness in the consumers.

Based on the study of Clark (2007), around 30% to 80% of the impact on the environment caused by the product or service being manufactured in the industry is decided during the design stage. Therefore, the design stage holds a significant importance to create a sustainable product via a sustainable process in the industry. 3. 9 Sustainability in the production Barber (2007) in his study suggests that the attempt for sustainable production and institution is comparatively little, however there is a mounting overlap of individuals, networks and organizations that are frequently dedicated to diverse economic, social and environmental concerns.

Barber (2007) in his study also connected to production-based proposals together with life-cycle investigation, pollution avoidance, cleaner manufacturing, and comprehensive manufacturer accountability. Clark (2007) recapitulates the development of worldwide policy on sustainable production and consumption, and focuses on some of the actions that have been assumed by the partition of technology, and manufacturing industry. Tapster and Kananga (2008) in his study demonstrated an incomplete yet balanced representation for sustainable infrastructure venture in a labor-production financial system.

This replica can be employed for sustainable expansion in the industries such as manufacturing ones. It is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Tapster and Kananga (2008) model 4 Conclusions and Recommendations For Future Work In this assignment, an effort has been made to comprehend the difficulties of sustainable business development (SOB), the sources and their challenges, and the recommendations made thus far to cope with these issues surrounding the sustainability in the manufacturing industry in the light of different development phases, such as feasibility, planning, designing and build/implementation.

Based on a suitable critical evaluation of the literature on sustainability, the author has analyses the sustainability during the project development phases. Regardless of the current consideration that sustainability subject has got, the manufacturing industry still has to go through a lot of progress specially with reference to the environmental issues in correlation with the supply chain activities, for instance the green manufacturing, green marketing, and so forth. Equilibrating the social, environmental and economic challenges needs additional awareness as well.

Many industries appear to have been unaware of the possible advantages of sustainable business development. Enlightening all the internal and external stakeholders regarding the shared accountability on sustainable business development (SOB) in the manufacturing industries is the major aspect for achievement. Furthermore, a well recognized set of cornerstones ought to be formulated and applied by Government to promote and encourage the sustainable business development (SOB). These standards could possibly have the features derived from the life-cycle costing and analysis as discussed earlier in the assignment.

The author has identified the following areas which could be covered in the future work. They are: 1. To develop an extensive structure for the sustainable manufacturing processes regarding the supply chain 2. Conduct case studies and empirical research and evidence to lay out the project development processes in a better way 3. To investigate on the most sustainable economic system by doing involved in different sustainability techniques 5. To study the human resources issue in the light of sustainability

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